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10: Macht und Cyberspace

Seminar /
in englischer Sprache

Leider ist der Eintrag nur auf Amerikanisches Englisch verfügbar.

Research Fellow, Harvard Kennedy School, Cambridge; Senior Adviser, Austrian Institute for International Affairs, Vienna Chair
Director, Institute for Law, Science and Global Security and Visiting Assistant Professor, Government and School of Foreign Service, Georgetown University, Washington Chair
Professor, School of Information Studies, Syracuse University, New York Chair

BA, MSc Alexander KLIMBURG

Research Fellow, Harvard Kennedy School, Cambridge; Senior Adviser, Austrian Institute for International Affairs, Vienna

 Since joining the oiip in October 2006, Alexander Klimburg has acted as an advisor to a number of different governments and international organizations on various issues within cybersecurity, Critical Infrastructure Protection (CIP), and EU Common and Foreign Security Policy (CFSP). Mr. Klimburg has partaken in international and intergovernmental discussions, has acted as an advisor to the Austrian delegation at the OSCE, and has been a member of various European and international policy and working groups. He regularly advises on national and European cybersecurity legislation. Before joining the Institute, Mr. Klimburg worked in IT-related consulting and finance in Europe and Asia. He holds a BA degree from the School of Oriental and African Studies (University of London) and received his MSc from the London School of Economics and Political Science (University of London).


Director, Institute for Law, Science and Global Security and Visiting Assistant Professor, Government and School of Foreign Service, Georgetown University, Washington

1993-1996 Attorney-Advisor, US Department of Justice, New York, NY
1996-2002 Assistant General Counsel, Office of General Counsel at the Central Intelligence Agency, Langley, VA
2002 Legal Counsel, Joint Inquiry Committee of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, Washington, DC
2002-2006 Counsel, President's Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board, White House, Washington, DC
since 2006 Director, Institute for Law, Science and Global Security and Visiting Assistant Professor of Government and Foreign Service and Director and Founder, CyberProject and Nonproliferation Project, Georgetown University, Washington, DC

Ph.D. Milton MUELLER

Professor, School of Information Studies, Syracuse University, New York

1976 B.A., Columbia College, Chicago
1986 M.A., Annenberg School of Communications, University of Pennsylvania
1989 Ph.D., Annenberg School of Communications, University of Pennsylvania
1992-1997 Assistant Professor, Department of Communication, School of Communication, Information, and Library Studies, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, New Jersey
1995;1997 Visiting Professor, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Department of Information and Systems Management
1998-2003 Associate Professor, School of Information Studies, Syracuse University
1998-2007 Director, Graduate Program in Telecommunications and Network Management, School of Information Studies, Syracuse University, Syracuse, New York
since 2003 Professor, School of Information Studies, Syracuse University, Syracuse
2008-2011 XS4All Professor, Technology University of Delft, The Netherlands


Timetable einblenden
kategorie: Alle Plenary Seminar
Genre : Alle


15:00 - 15:15Eröffnung des Europäischen Forums Alpbach 2013Plenary
15:15 - 15:30Eröffnungskonzert Teil I: Uraufführung von „The Light of Experience“Plenary
15:30 - 16:30EröffnungsredenPlenary
17:00 - 17:30Eröffnungskonzert Teil IIPlenary
17:30 - 19:00Vorstellung der SeminarinhaltePlenary


Seminar 01: Neue Ansätze in Sicherheitsfragen – Kooperation, Konzentration und IntegrationSeminar
Seminar 02: Open Data, Open Government, Open Society?Seminar
Seminar 03: Demokratischer Interventionismus oder Schutzverantwortung?Seminar
Seminar 04: Motivation – Biologische und soziale UrsprüngeSeminar
Seminar 05: Werte in der WissenschaftSeminar
Seminar 06: Das Universum entdecken: Wettrennen oder Kooperation?Seminar
Seminar 07: Zwischen Glaube und Atheismus – Werte und die Vielfalt spiritueller ErfahrungenSeminar
Seminar 08: Das Böse in der KunstSeminar
Seminar 09: Die Rolle des Europäischen Gerichtshofs für Menschenrechte bei Schutz und Entwicklung einer offenen GesellschaftSeminar
Seminar 10: Macht und CyberspaceSeminar
Seminar 11: Welche Außenpolitik – Wertebasiert oder Realpolitik?Seminar
Seminar 12: Die Aneignung natürlicher Ressourcen durch den Menschen  Herausforderungen, Grenzen und ethische AspekteSeminar
Seminar 13: Synthetische Biologie: Soziale und ethische AuswirkungenSeminar
Seminar 14: Wurzeln europäischer WerteSeminar
Seminar 15: Das nicht-rationale Verhalten von Individuen: Auswirkungen auf die WirtschaftspolitikSeminar
Seminar 16: Migrations- und Integrationserfahrungen: Ein kulturwissenschaftlicher AnsatzSeminar


18:00 - 20:00International EveningCulture


BarCamp: TransformationsSeminar


16:00 - 17:30Autoren im Gespräch: Die Revolte gegen den Westen und seine WerteCulture