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04 Die Rolle der EU auf der Weltbühne: Welche Werte werden in Zukunft wichtig sein?

Breakout /
in englischer Sprache

Europäisches Forum Alpbach in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Bundesministerium für europäische und internationale Angelegenheiten der Republik Österreich
Dieser Arbeitskreis wird sich mit den zentralen Werten beschäftigen, die das globale Handeln Europas in nächster Zeit bestimmen werden oder sollten. Inwieweit beeinflussen aktuelle Konflikte zwischen der Politik und der Finanzindustrie und zwischen privatem und öffentlichem Interesse das globale Handeln der EU? Wie können europäische Werte wie nachhaltiger Wohlstand, die zentrale Rolle von Recht und Institutionen, das Streben nach sozialer Gerechtigkeit oder Chancengleichheit effizient und folgerichtig in der Außenpolitik umgesetzt werden? Wie kann die EU die globale Tagesordnung diesbezüglich bestimmen anstatt ihr nur zu folgen?

Member, FutureLab Europe, Brussels; Teacher Educator, University of Malaga
Senior Fellow, Brookings Institution, Washington, D.C.; Founder, Global Civics Academy, Istanbul
Ambassador, Director General for Cultural Policy, Federal Ministry of European and International Affairs of the Republic of Austria, Vienna
Head, Human Rights Program, GPPi - Global Public Policy Institute, Berlin
Professor, Department of Contemporary History, University of Vienna
Foresight and Innovation Consultant, Paris Chair
Head of International Department, Stiftung Mercator, Essen Chair


Member, FutureLab Europe, Brussels; Teacher Educator, University of Malaga

2008-2012 Research Assistant, University of Málaga, Spain
2010 Guest Researcher and Teacher Educator, Utrecht University, The Netherlands
2011 Guest Researcher and Teacher Educator, University of Aberdeen, Scotland
2010-2013 Teacher Educator, University of Málaga, Spain


Senior Fellow, Brookings Institution, Washington, D.C.; Founder, Global Civics Academy, Istanbul

1999-2000 Caspian and Black Sea Coordinator, IREX, Istanbul
2001-2009 Executive Director, Open Society Foundation, Istanbul
2009 World Fellow, Yale University, New Haven
2011-2013 Chairman, Open Society Foundation, Istanbul


Ambassador, Director General for Cultural Policy, Federal Ministry of European and International Affairs of the Republic of Austria, Vienna

1979-1983 Studies of Law and Russian, Graz
1983 Juris Doctor, Graz
1983-1985 Postgraduate Studies at Johns Hopkins University in Bologna/Italy and Paris. 1986 Austrian Foreign Service
1988-1992 Personal Secretary to the Foreign Minister
1992-1999 Washington, D.C., Head of the Austrian Press and Information Service
1999-2003 Chief of Cabinet of the Austrian Special Representative for Payments to Former Forced and Slave Laborers of the Nazi-Regime; Director for International Affairs at the Austrian Federation of Industry; Manager in a private company
2003-2007 Chief of Staff and later Secretary General of the Austrian Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs and Labor
2007-2010 Austrian Ambassador to Romania and the Republic of Moldova
since 2010 Director General for Cultural Policy at the Austrian Federal Ministry for European and International Affairs

Ph.D., Dr. Katrin KINZELBACH

Head, Human Rights Program, GPPi - Global Public Policy Institute, Berlin

2001-2007 Program Specialist, UNDP - United Nations Development Programme, various duty stations
2007-2010 Researcher, Ludwig Boltzmann Institute of Human Rights, Vienna
2011-2012 Post-doc Fellow, Fritz Thyssen Foundation, Hangzhou
2013 Visiting Professor, School of Public Policy, Central European University, Budapest

Mag. DDr. Oliver RATHKOLB

Professor, Department of Contemporary History, University of Vienna

1985-2004 Research Director, Bruno Kreisky Archives, Vienna
1992-2004 Research Co-ordinator, Bruno Kreisky Forum for International Dialogue, Vienna
1994-2004 Co-director, Ludwig Boltzmann Institute for History and Society, Vienna
2000-2001 Schumpeter-Fellow, Minda de Gunzburg Center for European Studies, Harvard University
2003 Visiting Professor, Department of History, University of Chicago
2005-2008 Director, Ludwig Boltzmann Institute of European History and Public Spheres, Vienna
2008-2012 Head, Department of Contemporary History, Faculty of Historical and Cultural Studies, University of Vienna

Mag. Martin MAYER

Foresight and Innovation Consultant, Paris

2002-2006 Change Agent, ÖBB - Austrian Railways, Vienna
2006-2007 Senior Advisor, International Union of Railways, Paris
2007-2011 Strategy and Innovation Consultant, Head of Innovation Practice, PMP - Performance Management Partner, Paris
since 2011 Independent Foresight and Innovation Consultant
since 2013 Founder, YouMeO (www.youmeo.fr)

Mag.a MA Verena RINGLER

Head of International Department, Stiftung Mercator, Essen

2002-2006 Associate Editor, Foreign Policy Magazine
2006-2009 Media and Communications Advisor, ICO/EUSR - The International Civilian Office - European Union Special Representative, Pristina
since 2005 EU Strategy Entrepreneur, Vienna, www.europeancommons.eu

Politische Gespräche

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kategorie: Alle Breakout Plenary
Genre : Alle