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Dr. Veronique CHARLETY Head, European Governance Department, Directorate of European Affairs, ENA - French National School of Administration, Strasbourg


 Véronique Charléty is in charge of international cooperation activities in European affairs at ENA. She also holds the position of Managing Chief Editor of the online review dedicated to European professionals (http://www.etudes-europeennes.eu).
 She went to the United States on several occasions for research projects (Brown University) and in Florence (European University Institute). She also lived for 5 years in Berlin as a researcher at the Marc Bloch Center, which is a French-German Research Centre for Social Sciences. Trained as an historian (masters degree), she holds her PhD in political sciences delivered at Paris I University (Panthéon Sorbonne). Most of her work and publications address mainly themes related to social and political stakes linked to the techniques and practices of cultural heritage. On this topic she published amongst others two books, Itinéraire d'un musée: le Heimatmuseum (Paris, l'Harmattan) and Berlin en musée. Changements sociopolitiques et usages du patrimoine (Bruxelles, Peter Lang). Her research raises issues regarding the writing of history, heritage policies, and the cultural construction of Europe.
 In the framework of the ENA, Véronique Charléty has developed an expertise since 2008 on the preparation of EU Presidency on which topic she has published a book in 2012 (Le système présidentiel de l'Union européenne après Lisbonne, Strasbourg, ENA, Collection "Professionnels de l'Europe"). She is also lecturer at the Institute of Political Studies (Strasbourg University) and associated to the Strasbourg research center on European issues, SAGE (Sociétés, Acteurs, Gouvernement en Europe). She is currently preparing with the Strasbourg University an Encyclopedia on European Governance to be published in French and in English by the end of 2015 (Bruylant editors).