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Ideen gegen die Ungleichheit – Vorstellung der Ergebnisse der Breakout Sessions

Plenary /
German and English language

Die von den TeilnehmerInnen am Vortag diskutierten Anregungen kommen auf die große Bühne: neue Ideen werden vorgestellt, konkrete Handlungsempfehlungen gemeinsam erarbeitet und deren Umsetzung mit EntscheidungsträgerInnen diskutiert.

Austrian Federal Minister of Families and Youth, Vienna
Austrian Federal Minister of Health and Women's Affairs, Vienna
Member, Art of Hosting Team; Founder, SOAR, New Zealand Chair
Member, Art of Hosting Team; Policy Officer - Corporate Management and Administration, SG - Secretariat-General, European Commission, Brussels Chair
Chief Executive Officer; Senior Consultant; Co-founder, InterChange ApS, Silkeborg Chair

MMag. Dr. Sophie KARMASIN

Austrian Federal Minister of Families and Youth, Vienna

1985-1992 Studies, Psychology and Business Administration
1993-1995 Product Manager, Henkel, Vienna, Belgium and the Netherlands
1995 Ph.D., Psychology, Dissertation: Consumer Behaviour in the Health Market
1995-2003 Management, Empirical Department, Institute of Motivational Research
2006-2013 Managing Director, Karmasin Opinion Research Company
2009-2013 Founder, Consulting Company Sophie Karmasin Market Intelligence
2011-2012 Course, Systemic Coaching and Consulting Competence
2011-2013 Managing Partner, Austrian Gallup Institute / Dr. Karmasin Marktforschung Ltd. and Karmasin Motivforschung Ltd.
since 2013 Austrian Federal Minister of Families and Youth, Vienna


Austrian Federal Minister of Health and Women's Affairs, Vienna

1997 Paediatrician
General Practitioner
1998-2010 Staff Representative, National Union of Municipal Employees (GdG), released from duties
1999-2006 Member, Council of the Vienna Medical Association, Vienna
2001-2007 Chair, Personnel Group Committee of Doctors, National Union of Municipal Employees
2002 Degree Programme, Hospital Management, WU Vienna University of Business and Economics, Vienna
2003 Master of Advanced Studies (MAS), Health Management Programme, Danube University Krems
2003-2006 Specialist Adviser to the General Committee, Vienna Medical Association
2003-2010 Chair, Doctors' Working Group, ÖGB Austrian Trade Union Federation
2004-2012 Vice-President, BSA Association of Social Democrat University Graduates, Intellectuals and Artists
2004-2011 Chair, Austrian Social Democrat Doctors' Group
2005-2009 Women's Chair, BSA Association of Social Democrat University Graduates, Intellectuals and Artists
2006-2014 Spokeswoman Health (until 2013), and Spokeswoman Social Affairs (from 2013), Parliamentary Social Democratic Party, Austrian Parliament
2007-2010 Deputy Chair, Personnel Group Committee of Doctors, National Union of Municipal Employees
2009-2014 Vice-President, ÖGB Austrian Trade Union Federation
2011-2014 Deputy Chair, Austrian Social Democrat Doctors' Group
since 2014 Austrian Federal Minister of Health

Mary-Alice ARTHUR

Member, Art of Hosting Team; Founder, SOAR, New Zealand

 Mary Alice Arthur is a Story Activist. See more about her work on www.getsoaring.com. She specialises in using story in service of positive systemic shift and to access and create collective intelligence on critical issues. She has been in, and around, groups for as long as she can remember, keen to discover and empower the stories, visions, dreams and purpose that live behind the stated reason of people coming together. She sees her art as creating and hosting spaces for wise action, where people can step in, step up and step out powerfully together, clear about their common foundation, committed to their highest aspirations and taking back the power of their stories. She is a masterful practitioner of participatory practice, and a steward of Art of Hosting, using the practice in groups, organisations and communities around the world.
 She brings a love of powerful questions and the craft of creating compelling conversations to her gift of working with stories. She has major projects to her credit demonstrating the power of narrative and facilitation to set the scene, establish the foundation and continue the integration of positive change. Her powerful results from a telecommunications merger project were written up in the book Wake Me Up When the Data is Over: How Organizations Use Stories to Drive Results (ed: Lori Silverman).
 She has developed and facilitated conferences and events for a wide variety of groups around the world and has attended hundreds more. She is an inspiring and sought after presenter. For more than 20 years she has been working with groups of all types and has been an intentional nomad, working, contributing and living all over the world. She is now resident in Denmark working in tandem with the Samsø Energy Academy and alongside organisations and groups seeking to build their story and offering to the world and their capacity for collective wise action.


