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Ph.D. Yuri Albert Kyrill KAZEPOV Professor of International Urban Sociology, Department of Sociology, University of Vienna


1982-1988 MA, Political Science and Sociology, University of Milan
1990-1994 PhD, Sociology, University of Pavia
1995-1996 Jean Monet Fellow, European University Institute (EUI) Fiesole
1996-1997 Research and Teach Fellow, University of Milan
1998-2000 Research and Teach Fellow, University of Urbino
2001-2014 Associate Professor of Urban Sociology, University of Urbino
2007-2008 Head, Department of Sociology, University of Urbino
2009-2014 Rectors Delegate for E-Learning, University of Urbino
 Visiting Professor at the University of Bremen (DE, 1996) Lund and Vaxjo (SE, 2008) Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (BE, 2012), ARC Distinguished fellow,Graduate Center CUNY (2015)


Member of the board of Resarch Committee 21 on Urban and Regional Development of the International Sociological Association (ISA) (immediate past-president 2010-2014), 2002-2018
Board member of the Journal Politiche Sociali/Social Policies ed. Il Mulino, Bologna, since 2014
Member of the International Advisory Committee of the Centre for Metropolitan Studies, Saõ Paulo (Brazil), since 2013
Member of the editorial board of the International Journal of Urban and Regional Research (IJURR) of which: Web-editor (2010-2015).


"Space, Scale and the Governing of Youth Trajectories and Transitions in Europe" in: Marcelo Parreira do Amaral, Roger Dale & Patricia Loncle (eds.) "Governance of Educational Trajectories in Europe. Education governance in eight European countries", Symposium Books, Providence (RI) (with R. Rinne and S. Robertson), pp. 43-65, 2015
"Die neuen Grenzen sozialer (Stadt-)Bürgerschaft. Die Stadt in den Mehr-Ebenen-Governance-Strukturen Europas" in: Martin Kronauer¸Walter Siebel (Hrsg.) "Polarisierte Städte. Soziale Ungleichheit als Herausforderung für die Stadtpolitik", Campus Verlag, Frankfurt/M, pp. 219-241, 2013
Rescaling social policies towards multilevel governance in Europe (editor) Ashgate: Farnham, 2010
Cities of Europe. Changing Contexts, Local Arrangements and the Challenge to Urban Cohesion (editor), Blackwell: Oxford, 2005