1972 | M.D. degree, University of Munich |
1974 | Doctorate in Clinical Biochemistry, University of Munich |
1975 | moved to Rockefeller University in New York as a post-doc |
1976 | was appointed Assistant Professor of Chemical Biology |
1982 | Group Leader of Molecular Haematology, Centre Hopitalier Universitaire Vaudoise in Lausanne, Switzerland |
1987 | hired by Schering AG in Berlin in order to create a new Department of Molecular and Cellular Biology. Dr. Schleuning left Schering and cofounded PAION GmbH, a biopharmaceutical company with a drug portfolio largely based on Dr. Schleuning s research. |
since 2004 | working as an independent consultant for biotechnology and venture capital firms. Dr. Schleuning has been a pioneer in the field of genetically engineered protein drugs. One of them (Desmoteplase) is now in the last stage of clinical development. His research strategy is based on the notion that evolution has created analogues of human proteins for specific adaptations in the animal world which are suitable as drugs for medicinal interventions. Examples include snake, spider, scorpion venoms and vampire bat saliva. |
1973-1978 | Biochemiestudium an der Martin-Luther-Universität, Diplom 1978, Dissertation 1981, Habilitation und Lehrbefähigung (Facultas docendi) für das Fach Biochemie 1990 |
1981-1987 | Assistent im Wissenschaftsbereich Biochemie der Sektion Biowissenschaften |
1983 | /1986 Postdoc am Department of Chemistry, University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS, USA |
1988 | Oberassistent im Wissenschaftsbereich Bioorganische Chemie, Biotechnikum der Martin-Luther-Universität, Leiter der AG Wirkstoffbiochemie |
1989-1990 | Postdoc am Department of Pharmaceutical Pharmacology, Biomedical-Research Center, University of Uppsala, Schweden |
1992 | Leiter einer BMFT-Nachwuchsförderarbeitsgruppe |
1994 | Leiter der Abteilung Wirkstoffbiochemie am Hans-Knöll-Institut für Naturstoff-Forschung, Jena |
seit 1997 | Vorstand Forschung probiodrug AG, Halle (Saale) |
seit 2006 | Professor für Pharmabiotechnologie, Hochschule Anhalt |
seit 2007 | Geschäftsführer Ingenium Pharmaceuticals GmbH, München |
1960 | Diploma in Chemistry, Technische Universität München |
1963 | Dr. rer. nat., Technische Universität München |
1968 | Habilitation, Technische Universität München |
1972-2005 | Scientific Member of the Max-Planck-Gesellschaft and Director at the Max-Planck-Institut für Biochemie |
since 1976 | Apl. Professor, Technische Universität München |
since 1997 | Co-founder and advisor of the Biotech Company "Proteros" |
2001 | Visiting Professor, Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona |
2005 | Director Emeritus |
| Gastprofessor, Universität Duisburg-Essen |
since 2005 | Co-founder and advisor of the Biotech Company "SuppreMol" |
2007 | Visiting Professor, Cardiff University |
| Visiting Professor, Korean German Institute of Technology (KGIT), Seoul National University, Korea |
1977-1983 | Studium der Medizin in Innsbruck |
1983 | Dr.med. Universität Innsbruck |
1984-1989 | Assistent am Institut für Physiologie (Universität Innsbruck, Arbeitsgruppe Prof. Florian Lang) |
1985 | Dr.med. Universität Bologna |
1989 | Habilitation (Venia) im Fach Physiologie an der Universität Innsbruck |
| Facharzt für Physiologie und Leistungsphysiologie |
1989-1997 | Ass. Professor am Institut für Physiologie der Universität Innsbruck |
1990-1991 | Max Kade Fellowship - Visiting Assistant Professor im Dept. of Pharmacology, Mayo Foundation, Rochester, MN, USA (Prof. D. Clapham) |
1990-1992 | Research Associate am Department of Pharmacology der Mayo Foundation, Rochester, MN, USA |
1991-1992 | Erwin-Schrödinger Research Grant - Visiting Assistant Professor im Dept. of Pharmacology, Mayo Foundation, Rochester, MN, USA (Prof. D. Clapham) |
1992 | Leiter der Arbeitsgruppe Molekulare Membranphysiologie |
1995 | Stellvertretender Institutsvorstand Institut für Physiologie der Universität Innsbruck |
| Ao. Univ. Prof am Institut für Physiologie der Universität Innsbruck |
| Gastprofessor, University of Naples, Italy (Dept. of Nephrology, Prof. Capasso) |
1996 | Gastprofessor, University of Sydney; Dept. of Respiratory Medicine of the Royal Prince Alfred Hospital |
| EMBO Short-Term Fellowship (Prof. R. Benz) |
2000 | Professore Straordinario (Leiter des Instituts Fisiologia Molecolare e dei Trasporti; Professore di I. Fascia Universitá degli Studi, Mailand) |
| Gastprofessor, Harvard Medical School HHMI (Prof.D.E.Clapham) |
2002 | Facharzt für Pathophysiologie |
seit 2004 | Professore Ordinario - Departimento delle Scienze Biomolecolari e Biotechnologie, Università degli Studi di Milano |
2005 | Professore Ordinario, CIMAINA Centro Interdisciplinare Materiali e Interfacce Nanostrutturali, Università degli Studi di Milano |
2007 | Venia im Fach Pharmakologie an der PMU-Salzburg |
2007-2008 | o. Univ.-Professor für Pharmakologie (Institute für Pharmakologie, PMU Salzburg) |
2008 | Facharzt für Pharmakologie und Toxikologie |
| Österreichischer Delegierter EMEA Pharmakogenetik |
seit 2008 | o. Univ.-Professor für Pharmakologie und Toxikologie (Institut für Pharmakologie and Toxikologie, PMU Salzburg) |
| Mitglied der Ethikkommision des Landes Salzburg |