Member, Art of Hosting Team; Policy Officer - Corporate Management and Administration, SG - Secretariat-General, European Commission, Brussels


Chief Executive Officer; Senior Consultant; Co-founder, InterChange ApS, Silkeborg

1976 Master of Architecture, Aalto University, Helsinki
1976-1980 Architect, Slotte & Schütz, Helsinki
1980-1998 Instructor in personal leadership & development, International Learning Center, Miami, FL
 Since 1991 Co-founder and Chief Executive Officer, InterChange ApS, Silkeborg
1999-2007 Diverse professional training courses: Leadership in networked emergent systems, U-process, Leadership Coaching, Archetypes in organizations, Systems Thinking, Scenario Planning, Circle process, Appreciative Inquiry, Open Space Technology, World Café, Leadership in Living Systems
2007-2011 Module presenter, ALIA - Authentic Leadership in Action, Annapolis, MD
2008-2015 Board member, Allergica, Silkeborg


Timetable einblenden
Genre : Alle


15:00 - 15:45EröffnungPlenary
15:45 - 17:00Gesundheitspolitik zwischen Nanny-Staat und NeoliberalismusPlenary
18:00 - 21:00EmpfangSocial
18:30 - 19:30Junge Talente – Crazy LadyCulture


07:00 - 08:30Zweiklassenmedizin – die schleichende Ungleichheit?Plenary
09:00 - 09:45Die sozialen Determinanten unserer GesundheitPlenary
09:45 - 10:30Gesundheitspioniere gegen Ungleichheit – Einführung in die Themen und Akteure der Breakout SessionsPlenary
12:00 - 15:00Breakout Session I.01: OBST ObdachlosenStreetwork – Unbürokratische Medizinische Versorgung für Akut-WohnungsloseBreakout
12:00 - 15:00Breakout Session I.02: HPSS – Ganzheitliche Gesundheitsförderung in Höheren Schulen in IslandBreakout
12:00 - 15:00Breakout Session I.03: AmberMed – Medizinische Hilfe für unversicherte MenschenBreakout
12:00 - 15:00Breakout Session I.04: ÄrztInnen für eine gesunde Umwelt: Umweltgerechtigkeit und PräventionBreakout
12:00 - 15:00Breakout Session I.05: Health-E-Net – Ferngutachten als Mittel zur Chancengerechtigkeit im Zugang zum GesundheitswesenBreakout
12:00 - 15:00Breakout Session I.06: Healthacross in Practice – Grenzüberschreitende Gesundheitsversorgung Niederösterreich-SüdböhmenBreakout
12:00 - 15:00Breakout Session I.07: Niko-TeenBreakout
12:00 - 15:00Breakout Session I.08: SALTO – SALzburg Together against ObesityBreakout
12:00 - 15:00Breakout Session I.09: LIGA – Die Stimme für Kinder- und Jugendgesundheit in ÖsterreichBreakout
12:00 - 15:00Breakout Session I.10: HelferInnen einer „Community Clinic“ kämpfen gegen die tödlichen Konsequenzen der Austeritätspolitik für PatientInnen in GriechenlandBreakout
12:00 - 15:00Breakout Session II.01: Was hab‘ ich?Breakout
12:00 - 15:00Breakout Session II.02: IT basierte medizinische Versorgung für chronische Krankheiten großer BevölkerungsschichtenBreakout
12:00 - 15:00Breakout Session II.03: MyMind – Zugängliche, präventive psychische Gesundheitsversorgung für alleBreakout
12:00 - 15:00Breakout Session II.04: Refugee Open Ware – schnelle und kostengünstige Prothesen für im Krieg verletzte FlüchtlingeBreakout
