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09: Wozu braucht man eigentlich eine FTI-Strategie und was passiert damit?

Breakout /
in englischer Sprache

Die Formulierung von FTI-Strategien ist derzeit beliebt, um zu zeigen, dass man Entwicklungen der Zukunft einschätzen kann und wie man auf diese reagieren wird. EU-Kommissionspräsident Barroso hat diesen März das EU-Strategiedokument 2020 vorgelegt, der Bund, die Forschung Austria, das AIT Austrian Institute of Technology und viele Industrieunternehmen entwickeln ebenfalls eine FTI-Strategie. Doch wer benötigt eigentlich eine solche und wozu? Dieser Arbeitskreis will mit erfahrenen Strategen aus Wissenschaft und Industrie Selbstverständlichkeiten hinterfragen, den schwierigen Weg der Umsetzung und die Konsequenzen einer strategischen Planung kritisch diskutieren.

Chief Executive Officer, EMPA Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Science and Technology, Dübendorf
Senior Vice President for Research and Dean, Hajim School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, University of Rochester; Director, Minerals Technologies Incorporated; Rochester
Executive Officer, imec; Member of the Board of Directors, imec International, Leuven
Chief Executive Officer, Critical Pharmaceuticals Ltd., Nottingham
Chairman of the Board of Trustees, Falling Walls Foundation gGmbH, Berlin
William E. Wrather Distinguished Service Professor, Enrico Fermi Institute, University of Chicago
Managing Director, Institut für Mikrotechnik Mainz GmbH, Mainz
Editor-in-Chief, Wiener Zeitung, Vienna Chair
Scientific Managing Director, AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH, Vienna Chair
Project Manager Site Development, Department Health and Environment, AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH, Wien Coordination

Dr. Gian-Luca BONA

Chief Executive Officer, EMPA Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Science and Technology, Dübendorf

1983 Diploma in Physics with distinction, Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich (ETH Zürich), Switzerland
1987 Ph.D. degree in Physics, ETH Zürich, Switzerland
1983-1987 Research Assistant, Group of Prof. Hans Christoph Siegmann, ETH Zürich, Switzerland
1987-1988 Post doctoral Fellow, IBM Zurich Research Laboratory, Rüschlikon, Switzerland
1988-1996 Research Staff Member, IBM Zurich Research Laboratory, Rüschlikon, Switzerland
1996-1998 Research Project Leader, IBM Zurich Research Laboratory, Rüschlikon, Switzerland
1998-2002 IBM Research Manager, Photonic Networks, IBM Zurich Research Laboratory, Rüschlikon, Switzerland
2002 Visiting Staff to IBM Watson, IBM Research VP Paul Horn, Yorktown Heights, New York State, USA
2003-2004 IBM Research Manager, Photonics, IBM Zurich Research Laboratory, Rüschlikon, Switzerland
2004-2008 IBM Research Functional Manager, Science and Technology, IBM Almaden Research Center, San Jose, California, USA
2008-2009 IBM Director, Tape Storage Solutions, IBM Server and Technology Group, Tucson, Arizona, USA
 Currently: CEO, EMPA Swiss Materials Science & Technology Laboratory
  Professor for Photonics, Swiss Federal Institutes of Technology ETH & EPFL
  His personal scientific interest focuses on photonic materials and its testing for novel applications such as for communication, interconnects and sensors.

Ph.D. M.Sc. B.Sc. Robert CLARK

Senior Vice President for Research and Dean, Hajim School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, University of Rochester; Director, Minerals Technologies Incorporated; Rochester

