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Werner GRUBER Physicist, Author and Comedian, Vienna


since 1997 Scientific worker, Institute for Experimental Physics, University of Vienna
since 2005 Leading member of the Sciencebusters,Vienna
2013 Director of the planetarium and the observatoriums of the city of Vienna


Physics of cooking, MNU-Tagung Regensburg, 2009
Gruber W., Kratky K.W., Populations of integrate-and-fire oscillators with different frequencies, in: Trappel R. (ed.), Cybernetics and Systems '98, Vienna: Austrian Society for Cybernetic Studies, S. 357-361, 1998
Kratky K.W., Gruber W., The role of time and autonomy in various kinds of control, in: Lasker G.E. et al. (eds.), Advances in Modeling of Anticipative Systems, Windsor, Ontario: The International Institute for Advanced Studies in Systems Research and Cybernetics, S. 36-41, 1997
Gruber W., Kratky K.W., Verhaltensweisen von Schamanen und psychosozialer Streß, In: Weltkongeß Psychotherapie Mythos - Traum - Wirklichkeit, Pritzl A. et.al. (ed.), Facultas, Vienna, 2002


Preis der Stadt Wien für Volksbildung, 2012
Forschungsförderungspreis der Stadt Wien, 2003
E.R.Caianiello award for biocybernetics,1998
Jugendforschungspreis, 1987