04: Sicherheit der Energieversorgung
Diese Arbeitsgruppe beschäftigt sich mit der Frage, wie in einem zunehmend liberalisierten Markt und teilweise stark fragmentierten regulatorischen Umfeld auch in Zukunft eine sichere, wirtschaftliche und umweltfreundliche Energieversorgung am besten gesichert werden kann. Die Teilnehmer werden diese Frage auf Basis historischer Trends und der besten verfügbaren angebots- und nachfrageseitigen Projektionen, sowie unter Bedacht auf die wesentlichen Anforderungen der Energiekunden an deren Energieversorger diskutieren. Unter Bedacht auf wesentliche öffentliche und regulatorische Anforderungen/Treiber werden auch Annahmen zum Beitrag neuer Technologien getroffen. Die Arbeitsgruppe wird darauf abzielen, aus ihrer Sicht Hauptpfeiler einer Strategie für die Beibehaltung hoher Netz- und Versorgungssicherheit zusammenzufassen.
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Mitglied des Vorstandes, Siemens AG Österreich, Wien
1974 | Abschluss d. Studiums der Physik und Mathematik, Universität Innsbruck |
1970-1978 | Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter der Kernforschungsanlage Jülich/BRD |
1978-1980 | VEW Ternitz - Projektleiter Nukleartechnik |
1980-1987 | VOEST ALPINE AG - Vertriebsleiter Kerntechnik/Apparatebau |
1987-1989 | VOEST ALPINE AG - Geschäftsfeldleitung Wärme- und KW-Technik |
1989-1992 | SGP VA Energie- und Umwelttechnik GmbH - Mitglied d.Vorstandes |
1992-1998 | ELIN Energieversorgung GmbH - Mitglied d. Vorstandes / Ressort Power Generation/Power |
Transmission & Distribution | |
1998-2002 | VA TECH AG - Mitglied d. Vorstandes / Ressort: VA TECH Hydro, VA TECH T&D, VA TECH Wassertechnik, |
seit 2003 | SIEMENS AG Österreich - Mitglied des Vorstandes / Ressort PTD/PG, REG |
Leader of Lower Carbon Futures, Environmental Change Institute, University of Oxford
Brenda is head of the Lower Carbon Futures team. Her main research focus is on energy efficiency and the way that energy is used in British homes, particularly by low-income households, i.e. fuel poverty. She considers the economic, social and technical aspects of the subject and her work has a strong policy emphasis. She has been a member of the DTI's Energy Advisory Panel and is widely viewed as one of the most experienced in her field. | |
Brenda has a leading role in the new UK Energy Research Centre (UKERC), which launched this October. Brenda and her team s research focus on demand-side energy issues in the UK. In addition, as part of the UKERC, Oxford University and the Environmental Change Institute are hosting the Meeting Place , which will bring together national and international energy experts to discuss and debate energy topics. | |
Brenda's other major projects include the 40% House Project (funded by the Tyndall Centre) and Carbon Vision = Building Market Transformation (funded by the Carbon Trust and ESPRC - Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council). Both projects are looking at how dramatic reductions in greenhouse gas emissions can be achieved in the built environment by 2050. | |
Brenda also teaches on the MSc Environmental Change and Management. |
Dipl.-Ing. Walter BOLTZ
Vorstand, Energie-Control Austria, Wien
1971-1976 | Studium der Technischen Physik an der Technischen Universität Wien |
1976-1991 | Leitung einer österreichischen Gesellschaft einer internationalen Beratungsgruppe |
1991-1996 | Nach dem Studium mehrere Jahre in verschiedenen Funktionen im EDV-Bereich einer österreichischen Bankgruppe tätig, danach 10 Jahre Leitung der österreichischen Gesellschaft einer internationalen Beratungsgruppe mit Schwerpunkt Management - und Technologieberatung |
Tätigkeit für eine große österreichische Kommerzbank in Mittel- und Osteuropa, Umstrukturierung u.a. von Energiebetrieben | |
1996-1999 | Mitglied der Geschäftsleitung eines großen Deutschen Beratungsunternehmens |
1999-2001 | Mitglied der Geschäftsleitung von PricewaterhouseCoopers Management Consulting; zuständig für den Bereich "Energy & Utilities" |
seit 2001 Geschäftsführer der Energie Control GmbH | |
seit 2011 | Vorstand der Energie Control Austria |