1992 Ph.D., Mechanical Engineering at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
1996-2001 Director, Center for Applied Control, Duke University, Durham, North Carolina
1998-2000 Associate Professor, Duke University, Durham, North Carolina
1999-2000 Chief Technology Officer, Imeron, Cary, North Carolina
2000-2001 Professor, Duke University
2001-2003 Jeffrey N. Vinik Professor, Duke University
2001-2007 Director, Center for Biologically Inspired Materials and Material Systems, Duke University
2001-2003 Senior Associate Dean for Research, Pratt School of Engineering, Duke University
since 2003 Secondary Appointment, Department of Biomedical Engineering
Thomas Lord Professor of Engineering, Duke University
2003-2007 Senior Associate Dean, Pratt School of Engineering, Duke University
2007 Chair, Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science, Duke University
2007-2008 Dean, Pratt School of Engineering, Duke University
since 2008 Professor, Hajim School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, University of Rochester
2008-2016 Dean, Hajim School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, University of Rochester
since 2010 Director, Minerals Technologies Incorporated (MTX)
2012-2016 Senior Vice President for Research, University of Rochester
since 2016 Provost and Senior Vice President for Research, University of Rochester

Prof. Dr. Gilbert DECLERCK

Executive Officer, imec; Member of the Board of Directors, imec International, Leuven

1972 Ph.D. degree in Electrical Engineering, University of Leuven
1973-1974 IC laboratories, Stanford University
1974 Joined Leuven University
1983 Professor, Leuven University
1984 Vice President, Advanced Semiconductor Processing Division, IMEC, Leuven
1998 Chief Operating Officer, IMEC
1999-2009 President and Chief Executive Officer, IMEC
2009 Executive Officer and Member of the Board, IMEC International

M.Pharm Ph.D. D.Sc. Lisbeth ILLUM

Chief Executive Officer, Critical Pharmaceuticals Ltd., Nottingham

 Lisbeth Illum was the founder and for 12 years the Managing Director of DanBioSyst UK Ltd., a company that specialises in Drug Delivery Systems. She was the Managing Director of Phaeton Research Ltd. and is now Director of IDentity, a consultancy company and the CEO of Critical Pharmaceuticals Ltd, a drug delivery company. She is also associated with Nottingham University, Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Department of Chemistry, as a Special Professor. She was awarded her M. Pharm, Ph. D and D.Sc. from the Royal Danish School of Pharmacy in 1972, 1978 and 1988, respectively. Her research expertise covers the area of novel drug delivery systems for difficult drugs such as polar small molecular weight compounds and peptides and proteins. She has studied the novel approaches to the delivery of such drugs using transmucosal routes such as the nasal, the oral and the vaginal. She has published more than 325 scientific papers and has co-edited four books including "Peptide Drug Delivery Systems" published by Plenum Press, 1986. She has filed nearly fifty patents on novel drug delivery systems. She has been awarded the title of "Docent" in the Royal Danish School of Pharmacy and has been the recipient of several scientific awards. She has been elected a Fellow of the AAPS and of the CRS. She has lectured throughout the world at conferences and workshops and is on the Editorial Boards of seven scientific journals. She was in 2008/2009 the President of the CRS.

Dr. Jürgen MLYNEK

Chairman of the Board of Trustees, Falling Walls Foundation gGmbH, Berlin

1970-1976 Studium der Physik, Technische Universität Hannover; Ecole Polytechnique, Paris
1976-1981 Hauptdiplom Physik, Wissenschaftlicher Assistent, Institut für Angewandte Physik, Universität Hannover
1979 Promotion, Dr. rer. nat., Universität Hannover
1982 Post-Doktorand, IBM Research Laboratory, San Jose (USA)
1984 Habilitation, Universität Hannover
1983-1985 Hochschulassistent (C1), Universität Hannover
1985-1986 Heisenberg-Stipendiat der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft
1986-1990 Assistenzprofessor, Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule (ETH), Zürich
1990-2000 Ordentlicher Professor (C4), Experimentalphysik, Universität Konstanz
1996-2001 Vizepräsident, Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft
2000-2005 Präsident, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
2005-2015 Präsident, Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft Deutscher Forschungszentren
seit 2015 Chairman of the Board of Trustees, Falling Walls Foundation gGmbH, Berlin
seit 2019 Vorsitzender, Scientific Advisory Board, Europäisches Quantum Flagship

Ph.D. Robert ROSNER

William E. Wrather Distinguished Service Professor, Enrico Fermi Institute, University of Chicago

