03: Herausforderung Disruptive Innovation: Strategien für eine erfolgreiche Bewältigung
Steigender Wettbewerbsdruck durch Globalisierung und disruptive Technologien machen Innovation einmal mehr zum ökonomischen Überlebensprinzip. Unternehmen müssen sich ständig neu erfinden und forcieren daher dynamische und unternehmensübergreifende Innovationsprozesse. Welche Strategien, Methoden und Prozesse braucht es, um Unternehmen erfolgreich an neue Bedingungen anzupassen und ein nachhaltiges Wachstum zu ermöglichen? Welche Best Practices gibt es? Welche Rolle kommt dem Top-Management in der Führung vom disruptiven Wandel zu? Können gewonnene Erkenntnisse für Unternehmen verallgemeinert werden?
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Mag.a Doris HUMMER
Member of the Provincial Government of Upper Austria for Education, Science and Research, Women and Youth, Linz
1992-1997 | Studium der Volkswirtschaft an der Johannes Kepler Universität Linz |
1995-1996 | Auslandsstudium in Wolverhampton, Großbritannien, Schwerpunkt: Marketing |
1998 | Personal- und Marketingleitung Domico Dach-, Wand- und Fassadensysteme GesmbH & Co. KG, Vöcklamarkt |
2002 | Unternehmensgründung Whitebox Marktforschung | Mystery-Shopping, Hummer und Koch OG, Linz |
seit 2009 | Mitglied der Oberösterreichischen Landesregierung für die Referate Bildung, Wissenschaft und Forschung, Frauen und Jugend |
Mag. Dr. MBA Michael STRUGL
Vice Chairman of the Board, VERBUND AG, Vienna
1982-1991 | Diploma course in Law, Johannes Kepler University, Linz |
1998-1999 | LIMAK General Management Program, Linz, Emory University, Atlanta |
2000-2001 | Degree in "International Finance", University of Toronto |
2005-2013 | Doctorate, Social and Business Sciences, Johannes Kepler University, Linz |
2018 | Stanford University Graduate School of Business, Stanford Executive Program, Stanford, CA |
1987-1995 | Press officer, ÖVP - Austrian People's Party, Provincial Party Leadership for Upper Austria |
1995-2001 | Vice-Provincial Party Leader, ÖVP - Austrian People's Party, Provincial Party Leadership for Upper Austria |
1998 | Creative Director, Zoffel-Hoff & Partner, Wiesbaden |
1997-2001 | Member, Federal Council; Chairman, Foreign Affairs Committee, Vienna |
2003-2009 | Chairman, ÖVP - Austrian People's Party Club, Provincial Parliament, Linz |
2001-2013 | Member, parliament in the Provincial Parliament of Upper Austria, Linz |
Provincial Party Leader, ÖVP - Austrian People's Party, Provincial Party Leadership for Upper Austria, Linz | |
2013-2018 | Member, Upper Austrian Provincial Government, Spokesman for Economics, Labor, Research, Science, Energy, Tourism, Regional Planning, Provincial Holding, Europe and Sport, Linz |
since 2019 | Vice Chairman of the Board, VERBUND AG, Vienna |
Ing. Klaus FRONIUS
Chairman of the Supervisory Board, Fronius International GmbH, Vienna
1965-1970 | Technologisches Gewerbemuseum, Wien |
1973 | Start bei Fronius International GmbH, Pettenbach |
seit 1975 | Geschäftsführer und Eigentümer, Fronius International GmbH |
1994 | Mitinitiator zur Gründung der Fachhochschule Wels |
Michael E. RAYNOR
Writer; Director, Deloitte Services LP, Ontario
Undergraduate degree in philosophy, Harvard University | |
Master's degree in business administration, Ivey School of Business, University of Western Ontario | |
Doctorat, Harvard Business School | |
Taught in the MBA and Executive Education programs at the Richard Ivey School of Business, University of Western Ontario, and at the IMD Business School, Lausanne | |
Director at Deloitte Services LP and Innovation Theme Leader in the firm s Eminence function | |
Advisor to senior executives in the world's leading corporations across a wide range of industries |
Dipl.-Ing. Michael SCHUBERT
Teamleader, Sales Development Solar Energy, Fronius International GmbH, Wels
Diplomstudium in Elektrotechnik/Nachrichtentechnik an der TU Wien | |
1994-2007 | Siemens AG Österreich, zuerst in der Entwicklung im Telekommunikationsbereich dann im Vertriebsbereich |
2001-2004 | Leiter der Consultingabteilung des Enterprise Kommunikationsbereiches |
bis 2007 | für die Einführung neuer Technologien sowohl in der Akquisition als auch in der Realisierung zuständig |
seit 2006 | Zertifizierter Senior Projektmanager nach IPMA |
seit 2007 | Fronius International GmbH, in der Sparte Solar Energy für das Sales Development neuer Technologien und Märkte verantwortlich. Hierzu zählen vor allem die Themen Speicherlösungen (Wasserstoff, Batterietechnologie) und Projekt Märkte. |
Professor, Head DOM Research Lab, University of Arts and Design Linz
Michael Shamiyeh helps organizations to define the framework for compelling innovation strategies, to sense, create, and implement desired futures, and to build their own capabilities, systems, and structures that are right for change. His customers include leading international enterprises from the fields of engineering & assembly, global energy & materials, as well as consumer & leisure. | |
He is founder and head professor of the Design Organization Media (DOM) Research Lab at the University of Arts and Design Linz, which is an internationally recognized academic research and consultancy center for innovation and change, based at the University of Arts and Design in Linz, Austria, and CEO of Shamiyeh Associates Limited, a firm that works to create desired futures. | |
Michael studied management at the University of St. Gallen (PhD) and architecture at Harvard University (MArch-postprofessional), the Architectural Association in London (MA), and the Technical University of Vienna (Dipl-Ing/MA). He has published in many international journals, books, and popular media. His most recent publications include "Driving Desired Futures: Turning Design Thinking into Real Innovation" (2014) and "Porsche Prinzip Innovation" (2013). | |
The work of Michael and his team has won many awards, including two Gold Medals for "Best Invention" given by KIWIE, Korea (2010), and by the World Intellectual Property Organization (2010), and the Innovation Prize (2009), awarded by the Austrian Ministry of Science. |
Manager, Investor Relations and Location Management, Business Upper Austria - OÖ Wirtschaftsagentur GmbH, Linz
Since 1996, Mrs. Anke Merkl-Rachbauer has been working as for the Upper Austrian Business Development Agency and is head of the department location development.marketing.communication . This she has almost 20 years of experience in the fields of regional economic and innovation development and cluster-policy. | |
Anke is responsible for location development and branding of the region of Upper Austria. Prior she was responsible for the coordination of the strategic economic and research programme for Upper Austria, named "Innovative Upper Austria 2010plus". Between 2005 and 2011 she headed the project "Plastics Location Upper Austria", building up strategically the educational & research infrastructure in Upper Austria, accompanied by place branding measures for the plastics location Upper Austria. Placed Branding being defined as an uttermost important topic to attract talented people into the region, she is currently working on a strategy for Upper Austria. |