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09 Europa und seine Nachbarn – EU-Außenbeziehungen im Umbruch?

in englischer Sprache

In diesem Seminar betrachten wir Herausforderungen und Sicherheitsrisiken, die sich durch die Entwicklungen an Europas östlichem und südlichem Rand ergeben, und beschäftigen uns mit der Frage, ob der strategische Ansatz der EU weiterhin angemessen ist. Zunächst ziehen wir Bilanz über die Veränderungen in der arabischen Welt seit Beginn der Aufstände Anfang 2011. Während sich manche arabische Staaten in schwierigen Übergangsprozessen befinden, herrscht in Syrien Krieg, der sich auf seine Nachbarstaaten auszuweiten droht. Syrien wurde im Kalten Krieg zum Schlachtfeld zwischen dem schiitischen Iran und dem sunnitischen Saudi-Arabien. Europa hat Angst vor der Ausbreitung von politischem Islam und Extremismus sowie einem immer wachsenden Flüchtlings- und Migrationsproblem. In einem zweiten Teil sehen wir uns die Nachbarschaftspolitik der EU in den Staaten der sogenannten Östlichen Partnerschaft an. Welche neuen Kooperationsstrategien mit ihren östlichen Nachbarn hat die EU nach dem Scheitern des Gipfeltreffens der Östlichen Partnerschaft im November 2013 in Vilnius? Welche Auswirkungen hatten die jüngsten Proteste in der Ukraine auf die Beziehungen zwischen der EU und der Ukraine?

Head of Delegation, Delegation of the European Union to Turkey, Ankara
Director, Neigbourhood Policy,EuropeAid Development and Cooperation Directorate-General,European Commission, Brüssel
Chair, International Advisory Board, European Forum Alpbach, Vienna
Senior Editor, DER STANDARD; Lecturer on Modern History and Politics of the Middle East, University of Vienna and Diplomatic Academy of Vienna Chair
Ambassador and Head of Delegation, The Delegation of the European Union to the Republic of Moldova, Chisinau Chair

Dr. Christian BERGER

Head of Delegation, Delegation of the European Union to Turkey, Ankara

1986-1987 Operations officer with the Austrian UN-Peacekeeping Battalion on the Golan, UNDOF
1989-1994 Working with the United Nations in Gaza and Jerusalem
1994-1997 Deputy Director at the OSCE in Vienna and Secretary of the OSCE Permanent Council; Deputy Executive Secretary to the Joint Consultative Group (Treaty on Conventional Forces in Europe) and the Open Skies Consultative Commission
1997 Mr Berger joined the European institutions
1997-1999 Committee of the Regions
1999-2001 Responsible for relations with Syria, European Commission
2001-2005 Political Advisor on Middle Eastern issues
2005-2006 EU Representative to the Quartet Special Envoy Mr Wolfensohn
2006-2008 Head of the Crisis Response & Peacebuilding Unit in the EC
2009-2011 EU Representative for West Bank & Gaza office
since 2011 Director for North Africa, Middle East, Arabian Peninsula, Iraq and Iran in the European External Action Service; law degrees from Vienna and London

Dr. Marcus CORNARO

Director, Neigbourhood Policy,EuropeAid Development and Cooperation Directorate-General,European Commission, Brüssel

 Educational History
1976-1981 Studied Law, University of Vienna
1981-1983 Postgraduate Studies of International Affairs and Development, The American University, Washington D.C.
 Professional experience before joining the European Institutions:
1983 Joined the Austrian Foreign Service
1983-1984 Austrian sponsored Junior Professional Officer, UNDP office in Bamako, Mali
1985-1986 Staff member, office of the Secretary General for Foreign Affairs, Austrian Federal Foreign Ministry
1986-1990 Special Attaché, Austrian Embassy, Harare, Zimbabwe
1990-1994 Head, Austrian Embassy's Regional Bureau for Development Co-operation, Kampala/Uganda
1994-1998 Department for Security Policy of the Federal Foreign Ministry, Vienna
1998-2000 Deputy Head (Minister), Austrian Embassy, Rome, also appointed as Austria's Alternate Governor at IFAD - The International Fund for Agricultural Development
 Professional experience in the European Institutions
2000-2001 Conseiller within European Commission, DG RELEX - Directorate-General for External Relations , responsibilities included participation in reform
2001-2003 Head of Unit in DG RELEX - Directorate-General for External Relations (Unit H4), in charge of Afghanistan, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka and the Maldives and covering the two largest Asia programmes of the Commission
2003-2007 Ambassador  Head of European Commission Delegation, Hanoi, Vietnam
2007-2012 Director for the European Neighbourhood, covering Eastern Europe, Middle East and North Africa, Directorate-General Development and Cooperation, EuropeAid
since 2012 Deputy Director-General, Directorate-General Development and Cooperation, EuropeAid


