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Abschlussdialog: Situation der Medien in Osteuropa

Plenary /
Botschafter der Bundesrepublik Jugoslawien in Österreich
Editor, Russia Profile

Mihajlo KOVAC

Botschafter der Bundesrepublik Jugoslawien in Österreich

 Seit 1970 politischer Kommentator der Tageszeitung "Politika" in Belgrad
 Seit 1980 Chefredakteur des Magazins "Duga"
 Seit 1986 Redakteur und Moderator der TV-Tagesschau bei RTS (staatlicher Hör- und Fernsehfunk), außenpolitischer Redakteur und Kommentator
1990-1993 oppositioneller Abgeordneter im Parlament der Republik Serbien
1992 Mitbegründer und Vizevorsitzender der Demokratischen Partei Serbiens (DSS)
aus "RTS" entlassen, weil er gegen die "Sprache des Hasses" und zwischennationale Konfrontationen in der damaligen SFRJ eintrat
1992-1996 freischaffender Journalist (Nin, Danas, Vin)
1994-2001 Berater für politische und Medienfragen im UNO-Büro für Verbindungen mit der Bundesregierung der BRP Jugoslawien


Editor, Russia Profile

1992 Graduated from the Moscow State University s School of Journalism
 During his studies, spent a year as an exchange student at Sarah Lawrence College (Bronxville, New York) and a year as a visiting scholar at Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism (New York City).
 Began his journalistic career in 1992 as a translator and fixer at the Moscow bureau of The Christian Science Monitor.
1995-2003 served as Moscow correspondent for Geneva-based news and features agency Ecumenical News International (ENI).
1997 joined the staff Moscow s leading independent English-language newspaper The Moscow Times, where he covered politics, media and religion as a senior staff writer. Mr. Zolotov s coverage of the takeover of NTV and TV-6 television companies, as well as other aspects of the country s media policies earned him the reputation as an expert on media issues. He has been interviewed by leading international broadcasters, such as BBC, CNN, PBS and NPR and contributed opinion pieces to The Christian Science Monitor, Nezavisimaya Gazeta and other publications. Mr. Zolotov is also recognized as an expert in Russia s religious affairs and global developments in regard to Orthodox Christianity.
2003 left The Moscow Times and ENI to develop a new project Russia Profile (www.russiaprofile.org). It is an analytical on-line and print magazine in English covering Russia s trends and developments, which is published by Independent Media publishing company (publisher of The Moscow Times, The St. Petersburg Times, Vedomosti and 11 magazines in Russia) in conjunction with RIA Novosti.