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2 – Schranken für die Konvergenz?

Breakout /
Assistant of the President, Autorità per le Garanzie nelle Comunicazioni (the national regulator for tlc, TV and the press), Rome
Co-Chariman of 'Fulfilling the Digital Promise', New York
Deputy Editor-In-Chief, Salzburger Nachrichten, Vienna
Informationsintendant, ORF, Wien
Professor of Internet Governance and Regulation, Oxford Internet Institute, University of Oxford
Chief Executive Officer, Red Bull Media House, Salzburg

Dr. Davide GALLINO

Assistant of the President, Autorità per le Garanzie nelle Comunicazioni (the national regulator for tlc, TV and the press), Rome

 PhD in Telecommunications Policy
 Degree in International Affairs. NATO grant, Council of Foreign Affairs grant, Visitors Programme Fellow of the USIS (United States Information Agency)
 Research fellow /consultant for the Ministry of Defense, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the University of Rome, the Aspen Institute
 Delegate to the ONP Committee and to the Licensing Committee of the European Commission, to the EPRA (European Platform of Audiovisual Regulators) and to the IRG (Indipendent Regulators' Group)

Lawrence K. GROSSMAN

Co-Chariman of 'Fulfilling the Digital Promise', New York

1952 graduated from Columbia University, New York
1961-1966 Vice President for advertising of NBC
1966-1976 President of Lawrence K. Grossmann Inc.
1976-1984 President of PBS(Public Broadcasting Service)
1984-1988 President of NBC News
1989 Frank Stanton Chair on the First Amendment at the Kennedy School of Government
1990-1991 Senior Fellow and Visiing Scholar at Columbia University
1993 Visiting Professor at the University of Miami

Dr. Andreas KOLLER

Deputy Editor-In-Chief, Salzburger Nachrichten, Vienna

1980-1985 Studium der Politikwissenschaften und der Publizistik an der Universität Wien
1983 Freier Mitarbeiter im innenpolitischen Ressort der Zeitung 'Die Presse'
1984-1988 Innenpolitischer Redakteur der Zeitung 'Die Presse'
1988 Wechsel in die Wiener Redaktion der 'Salzburger Nachrichten'


Informationsintendant, ORF, Wien

 Studium der deutschen und englischen Literaturwissenschaft an der Universität Wien
 Lektor und freier Journalist
1967 Journalist des Aktuellen Dienstes des Fernsehens
1974 Landesintendanten von Oberösterreich
seit 1998 Informationsintendant Fernsehen


Professor of Internet Governance and Regulation, Oxford Internet Institute, University of Oxford

1986 Founder, Ikarus Software
1999-2008 Associate Professor of Public Policy, Harvard Kennedy School of Government
2008-2010 Associate Professor of Public Policy and Director, Information and Innovation Policy Research Centre, Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy, National University of Singapore
2009-2011 Economic Policy Adviser to Austrian Minister of Finance Dr. J. Pröll
since 2010 Professor of Internet Governance and Regulation, Oxford Internet Institute, University of Oxford


Chief Executive Officer, Red Bull Media House, Salzburg

1979-1983 Studium der Rechtswissenschaften und Betriebswirtschaft an der Universität Graz
1984-1985 Assistent der Verlagsleitung der Kleinen Zeitung Klagenfurt
1986-1991 Verlagsleiter der Kleinen Zeitung Klagenfurt
1992-1996 Verlagsdirektor des Zeitungsverlages STYRIA in Graz
1995-1998 zusätzlich Geschäftsführer der Medienhaus CARINTHIA GesmbH
seit 1997 Vorstand der STYRIA Medien AG
seit 1999 Vorsitzender des Vorstandes der STYRIA MEDIEN AG