12:00 - 15:00Breakout Session II.05: Videodolmetschen im GesundheitswesenBreakout
12:00 - 15:00Breakout Session II.06: Esperity – KrebspatientInnen verbinden und Lebensqualität verbessernBreakout
12:00 - 15:00Breakout Session II.07: Open Innovation in Science – Crowd Sourcing in der GesundheitsforschungBreakout
12:00 - 15:00Breakout Session II.08: Pathways for Change: eine intensive Auseinandersetzung mit ZielBreakout
12:00 - 15:00Breakout Session II.09: Wie eine amerikanische Großstadt sein Gesundheitssystem partizipativ gestaltetBreakout
12:00 - 15:00Breakout Session III.01: Transkulturelle Ambulanz für Kinder- und Jugendliche am Universitätsklinikum Hamburg EppendorfBreakout
12:00 - 15:00Breakout Session III.02: Wir begleiten Gesundheit (WIBEG) – Für Migrantinnen mit niedrigem sozialökonomischen StatusBreakout
12:00 - 15:00Breakout Session III.03: Hemayat – Betreuung von Folter- und KriegsüberlebendenBreakout
12:00 - 15:00Breakout Session III.04: projektXchange – Austausch macht Fremde zu FreundenBreakout
12:00 - 15:00Breakout Session III.05: MiMi – Mit Migranten für MigrantenBreakout
12:00 - 15:00Breakout Session IV.01: „Damit habe ich nicht gerechnet“ – die Stimme für pflegende AngehörigeBreakout
12:00 - 15:00Breakout Session IV.02: Kinderhospiz Netz – Unterstützung für unheilbar erkrankte Kinder und ihre FamilienBreakout
12:00 - 15:00Breakout Session IV.03: Frühe State of the Art Autismus-Therapie für bessere Entwicklungschancen und InklusionBreakout
12:00 - 15:00Breakout Session IV.04: Ethik am Krankenbett – Wir treffen schwierige Entscheidungen gemeinsamBreakout
12:00 - 15:00Breakout Session IV.05: Die Globalisierung der Pflege – Altern auf den PhilippinenBreakout
12:00 - 15:00Breakout Session IV.06: Ganzheitliche Sterbebegleitung im ländlichen RaumBreakout
12:00 - 15:00Breakout Session IV.07: Down Syndrome Albania FoundationBreakout
15:30 - 18:00Fest am BergSocial


02:30 - 06:00Sonnenaufgangswanderung mit Peter Habeler auf den GratlspitzSocial
07:00 - 08:45Ideen gegen die Ungleichheit – Vorstellung der Ergebnisse der Breakout SessionsPlenary
09:15 - 10:50Die Bewältigung von gesundheitlichen Ungleichheiten in der EUPlenary
10:50 - 11:00Zusammenfassende WortePlenary
11:15 - 12:45Gesundheitstalk: Wegwerfgesellschaft – wer trägt die Verantwortung?Social
13:30 - 15:00Partner Session 01: Primärversorgung – Mut zu Neuem oder alter Wein in neuen Schläuchen?Partner
13:30 - 15:00Partner Session 02: Gesundheitliche Chancengleichheit – Tirol vs. WienPartner
13:30 - 15:00Partner Session 03: Gesundheitshotline – Rund um die Uhr wirksame HilfePartner
13:30 - 15:00Partner Session 04: Die Grenzen des Sozialstaats – Gemeinnützigkeit als LösungsansatzPartner
15:30 - 17:00Generation Bewegungsmuffel – Alternativen zum erhobenen ZeigefingerSocial
15:30 - 17:00Partner Session 05: Gesundheitsversorgung in Gefahr – Schluss mit Gewalt gegen HelferInnenPartner
15:30 - 17:00Partner Session 06: Gesundheitssystem im Wandel – die zukünftige Rolle des GesundheitspersonalsPartner