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Mag. Dr. Walter AIGNER Vorstand, HiTec Marketing, Wien


 Betriebswirtschaftliche Ausbildung mit Promotion
1986-2000 Universitätsassistent am Institut für Marketing der Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien
 Selbständiger Gewerbetreibender (Markt- und Meinungsforscher)


Mitglied des wissenschaftlichen Beirats des Österreichischen Vereins für Navigation - Vorsitz des Arbeitskreises für location based services


Aigner, W., Meinhard, D., Berndorfer, J. (2002): How role perception and role attribution hinder successful university-industry and university-government interaction in cooperative research and development projects. Proceedings of the 4th Triple Helix Conference; Copenhagen 2002; Track 5. Rethinking the role of professions in knowledge society. (forthcoming)
Aigner, W., Meinhard, D., Mercer, D., Flynn, D., Russel, P. (2002): New and emerging good practice of regional innovation clusters to university-industry and university-government interaction. Reflections on findings from good-practice-cases documented for European Space Research and Technology Centre (ESTEC). Proceedings of the 4th Triple Helix Conference; Copenhagen 2002; Track 11. Triple Helix and regional innovation clusters. (forthcoming)
Aigner, W. et al.: 'Demand-drivers' for and 'Entry-barriers' to using complexity and systems thinking in commercial study settings on innovation-related and high-technology related issues. Richardson, Kurt (2002): In: Proceedings of Managing the Complex IV. (forthcoming)
Aigner, W. et al.: Spinning-out leading-edge disruptive IT innovations from universities. In: Marketing of Technology Oriented Products and Services in the Global Environment, 2002