1969 BA, Physics, Brandeis University
1976 Ph.D., Physics, Harvard University
1977-1978 Instructor, Astronomy Department, Harvard University
1978-1983 Assistant Professor of Astronomy, Harvard University
1983 Visiting Professor, Dept. of Astronomy, UC Berkeley (Spring)
1983-1986 Associate Professor of Astronomy, Harvard University
1986-1987 Lecturer in Astronomy, Harvard University
1986-1990 Astrophysicist, Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory
since 1987 Professor, Dept. of Astronomy & Astrophysics, Enrico Fermi Institute and the College, The University of Chicago
1991-1997 Chairman, Dept. of Astronomy & Astrophysics, The University of Chicago
1997-2002 Director, Ctr. for Astrophysical Thermonuclear Flashes, The University of Chicago
since 1998 William E. Wrather Distinguished Service Professor, The University of Chicago
since 1999 Senior Fellow, Computations Institute, The University of Chicago
since 2000 Professor, Dept. of Physics, The University of Chicago
2002-2005 Chief Scientist, Argonne National Laboratory (ANL)
Associate Laboratory Director for Physical, Biological, & Computing Sciences, ANL
2004 Rothschild Visiting Professor, Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences, University of Cambridge, UK
Visiting Fellow, Clare Hall, Cambridge University, UK
since 2005 Life Member, Clare Hall, Cambridge University, UK
2005-2009 Director, Argonne National Laboratory
2006-2009 President, UChicago/Argonne LLC
2007-2009 Chairman, DoE National Laboratory Directors' Council
2009-2010 Visiting Professor, Stanford University

Dr. Gerhard WEGNER

Managing Director, Institut für Mikrotechnik Mainz GmbH, Mainz

1965 Studium der Chemie mit Abschluss Promotion, Mainz
1966-1968 Research Staff, Yale University, New Haven, USA
1971 Habilitation, Mainz
1974-1984 Lehrstuhl für Makromolekulare Chemie, Universität Freiburg in Breisgau
1983 Direktor, Max-Planck-Institut für Polymerforschung, Mainz
1996-2002 Vizepräsident, Chemisch-Physikalisch-Technische Sektion, Max-Planck-Gesellschaft
seit 2006 Emeritierung als Direktor, Max-Planck-Institut für Polymerforschung
  Wissenschaftlicher Geschäftsführer, Institut für Mikrotechnik Mainz GmbH
Vizepräsident, Mainzer Akademie der Wissenschaften und der Literatur

Dr. Reinhard GÖWEIL

Editor-in-Chief, Wiener Zeitung, Vienna

1984-1988 Wirtschaftsredakteur, "Oberösterreichische Nachrichten"
1989 Leiter, Öffentlichkeitsarbeit, Chemie Linz AG
1990-1994 Wirtschaftsredakteur, Standard, Wien
1994-2009 Leiter der Wirtschaftsredaktion des Kurier, Wien
seit 2001 Herausgeber der Fachschrift Finanznachrichten
 seit 2009 Chefredakteur der "Wiener Zeitung".

Dr. Wolfgang KNOLL

Scientific Managing Director, AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH, Vienna

1973 Diploma Physics, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
1976 Ph.D., Biophysics, University of Konstanz
1976-1977 Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Konstanz
1977-1980 Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Ulm
1980-1981 Postdoctoral Fellow, IBM Research Laboratory, San José, CA
1981 Visiting Scientist, Institute Laue-Langevin, Grenoble
1981-1986 Assistant Professor, Technical University of Munich
1985 Visiting Scientist, IBM Research Laboratory, San José, CA
1986 Postdoctoral Degree: "Habilitation" - Physics, Technical University of Munich
1986-1991 Young Investigator/Associate Professor, Max Planck Institute for Polymer Research, Mainz
1988 Visiting Scientist, Optical Sciences Center, Tucson, AZ
1990 Visiting Scientist, Dept. of Chem. & Nuc. Engineering, University of California, Santa Barbara, CA
1990-1991 Visiting Professor, University of Erlangen
1991-1999 Head of Laboratory, Exotic Nano-Materials, Frontier Research Program, RIKEN-Institute, Japan
since 1992 Consulting Professor, Department of Chemical Engineering, Stanford University, Stanford, CA
1993-2008 Director, Max-Planck-Institut für Polymerforschung, Mainz
since 1998 Professor (by Courtesy) Chemistry Department, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL
since 1999 Adjunct Professor, Hanyang University, Korea
1999-2003 Temasek Professor, National University of Singapore
2004-2013 Visiting Principal Scientist, Institute of Materials Research and Engineering, Singapore
since 2008 Scientific Managing Director, AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH, Vienna
since 2009 Honorary Professor, University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences, Vienna
Visiting Professor, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore


