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1 – Business to Government

Breakout /
Chief Executive Officer; and Chief Researcher, Reserach Studios Austria; Chairman World Summit Award; Cchief Executive Officer, KnowledgeFox, Salzburg
Chief Information Officer at the Public Management Department, Ministry of Finance, Helsinki
Obmann des Fachverbandes Unternehmensberatung und Informationstechnologie der Wirtschaftskammer Österreich (UBIT), allgemein beeideter und gerichtlich zertifizierter Sachverständiger für Arbeitsorganisation, Betriebsorganisation und EDV
Director General for Digitalization, Innovation and e-Government, Austrian Federal Ministry for Digital and Economic Affairs, Vienna
Freier Publizist und Medienanalytiker
IBM Worldwide Management Council Chairman

DDr. Peter A. BRUCK

Chief Executive Officer; and Chief Researcher, Reserach Studios Austria; Chairman World Summit Award; Cchief Executive Officer, KnowledgeFox, Salzburg

1968-1974 Studies in law, social and economic sciences at the University of Vienna, Graduation with a Doctorate in Laws and an abs. rer. soc. oec.
1970-1973 Leadership training at EIT - European Institute for Transnational Studies in Group and Organisational Development
1975-1976 Studies in Sociology at the University of Iowa, Iowa City (Fulbright Scholar)
1977 Visiting Scholar at Institute for Advanced Studies, Vienna Summer Research Fellow on  Sociolinguistic Aspects of Sociological Research
1976-1982 Ph.D. studies in Communication at McGill University, Montreal, Canada
1980 Visiting Scholar at International Summer Institute for Semiotic and Structural Studies, Victoria College, University of Toronto
1983 Visiting Scholar at Summer School on Cultural Studies, Faculty of the Humanities, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, USA
1995-1997 Founder and 1st Academic President of Salzburg University of Applied Sciences TechnoZ-FH, Salzburg, Austria
1995-2000 CEO and Chief Researcher of Salzburg Research GmbH Center of Excellence in New Media and Advanced Networking Technologies
2000-2002 Chief Content Officer of Telekom Austria Group Member of Board of Management and Head of Business Unit Interactive Media of Jet2Web Internet Services GmbH, the market leading ISP
2007-2013 CEO and Chief Researcher, RESEARCH STUDIOS AUSTRIA Forschungsgesellschaft mBH
  RTD organisation managing innovation transfer from universities to market - National network to transfer basic and applied research to market for e-Technologies, Internet and New Media including Data Analytics, Pervasive Computing Applications, Smart Agent Technologies, Geo-informatics.
 Since 2013 Founder and CEO of KnowledgeFox GmbH, Vienna, Austria Start-Up company pioneering MicroLearning solutions for mobile and online


Chief Information Officer at the Public Management Department, Ministry of Finance, Helsinki

 Secreterary General of the Information Society Advisory Board
 Member of EU Telematics for Administrations Committee and Information Society Committee
 Represent of Finland in OECD Information, Computer and Communications Policy-group
from 1991 to 1996 was the CIO of Ministry of Labour

Hans-Jürgen POLLIRER

Obmann des Fachverbandes Unternehmensberatung und Informationstechnologie der Wirtschaftskammer Österreich (UBIT), allgemein beeideter und gerichtlich zertifizierter Sachverständiger für Arbeitsorganisation, Betriebsorganisation und EDV

 11jährige Mitarbeit in einem britischen Textilkonzern in den Funktionen Leiter Rechnungswesen, Organisation und EDV
 div. Auslandstätigkeiten, 7-jährige Mitarbeit bei einer großen österreichischen Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft
seit 1975 Geschäftsführer von Secur-Data

Dr. Gerhard POPP

Director General for Digitalization, Innovation and e-Government, Austrian Federal Ministry for Digital and Economic Affairs, Vienna

1980-1987 Journalist, "Wochenpresse"; "Academia"; "Die Furche"
1986-1991 Federal Press Speaker Office; Head, Department for Public Relations, Austrian People's Party, Vienna
1991-2009 Deputy Director General, DG I; Head, Department for Public Relations; Press Speaker; Deputy Head of Cabinet, Austrian Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management, Vienna
2009-2018 Director General, DG V - Information and Communication Technology, e-Government, Austrian Federal Ministry of Finance, Vienna
since 2018 Director General, DG III - Digitalization, Innovation and e-Government, Austrian Federal Ministry for Digital and Economic Affairs, Vienna


Freier Publizist und Medienanalytiker

 Studium der Germanistik und Philosophie
 Ab 1982 als AHS-Lehrer tätig
 Seit 1990 ständiger freier Mitarbeiter der Wiener "Presse" / Spectrum + Hightech Presse. Etablierte dort frühzeitig eine avancierte Berichterstattung über Computer, Telekom + Digitale Medien sowie deren soziokulturelle "Nebenwirkungen".
1991-1993 als Berater im Kern-Projekt-Team für das Linzer "Ars Electronica Center" bei der Mitgestaltung der Grundkonzeption.
1993 Gründung der Consulting-Firma STEUERER KEG [mind:set:design], welche die ganzheitliche Beratung wissenschaftlich-künstlerischer sowie gesellschaftlich relevanter Projekte des "Information Age" zur Aufgabe hat.


IBM Worldwide Management Council Chairman

 Graduate of Barton College, Wilson, North Carolina, USA
 Harvard Business School, University of California at Berkeley/Graduate School of Business, IBM International Executive Program
 IBM Worldwide Management Council Chairman, Board of Trustees
 The Community Foundation for the National Capital Region, Washington, DC
 Board of Directors, Virginia Chamber of Commerce, USA
 Board of Directors, National Symphony Orchestra