Dipl.-Physik. Dr. Rolf LINKOHR
Special advisor to the Commissioner for Energy and Former Member of the European Parliament, Stuttgart
1960 | Abitur |
ab 1961 | Studium der Physik und der Physikalischen Chemie an den Universitäten Stuttgart, München und |
Aberdeen/ Schottland (dort Stipendium der EMBO-European Molecular Biology Organization); | |
Industrietätigkeiten bei Bosch (Stuttgart-Feuerbach) und Lavalette (Paris); Promotion über die | |
Kinetik von Ionenaustauschern. | |
1964 | Eintritt in die SPD |
1970-1971 | Sprecher der baden-württembergischen Jungsozialisten |
ab 1970 | Forschungsmitarbeiter bei der Deutschen Automobil GmbH (DAUG)/Esslingen-Mettingen (Wasserstoffspeicherung, Entwicklung neuer Batteriesysteme) |
1971 | Beitritt zur IG Metall; 1974-1979 Betriebsratsvorsitzender |
1979-2004 | Mitglied des Europäischen Parlaments |
seit 2003 | Mitglied des SPD-Parteirats |
Executive Director, International Energy Agency, Paris
Mr Mandil is a graduate of France s Ecole Polytechnique and Ecole des Mines. | |
1981-1982 | Technical Advisor in the French Prime Minister s cabinet |
1983-1988 | CEO of the Institute for Industrial Development (IDI) |
1988-1990 | Director General of Bureau of Mines and Geology (BGRM) |
1990-1998 | serving as Director General for Energy and Raw Materials at the Ministry of Industry, Post and Telecommunications |
1991 | Mr Mandil was instrumental in arranging for France to become a member of the IEA |
1991-1998 | represented France at the Nuclear Safety Working Group of the G7 |
1997-1998 | served as the IEA Governing Board Chairman |
Before joining the IEA in 2003, Mr Mandil was Chairman and CEO of the Institut Français du Pétrole and, previous to that, Managing Director of Gaz de France. | |
Current: Serving a four-year term as Executive Director of the International Energy Agency, based in Paris. This post climaxes his commitment to international co-operation in energy affairs, in parallel with his career as a distinguished French civil servant. |
MMag. Peter J. OSWALD
Chairman, Mondi AG; Chief Executive Officer, Mondi Europe & International, Vienna
1981-1986 | Studies of Business Administration, Business School, University of Vienna, Austria; finished with Master |
Studies of Law, University of Vienna, Austria; finished with Master | |
1986-1989 | Managing Director University Publishing House (WUV-Universitätsverlag), Austria |
1989-1990 | Deutsche Bank, Germany |
1990-1992 | Purchasing and Logistics Manager, KTM, Austria |
1992 | Head Internal Audit, Frantschach-Group (incl Neusiedler), Austria |
1993 | Corporate Controller, Frantschach-Group (incl Neusiedler) |
1994 | Managing Director Bates Cepro, Netherlands |
1995-2001 | Chief Executive Officer, Frantschach Packaging Converting |
2002-2007 | Chief Executive Officer, Mondi Packaging Europe |
since 2008 | Chief Executive Officer, Mondi Europe & International; Executive Director of the Board Mondi plc and Mondi Ltd |
CEO and Chairman of the Executive Board, OMV, Vienna
Doctoral Studies at the University of Economics and Business Administration in Vienna | |
1976 | started to work at OMV |
1985 | joined the Planning and Controlling Department |
1989 | took responsibility for the Strategic Development of the Group |
1990 | appointed Head of Marketing |
1992-1997 | Executive Board, responsible for Finance and Chemicals |
1997 | became Deputy Minister of Finance |
2000 | rejoined the OMV Executive Board being responsible for Finance |
since 2002 | CEO and Chairman of the Executive Board |
Dipl.-Ing. Hans HAIDER
Chief Executive Officer of Verbund, Vienna
Studies of communication engineering at the Technical University of Vienna, second diploma (top grades) 1968. | |
Several Management positions within Siemens. | |
1988 | Executive Program at the Graduate School of Business of the Stanford University, USA |
1989 | Member of the managing board of Siemens AG Austria and CEO of the business unit "audio-video systems" of |
Siemens AG with world-wide responsibility | |
since 1994 | Chairman of the Managing Board and CEO of Verbund (Österreichische Elektrizitätswirtschafts-Aktiengesellschaft) |