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Arch. Vedran MIMICA Assistant Dean, Berlage Institute, Rotterdam


1979 Diploma as an architect-engineer, University of Zagreb, Faculty of Architecture
1979-1981 Post-graduate course, Diocletian Palace, Split
1984 Post-graduate course in Plecnik's Ljubljana
1985-1986 (and 1990-1991) Post-graduate Course, University of Delft
1979-1990 Architect, Researcher and Lecturer at the Faculty for Architecture, Zagreb
since 1991 Berlage Institute, Amsterdam: Vedran Mimica joined the Berlage Institute as Project Co-ordinator, by the invitation from Herman Hertzberger who was the founder and the first Dean of the Institute. Currently he is Associate Dean at the Berlage Institute responsible for creating the educational programme, composing the curriculum and guiding research activities.
 Vedran has been lecturer, visiting critic and examiner at numerous schools of architecture all over the world. He organized serious of workshops and project in Zagreb, Split, Sarajevo, Ljubljana, Belgrade, and Tirana, as an attempt to develop cities in southeast Europe after a large-scale catastrophe caused by the war in former Yugoslavia.
 Currently he is a project leader of Matra Social Transformation Programme for Central and Eastern Europe of the Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs in a project "Croatian Archipelago New Lighthouses".
 Vedran is extensively engaged in the curatorial activities, currently curetting Croatian exhibition as well as the Berlage Institute exhibition at Venice Biennale.
 He is a head of the curatorial team for the 3rd International architecture Rotterdam Biennale 2007.


Vedran is the regular member of the numerous national and international architectural competitions. He became the independent experts for the European Union Prize for Contemporary Architecture - Mies van der Rohe Award 2003 and 2007. He will serve as a nominator of the Aga Khan Award for architecture for the 2007 Award cycle. Vedran will be judge in the Design Project Category for this year's RIBA President's Medals Student Awards.


He is active as a writer on architecture and architectural education in Domus, Hunch, Architectur Aktuell, Architecture-Seoul, Man and Space-Zagreb, AB-Ljubljana, Oris- Zagreb.