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Dr. Viktor STEINER Free University of Berlin


1991-1994 Senior Research Fellow, Department Labour Economics, Human Resources and Social Policy, Zentrum für Europäische Wirschaftsforschung
  Centre for European Economic Research (ZEW), Mannheim, Germany
1994-2001 Head of Department Labour Economics, Human Resources and Social Policy at ZEW
2001-2002 Professor of Economics, Center for Economic Studies (CES) at the University of Munich, Research Director for Labour and Social Policy at the ifo Institute Munich
2002 Professor of Economics at Free University of Berlin and Head of Department Public Economics, German Institute for Economic Research (DIW) Berlin


Verein für Socialpolitik
European Economic Association
Research Associate IZA Bonn


Employment and Wage Effects of Social Security Financing; in: John A. Addison and Paul J. Welfens, Labour Markets and Social Security, Springer, p. 319-344, 2003
Beschäftigungseffekte einer Subventionierung der Sozialbeiträge von Geringverdienern, in: W. Schmähl (Hrsg.), Wechselwirkungen zwischen Arbeitsmarkt und sozialer Sicherung, Schriftenreihe des Vereins für Socialpolitik, Duncker-Humblot,,Berlin, p.11-44, 2003
Social Welfare Reform and the Low-Wage Labor Market in Germany: What Works and What Doesn t, Applied Economics Quarterly Supplement, 55, 57-78, 2004
Work incentives and labor supply effects of the  Mini-Jobs Reform in Germany, Empirica  Austrian Economic Papers, 32, 91-116, 2005