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Dr. Vedran DZIHIC Senior Researcher, oiip - Austrian Institute for International Affairs, Vienna; Lecturer, University of Vienna


1995-1999 Study of Political Sciences, Communication Sciences, History, University of Vienna
1999 M.A., University of Vienna
1999-2000 Researcher. UNHCR - United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, Vienna
1999-2002 Teaching assistant, Department of Political Science, University of Vienna
1999-2008 Consultant, United Nations Organization, lectures on various UN-topics, United Nations Office in Vienna
2001-2003 Researcher, Office for Science of the City of Vienna; Holder, Forschungsstipendium der Stadt Wien
2002-2004 Assistant, Department of Political Science, University of Vienna
2003-2005 Leading Researcher, project "Reporting of Western Print Media about the War in Bosnia and Herzegovina", founded by the Austrian National Bank, Vienna
Researcher, Project of the Austrian Institute for International Affairs (OIIP) conducted within the NODE-framwork (Perspectives of the EU-Enlargement for the Western Balkans), Vienna
since 2003 Various lectures, Workshops, Seminars, Media Activities in the USA, Austria, Germany, Switzerland, Belgium, France, Sweden, Turkey, Croatia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Montenegro, Macedonia, Bulgaria, Serbia, Kosovo, China
since 2004 Lecturer, Department of Political Science, University of Vienna
Lecturer on Western Balkans and European Integration at the postgraduate MA-studies "Balkan-Studies"
2005-2006 Research Analyst, Association Bosnia-Herzegovina 2005
Project Leader and Senior Researcher, Project Design and Management, Coordination of Public activities in Austria, Bosnia, Croatia and Serbia; Title of the Project: Imaginations of Europe, Comparing Bosnia, Croatia and Serbia, New Orientations for Democracy in Europe (NODE), Vienna
since 2006 Director, Austrian Office of the Center for European Integration Strategies (CEIS)
  Lecturer, Department of Slavic Studies, University of Vienna
2008 Ph.D., University of Vienna
since 2008 Senior Researcher and Co-Chief of Party, Project: Transformation and Democratization of the Balkans
  Co-Chief of Party, Project: Europäisierung von Bosnien-Herzegovina, Kroatien und Serbien. Interne Voraussetzungen und Folgen eines (Nicht)EU-Beitritts
  Coordination of the Research Platform "POTREBA" (www.univie.ac.at/potreba)
2010 Establisment and Co-Leading of the "Kosovo-Study-Group" dealing with the EU-performance in Kosovo and the Western Balkans
2010-2011 Austrian Marshall Plan Fellow, Center for Transatlantic Relations (CTR), Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies, John Hopkins University, Washington, D.C.
2010-2012 Co-Chief of Party - Research Project "Demokratie in sozial unsicheren Räumen. Zum Zusammenhang zwischen Migration und Demokratie in Serbien" (together with Prof. Dieter Segert and Prof. Heinz Fassmann)
since 2011 Non-Resident Senior Fellow, CTR, SAIS, Johns Hopkins University, Washington, D.C.
since 2012 Affiliated Researcher, Austrian Institute for International Affairs (OIIP)
Co-Director of Center for Advanced Studies, South East Europe


AASS - Association for the Advancement of Slavic Studies
ASN - Association for the Study of Nationalities
Scientific Council, Vienna Master of Arts in Human Rights
Südosteuropa Gesellschaft, Munich, Germany


Dzihic, V., Hamilton, D. (eds.): Unfinished Business. The Western Balkans and the International Community, Brookings Institutions Press, D.C. CTR-Series, Washington D.C., 2012
Dzihic, V., Schmidinger, T. (eds.): Looming Shadows. Migration and Integration at a Time of Upheaval. European and American Perspectives, Brookings Institutions Press, D.C. CTR-Series, Washington, D.C., 2011
Dzihic, V.: Ethnopolitik in Bosnien-Herzegowina: Staat und Gesellschaft in der Krise, Nomos-Verlag, Reihe: Southeast European Integration Perspectives, Baden-Baden, 2009
Dzihic, V., Kramer, H.: Kosovo-Problems, published in Chinese, Peking, Central Compilation & Translation Press, 2007


Bruno Kreisky Prize for the Political Book (Kosovo-Bilanz - together with Kramer H.), 2006