Timetable einblenden
Genre : Alle


08:00 - 10:30Technologiebrunch der Tiroler ZukunftsstiftungSocial
11:00 - 11:10BegrüßungPlenary
11:10 - 11:30Eröffnung der Alpbacher Technologiegespräche 2010Plenary
11:30 - 12:30EröffnungsreferatePlenary
12:30 - 13:20Die Entwicklung von Biomolekülen für die Grundlagenforschung und für Anwendungen in der BiotechnologiePlenary
13:40 - 15:10Neue Wege der InnovationPlenary
15:10 - 16:00Energieautarkie und RessourcenverfügbarkeitPlenary
18:00 - 19:30Robotik – neue Technologien für eine alternde GesellschaftPlenary
19:30 - 21:30Abendempfang gesponsert durch Forschung AustriaSocial
19:30 - 21:30Karrierelounge Abendveranstaltung mit Buffet für StudentInnen, JungwissenschaftlerInnen und BerufseinsteigerInnen, gegeben von den Veranstaltern der Alpbacher TechnologiegesprächeSocial


07:00 - 13:30Arbeitskreis 01: Elektromobilität – von der Vision zur RealitätBreakout
07:00 - 13:30Arbeitskreis 02: Innovation für soziale Veränderungen – Chancengleichheit in einem digitalen ZeitalterBreakout
07:00 - 13:30Arbeitskreis 03: Endlich – intelligent, erneuerbar, sinnlich! Klimaschutz: die Chance für Mensch, Gemeinden und WirtschaftBreakout
07:00 - 13:30Arbeitskreis 04: Exzellente Forschung durch exzellentes Management. Die Bedeutung von Führung und Management in der kooperativen ForschungBreakout
07:00 - 13:30Arbeitskreis 05: Mechatronik – die stille RevolutionBreakout
07:00 - 13:30Arbeitskreis 06: Tribologie – unterschiedliche Betrachtungen von Reibung und VerschleißBreakout
07:00 - 13:30Arbeitskreis 07: Digitale vs. reale Welten – Grenzen von Computermodellen?Breakout
07:00 - 13:30Arbeitskreis 08: Von der Idee zur InnovationBreakout
07:00 - 13:30Arbeitskreis 09: Wozu braucht man eigentlich eine FTI-Strategie und was passiert damit?Breakout
07:00 - 16:00Junior Alpbach – Wissenschaft und Technologie für junge MenschenBreakout
07:00 - 13:00Ö1 Kinderuni Alpbach – Wissenschaft und Technologie für KinderBreakout
07:00 - 14:00Sonderveranstaltung: ERA-Netze als Motor der internationalen Kooperation: Chancen und HerausforderungenBreakout
07:00 - 13:30Technologieworkshop: Innovative Internet-Technologien für intelligentes, nachhaltiges und integratives WachstumBreakout
14:30 - 15:45Genomforschung und die Zukunft der KrebsmedizinPlenary
16:15 - 17:30Die digitale GenerationPlenary


07:30 - 08:50Idee und Wirklichkeit des InternetsPlenary
09:00 - 10:10Chancen und Risiken von SchlüsseltechnologienPlenary
10:10 - 11:10James Bond und die PhysikPlenary
11:10 - 11:15Abschluss-StatementPlenary
11:15 - 12:00Imbiss zum Abschluss der VeranstaltungSocial