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Of All The People In All The World – Eröffnung

Culture /
in englischer Sprache

In dieser wunderbar einfachen Performance-Installation steht jedes einzelne Reiskorn für irgendjemanden, irgendwo. Die KünstlerInnen schaffen kleine und große Hügel aus Reis, die die politischen und sozialen Gegebenheiten auf der Welt zeigen: ein Korn für Karl Popper, ein Haufen für die Millionäre in Europa und ein Berg für die Menschen, die vor Krieg und Unheil flüchten. Dieses wirkmächtige Kunstwerk ist, indem es abstrakte Statistiken greifbar macht, geistreich, schockierend und bewegend.

Die Performance läuft von 17. bis 30. August 2019 (ART NON STOP), täglich von 12:00 bis 18:00 Uhr.

Associate Artist and Performer, Stan's Cafe Theatre Company, Birmingham
Associate Artist, Stan's Cafe Theatre Company, Birmingham
Associate Director, Stan's Cafe Theatre Company, Birmingham
Artistic Director, Stan's Cafe Theatre Company, Birmingham


Associate Artist and Performer, Stan's Cafe Theatre Company, Birmingham

 An alumnus of Dartington College of Arts, Chris. Dugrenier is a French Artist working across artforms from solo performances, video art, site-specific and live art projects. She has a vision for works that are poetic, layered, experimental, works that take time, that take place in unusual settings and that are demanding of its audience. Her work has been presented at Warwick Arts Centre, Cambridge Junction, Embrace Arts, Goldsmith College, PDSW and was programmed at the Fierce International Festival, Expo, Sprint (Camden People Theatre), Nottingham European Arts and Theatre Festival (NEAT), Hatch Nottingham, Nottdance Festival and Sacred at Chelsea Theatre, Curve Theatre.


Associate Artist, Stan's Cafe Theatre Company, Birmingham

 Jake graduated from Dartington College of Arts in 1995 and has worked with Stan’s Cafe since 1997. He has collaborated and performed with artists such as Talking Birds, Black Country Touring, Reckless Sleepers, Kaos Theatre and Wendy Houstoun. Under the banner of Untied Artists, Jake has created a diverse portfolio of performances; from ‘The Story of the Four Minute Mile' (a site specific event at Iffley Road Running track in Oxford) to ‘The Boy Who Bit Picasso’ (an interactive family theatre show based on a true story!); from ‘For Their Own Good’ (an examination of death, and the process of dying) to 'Library Lion’ (a site specific family show which encourages literacy and the use of a vital public resource).


Associate Director, Stan's Cafe Theatre Company, Birmingham

 Craig Stephens is Associate Director and Performer with Stan’s Cafe. Craig studied theatre at The University of Warwick and gained an M.A. in Contemporary Theatre Practice at Lancaster University. He has performed with a number of companies including Insomniac Productions, Plane Performance, Talking Birds and The Playhouse. Craig is also a writer and has written for amongst others; BBC Radio 4, Talking Birds, Untied Artists , Hamfisted! and Ludlow Assembly Rooms. He first worked with Stan's Cafe devising Simple Maths in 1997, since when he has been at the heart of most of the company's activities. He has performed in almost all Stan’s Cafe shows since 1997 including It’s Your Film, Good and True, Be Proud Of Me, Of All The People In All The World, The Cleansing Of Constance Brown and The Anatomy of Melancholy.


Artistic Director, Stan's Cafe Theatre Company, Birmingham

 James Yarker co-founded the theatre company Stan’s Cafe in 1991, shortly after graduating from university. With James directing all their major productions Stan’s Cafe have grown to become one UK’s most inventive and admired contemporary theatre companies with their work in demand around the world. James is often asked to lecture, give talks and run workshops. Last year he co-authored the book "Devising Theatre With Stan’s Cafe", published by Bloomsbury Methuen. James is also a husband and a father.

Kunst und Kultur

Timetable einblenden


19:00 - 21:00Dark Codecs – EröffnungCulture


12:00 - 18:00Of All The People In All The World – EröffnungCulture
14:00 - 14:30Baustelle Conditio Humana – AusstellungsführungCulture
19:00 - 21:00Alpine Music: Widerhall durch die JahrzehnteCulture


18:30 - 19:30Dark Codecs – AusstellungsführungCulture
19:00 - 20:00It Does Matter WhereCulture


18:00 - 18:15europamemoria – MidissageCulture
18:15 - 18:30Bad Seeds /Painted Contacts – MidissageCulture


12:00 - 12:15Balkonszene 1Culture


Vierundzwanzig Stunden FreiheitCulture


12:00 - 12:15Balkonszene 2Culture


12:00 - 12:15Balkonszene 3Culture
21:00 - 23:305K HD: And To In A – Konzert und DJCulture


12:00 - 12:15Balkonszene 4Culture


12:00 - 12:15Balkonszene 5Culture
19:00 - 20:00Die Wandervögel: An der Rax – KonzertCulture


12:00 - 12:15Balkonszene 6Culture
19:30 - 22:00But Beautiful – Filmvorführung und DiskussionCulture
20:00 - 21:00DeSacre!Culture


12:00 - 12:15Balkonszene 7Culture
20:30 - 21:45Alpbach Special: Schrödingers Ente in Schrödingers SaalCulture


12:00 - 12:15Balkonszene 8Culture
19:30 - 20:30COURAGE!Culture