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Urbanisierung gestalten

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German and English language

Urbanisierung ist einer der großen weltweiten Trends. Hoffnungen von ZuwanderInnen befeuern sie, Überforderung von Verwaltungen sind vielfach Resultat, das Recht auf Stadt für alle – die Gemengelage der Herausforderungen ist dicht. Wie und von wem können sie bewältigt werden?

Professor of International Urban Sociology, Department of Sociology, University of Vienna
Architect and Urbanist, Technical University of Vienna
Deputy Mayor, City of Helsinki
Independent Facilitator, Quest Associates, Bath Chair

Ph.D. Yuri Albert Kyrill KAZEPOV

Professor of International Urban Sociology, Department of Sociology, University of Vienna

1982-1988 MA, Political Science and Sociology, University of Milan
1990-1994 PhD, Sociology, University of Pavia
1995-1996 Jean Monet Fellow, European University Institute (EUI) Fiesole
1996-1997 Research and Teach Fellow, University of Milan
1998-2000 Research and Teach Fellow, University of Urbino
2001-2014 Associate Professor of Urban Sociology, University of Urbino
2007-2008 Head, Department of Sociology, University of Urbino
2009-2014 Rectors Delegate for E-Learning, University of Urbino
 Visiting Professor at the University of Bremen (DE, 1996) Lund and Vaxjo (SE, 2008) Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (BE, 2012), ARC Distinguished fellow,Graduate Center CUNY (2015)

Dipl.Ing. Dr.techn. Paul RAJAKOVICS

Architect and Urbanist, Technical University of Vienna

1997-1999 Co-founder, Transbanana Architects, Vienna
1999 Founder, Transparadiso with Barbara Holub, Vienna
1997-2003 Assistant Professor, Deptartment of Housing and Design, Vienna University of Technology
2008-2013 Stadt Werk Lehen, Housing Project in Salzburg
since 2009 Substitute Pofessor, Deptartment of Architecture and Design, Vienna University of Technology


Deputy Mayor, City of Helsinki

1998 Project Secretary, Ministry for the Environment, Helsinki
Columnist, Helsingin Sanomat newspaper's weekly NY, Helsinki
1999-2015 Member of Parliament, Helsinki
2009-2011 Minister of Labour, Helsinki
since 2015 Deputy Mayor, City Planning and Real Estate, Helsinki


Independent Facilitator, Quest Associates, Bath

 Peter Woodward is an experienced independent facilitator. He specialises in the design and delivery of effective participative processes through his own business, Quest Associates Ltd. Assignments range from helping small teams to develop a strategy through to major multi-stakeholder international conferences. Peter supports clients from all sectors including local citizen groups, business, through to the European Commission. He is particularly active with clients who are working towards social, environmental and economic sustainability goals. Recent clients include the European Sustainable Development Network, EC EcoAP Green Innovation programme, the UK Charity Bank, The European Business Network and the Church of England. He has established a special reputation for bringing energy, enjoyment and added value into the conference setting.


Timetable einblenden


08:00 - 09:30BuchpräsentationPlenary
11:00 - 12:00EröffnungPlenary
12:00 - 13:00Urbanisierung gestaltenPlenary
13:00 - 13:30PausengesprächPartner
13:30 - 15:00Stadt teilenPlenary
15:00 - 15:30PausengesprächPartner
15:30 - 17:30CocktailempfangSocial
17:30 - 18:00PausengesprächPartner


06:30 - 07:00PausengesprächPartner
07:00 - 07:45Wohnbau und soziale Verantwortung: EU-Perspektiven und österreichische PraxisPlenary
07:45 - 09:00Stadt planenPlenary
09:00 - 09:30PausengesprächPartner
09:30 - 11:00Stadt leitenPlenary
11:00 - 12:30PausengesprächPartner
12:30 - 14:00Stadt öffnenPlenary
14:30 - 15:50SchlusswortePlenary