Dipl.-Ing. Dr. M.Sc. MBA Walter BÖHME Head, Innovation Management, OMV AG, Vienna
Study of Mechanical Engineering, Vienna University of Technology | |
Research and Development on engines, different automotive engine projects (e.g. the impact of fuels composition on emissions of HDV) | |
Ph.D. thesis on diesel fuel and emissions of diesel engines, Institute of Internal Combustion, Vienna University of Technology | |
1985 | Assistant, Technical University of Vienna |
since 1991 | Employee, OMV AG |
1996 | Technical Marketing Services Fuels and Technical Marketing Services Lubricants, OMV AG |
1996-2002 | Technical Product Manager Lubricants, responsible for Research and Development of Lubricants, OMV AG |
2001-2002 | Finance MBA, Danube-University Krems, University of British Columbia |
since 2003 | Head of Innovation, Innovation Management in Refining and Marketing, responsible for Research and Development - market introduction and new businesses, OMV AG |
since 2011 | Science and Innovation Manager across the OMV Group |
Executive Board, Austrian Society of Automotive Engineers (ÖVK) | |
Steering Committee, Austrian Traffic Telematics Cluster (ATTC) | |
Executive Board, Austrian Agency for Alternative Propulsion Systems (A3PS) | |
Executive and Scietific Board, Christian Doppler Research Association | |
Executive Board, ARGE Biokraft |
Over 100 presentations about conventional and alternative fuels and strategic considerations |
Honda-Shell Price |