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Will ROBINSON Technical Attaché, World Customs Organisation


 Fields of Study:
 1) Applied Physics at Cambridge College of Arts & Technology;
 2) Criminal investigation and intelligence whilst in HM Customs & Excise, London
 Will Robinson is a Technical Attaché to the World Customs Organisation and responsible for management of a number of WCO enforcement initiatives including, anti-terrorism, security and assurance at the frontier. The development of a global intelligence strategy for Customs Administrations and the provision of information and intelligence to Customs Administrations in 159 WCO Member countries through the WCO Customs Enforcement Network and Regional Intelligence Offices is an important aspect of his work. Under the title The WCO Business Partnership", a trade co-operation program, he leads a joint Customs-business initiative, working on two fronts. Firstly, with the International Chamber of Commerce he is developing the Business Anti-Smuggling Coalition (BASC), a business led, Customs supported initiative, intended to limit risks in international trade. Secondly, he is developing a number of innovations in Customs-business communication in the field of Intellectual Property Rights enforcement
 Will has over twenty five years experience of Customs investigation and intelligence work and was responsible for the development of UK intelligence policy and strategy whilst working at H M Customs & Excise National Intelligence Division. The identification and investigation of international Customs related fraud has provided an important focus to his much of his career. Will also believes that the Customs relationship with legitimate business is a key foundation to effective enforcement and is particularly keen to facilitate continuous improvement in this area of work.