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Ph.D. Vittorio LORETO Professor of Physics, Complex Systems Group, Sapienza University Rome; Research Leader and Head, Information Dynamics Group, ISI - Institute of Scientific Interchange Foundation, Rome


1992-1995 PhD course, Sapienza University of Rome
1993-1998 Researcher, ENEA Research Center, Portici, Naples
1996-1998 EEC Post-Doc position, Ecole Supérieure de Physique et Chimie Industrielles, Paris
1999 Researcher, CNRS Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, Paris
1999-2007 Researcher, Sapienza University of Rome
2007-2016 Associate Professor, Physics Department, Sapienza University of Rome
since 2007 Research Leader, ISI - Institute of Scientific Interchange Foundation, Turin
since 2016 Full Professor, Physics Department, Sapienza University of Rome
since 2017 Faculty member, CSH Complexity Science Hub Vienna


Sapienza University of Rome
ISI - Institute of Scientific Interchange Foundation, Turin
Complexity Science Hub CSH, Vienna, Austria
Institute for Complex Systems of the Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR-ISC), Rome


F. Tria, V. Loreto, V.D.P. Servedio and S.H. Strogatz and, The dynamics of correlated novelties, 2014
T. Gong, A. Baronchelli, A. Puglisi and V. Loreto, Modelling the emergence of universality in color naming patterns, 2010
C. Castellano, S. Fortunato and V. Loreto, Statistical physics of social dynamics, 2009
D. Benedetto, E. Caglioti and V. Loreto : Language Trees and Zipping, 2002


European Commission and several National and International Institutions as consultant expert for future programs and reviewer for project proposals, 2008
Council of Complex Systems Society and Steering Committee of the Conference on Complex Systems, 2015