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Valdis DOMBROVSKIS Member, European Parliament, Brussels


1991-1993 Laboratory assistant at the University of Latvia, Institute of Solid State Physics
1993-1995 Laboratory assistant at the University of Latvia, Chair of Semiconductor Physics
1995-1996 Laboratory assistant at the University of Mainz (Germany), Institute of Physics
1997 Researcher at the University of Latvia, Institute of Solid State Physics Engineering
1997-1998 Laboratory assistant at the University of Maryland (USA), Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
1998-1999 Macroeconomic analysis expert at the Bank of Latvia, Monetary Policy Department
1999-2001 Senior economist at the Bank of Latvia, Monetary Policy Department
2001-2002 Chief economist at the Bank of Latvia, Monetary Policy Department
2002 Elected as a Member of Saeima (Parliament) from the political party Jaunais laiks (New Era)
2002-2004 Minister of Finance of the Republic of Latvia
2004 Member of Saeima (Parliament) of the Republic of Latvia, Jaunais laiks (New Era) political group
2004-2006 Member of the Control Committee of Nordic Investment Bank
Adviser to the Minister of Economics of the Republic of Latvia
since 2004 Member of the European Parliament, Head of Latvian delegation in EPP-ED group


He has several publications on economic and financial issues in Latvian and international newspapers, magazines and electronic media.
"State Revenue Service on its way to service institution", International conference "The role of tax administration and customs in national economy", 2003
"Aufgelöste J2 Spektren mit Breitbandigen Lasern", Verhandlungen der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft, 1997