1982-1988 | Studies Biology, University Bayreuth |
1988-1991 | Ph.D., University Bayreuth |
1991-2001 | Group Leader, Institute for Botany, University Heidelberg |
2001 | Habilitation, Botany, University Heidelberg |
since 2001 | Forschungszentrum Jülich |
2001-2011 | Director, ICG - Institute for Chemistry and Dynamics of the Geosphere, ICG-4: Phytosphere |
since 2011 | Director, IBG - Institute for Bio- and Geosciences, IBG-2: Plant Sciences |
2004-2011 | Member, Executive Board, EPSO - European Plant Science Organization |
2006-2008 | Research Director, Research Area Earth and Environment, Forschungszentrum Jülich |
since 2006 | Member, Executive Board, European Technology Platform Plants for the Future |
2006 | Founder, JPPC - Jülich Plant Phenotyping Center |
2007-2012 | Member, Steering Committee, European Technology Platform Biofuels |
since 2007 | Member, Directorate, KoGa - Competence Center for Horticulture |
2008-2011 | Vice President, EPSO - European Plant Science Organization |
since 2009 | Spokesman, IPPN - International Plant Phenotyping Network |
since 2010 | Chairman, BioSC - Bioeconomy Science Centers |
since 2011 | Coordinator, Cross-Program Activity Sustainable Bioeconomy, Helmholtz Association |
since 2012 | Coordinator, EPPN - European Plant Phenotyping Network |
| German Head, LABEX Germany of EMBRAPA (Brazilian Agro Research Organization) |
| Member, Science Advisory Board, German Association for the Support of Private German Plant Breeding |
| Chief Executive Officer, QS Science Fund - Fruits, Vegetables and Potato |
| Member, CEPLAS - Center of Excellence in Plant Sciences |
| Coordinator, DPPN - German Plant Phenotyping Network |
since 2013 | Senior Official, EU-CELAC - workgroup Bioeconomy in the cooperation process between Latin America and Europe, Government of the Federal Republic of Germany |
| Programme Speaker, Helmholtz Programme Key Technologies for the Bioeconomy |
2014-2018 | Chairman of the European Technology Platform Plants for the Future |
since 2015 | Chairman of the International Plant Phenotyping Network (IPPN) |
since 2016 | Chairman of the ESFRI-project EMPHASIS: European Plant Phenotyping Infrastructure |
since 2019 | Member of the Excellence Cluster CEPLAS (Plant Sciences) and member of the steering committee |
| Member of the Excellence Cluster PhenoRob (Robotics for Phenotyping and Digital Agriculture) and member of the board of PhenoRob |