Chair, International Advisory Board, European Forum Alpbach, Vienna

1977 Law Studies in Vienna (Dr. iur.)
1977-1978 Postgraduate-Studies, College of Europe, Bruges
1978 Diploma of The Hague Academy of International Law, The Hague
1979 Joined the Austrian Diplomatic Service
1982-1986 Austrian Mission to the European Communities, Brussels
1986-1990 Austrian Embassy, Moscow
1991-1993 Private Office of the Austrian Foreign Minister, Vienna
1993-1995 Deputy Head of Cabinet of Foreign Ministers Mock and Schüssel, Vienna
1995-1999 Director for Security Policy and Policy Planning, Austrian Foreign Ministry, Vienna
1996-1999 Deputy Political Director, Austrian Foreign Ministry, Vienna
1999-2003 Ambassador of Austria to Belgium and Head of the Austrian Mission to NATO, Brussels
2002-2004 Special Representative of the Austrian Foreign Minister for the Western Balkans
2003-2004 Representative of the Federal Chancellor of Austria in the Commission on the Reform of the Austrian Armed Forces, Vienna
2003-2008 Political Director (Director General for Political Affairs) of the Austrian Foreign Ministry, Vienna
2008-2011 Permanent Representative of Austria to the United Nations, New York
2009-2010 Also represented Austria on the United Nations Security Council, New York (President of the Security Council in November 2009)
2011 Vice-President of the 66th General Assembly of the UN, New York
2011-2015 Ambassador, (Head of the Delegation) of the European Union to the United Nations, New York
since 2015 Managing Director for Europe and Central Asia, European External Action Service, Brussels
 Visiting Professor, College of Europe, Bruges and Natolin

Mag. Dr. Gudrun HARRER

Senior Editor, DER STANDARD; Lecturer on Modern History and Politics of the Middle East, University of Vienna and Diplomatic Academy of Vienna

 Islamic and Arabic Studies, Vienna University (MA)
 International Relations Studies, Vienna University (Ph.D.), dissertation on the Iraqi nuclear programme
1993 Foreign Desk, Der Standard, Vienna
1998 The Foreign Editor, Der Standard, Vienna
2005 Lecturer of Modern Arab History, Vienna University, Institute of Oriental Studies
2006 Special Envoy of the Austrian Presidency of the European Union to Iraq and Chargé d'Affaires of the Austrian Embassy Baghdad
2007 Senior Editor and Middle East Editor, Der Standard
Lecturer of Modern History and Politics of the Middle East, Diplomatic Academy Vienna


Ambassador and Head of Delegation, The Delegation of the European Union to the Republic of Moldova, Chisinau

 Prior to taking up duty in Chisinau, in September 2013, Ambassador Tapiola worked as Senior Adviser on Eastern Europe in the Strategic Planning Division of the European External Action Service (EEAS). From 2004 to 2009, he was Senior Adviser for Ukraine, Belarus and Moldova in the Policy Unit of the then EU High Representative for Common Foreign and Security Policy, Dr Javier Solana. Ambassador Tapiola's background is as a career member of the Finnish Diplomatic Service. His past assignments have included Deputy Head of the Organisation for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) Mission to Latvia, Deputy Head of Mission of the Finnish Embassy to Thailand (also accredited to Burma/Myanmar, Cambodia and Laos), and Deputy Head of Mission of the Embassy of Finland in Kyiv, Ukraine. Ambassador Tapiola holds a Masters Degree in Political Science/International Relations from the University of Helsinki.


Timetable einblenden
Genre : Alle


15:00 - 15:15Eröffnung des Europäischen Forums Alpbach 2014Plenary
15:15 - 15:30Eröffnungskonzert, Teil 1: sAmo für Flöte, Violoncello, AkkordeonCulture
15:30 - 16:30EröffnungsredenPlenary
17:00 - 17:30Eröffnungskonzert, Teil 2: Blink, Think & ListenCulture
17:30 - 19:00Vorstellung der SeminarinhaltePlenary
19:00 - 20:00Brot und WeinSocial


01 Nachhaltiger Frieden und Sicherheit – Wen interessiert’s?Seminar
02 Politik der Gefühle: Diagnose und historische VeränderungenSeminar
03 Eine Energiewende für die ZukunftSeminar
04 Das menschliche MikrobiomSeminar
05 Wachstum durch Kreativität und InnovationSeminar
06 1814 – 1914 – 1989: Paradigmenwechsel in Völkerrecht und PolitikSeminar
07 Ethische Implikationen religiöser WeltanschauungenSeminar
08 Kunst und ProtestSeminar
09 Europa und seine Nachbarn – EU-Außenbeziehungen im Umbruch?Seminar
10 Kollektives Gedächtnis – Die Vergangenheit im Fokus der GegenwartSeminar
11 Die Welt ernährenSeminar
12 Entscheidungen in UngewissheitSeminar
13 Makroökonomie – Die Rückkehr der IdeologienSeminar
14 Mensch – Maschine – RobotikSeminar
15 Die Nachwirkungen von 1914-1918: Bilder des Ersten WeltkriegsSeminar
16 Der Schlüssel zu Good GovernanceSeminar
17 Medien im Spiegel der TheorieSeminar


16:00 - 17:00Vernissage: Let the Children Play. Eine Ausstellung zum 25. Jubiläum der UN-KinderrechteCulture


17:00 - 18:30Literaturgespräch: Kriege und Bürgerkriege im Spiegel der aktuellen WeltliteraturCulture


16:00 - 17:30Courage. In Memoriam Fritz MoldenCulture


17:30 - 18:30Theatre Performance: Free AssociationCulture


17:00 - 20:00Alpbach IdeaJam: SEM meets EDUPlenary