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17: Erfolg! Wie wir politische Ideen erfolgreich verwirklichen können

Breakout /
in englischer Sprache

Viele TeilnehmerInnen des Europäischen Forums Alpbach sind Führungskräfte. Viele SprecherInnen und BesucherInnen schaffen es scheinbar erfolgreich, in ihren jeweiligen Positionen oder Rollen Tag für Tag ihre Visionen zu verwirklichen. Wie sind sie dorthin gekommen, wo sie heute wirken können? Welche Ansätze, Denkschulen und Methoden führen ihrer Erfahrung nach zur erfolgreichen Verwirklichung von Ideen? Welchen Werkzeugkasten der Themenanwaltschaft sollten wir heutzutage beherrschen? Wie können wir erfolgreiche Kampagnen führen, unsere Interessen formulieren und vertreten, und europäische Politik tatsächlich verändern? Wir werden diesen Fragen in einem interaktiven Werkstatt-Prozess nachgehen.

Editor, DATUM - Seiten der Zeit, Vienna
Accredited Parliamentary Assistant, European Parliament, Brussels; Visiting Fellow, ICER - Innsbruck Center on European Research, Innsbruck
Executive Director, Greenpeace in Central and Eastern Europe, Vienna
Head of Department, European Policy and the Study of Democracy, Danube University Krems - University for Continuing Education; Director and Founder, European Democracy Lab, European School of Governance, Krems
Transparency Activist; Founder, Integrit.at, Vienna
Head, Climate Change & Environment Division, European Investment Bank, Luxembourg
Member of Parliament, The Greens, Vienna
Head, Institute for Nonprofit-Management, WU - Vienna University of Economics and Business, Vienna
Programme Coordinator, European Fund for the Balkans, Belgrade
Head of Creative Economics and Entrepreneurship, aws - Austria Wirtschaftsservice Gesellschaft mbH, Vienna
Ambassador of the European Union to the Republic of Korea, Seoul
Deputy Editor-in-Chief, Wiener Zeitung, Vienna
Writer and Freelance Artist, Kyiv
Head of International Department, Stiftung Mercator, Essen Chair

Mag. (FH) Stefan APFL

Editor, DATUM - Seiten der Zeit, Vienna

2006-2007 Analyst, ESI - European Stability Initiative, Istanbul/Berlin
2007-2012 Editor, FALTER, Vienna
2013 Freelance Correspondent, PROFIL/SPIEGEL.DE/PRESSE, Latin America
since 2014 Editor, DATUM - Seiten der Zeit, Vienna

Mag. Dr. Doris DIALER

Accredited Parliamentary Assistant, European Parliament, Brussels; Visiting Fellow, ICER - Innsbruck Center on European Research, Innsbruck

1999-2000 Project Management ILF Consulting Engineers
1998-2003 Head of Content & Translation Tiscover.com
2003-2005 Project Manager, University of Innsbruck, Historical Department
2004-2005 Admission Office Manager, Sales Manager Academy, Vienna
since 2006 Acc. Parliamentary Assistant, Austrian Delegation, Greens/EFA, European Parliament
since 2009 Visiting Fellow, University of Innsbruck, Department of Political Science
since 2010 Founding Board Member, Innsbruck Center for European Research
Lecturer, Danube University Krems
Associate E-Lecturer, Berlin University for Professional Studies
since 2012 University Lecturer, MCI Management Center Innsbruck

Mag. Alexander EGIT

Executive Director, Greenpeace in Central and Eastern Europe, Vienna

 Abgeschlossenes Diplomstudium der Politikwissenschaften, Publizistik und Kommunikationswissenschaft
 Lehramtsstudium der Leibeserziehung, Geschichte und Sozialkunde
 Universitätslektor am Institut für Politikwissenschaften der Universität Wien
 Trainer für Kampagnen in Europa, Südostasien und Japan
1986-1995 Mitglied der Geschäftsführung und Sprecher der Umweltschutzorganisation GLOBAL 2000
bis 1995 Stellvertretender Präsident der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Umwelt und Technik
1996 Freiberuflicher Konsulent für Non Profit Organisationen
1996-2004 Umweltpolitischer Leiter von Greenpeace Österreich
1993-1995 Vorstandsmitglied des ÖKO-BÜROs, Koordinationsstelle österreichischer Umweltorganisationen
1997-2004 Vorstandsmitglied des ÖKO-BÜROs, Koordinationsstelle österreichischer Umweltorganisationen
1997-2005 Vorstandsmitglied der IÖGV - Interessensvertretung Österreichischer Gemeinnütziger Vereine
seit 2000 Aufbau von Greenpeace in Osteuropa
2003-2005 Aufbau und Teamleiter von Greenpeace Polen
2005-2006 Beratung des Aufbaus von Greenpeace in China
2006 Teamleiter Greenpeace Ungarn
seit 2006 Geschäftsführer Greenpeace in Zentral- und Osteuropa

Dr. Ulrike GUEROT

Head of Department, European Policy and the Study of Democracy, Danube University Krems - University for Continuing Education; Director and Founder, European Democracy Lab, European School of Governance, Krems

 Since 2016 Ulrike Guérot is Professor at Danube-University Krems and head of the department for European Policy and the Study of Democracy. Core activities of the department are both interdisciplinary research and network building. The main goal is to initiate a citizen-oriented and sustainable debate on key issues surrounding today’s Europe. Since September 2017 Ulrike Guérot is holder of Alfred-Grosser visiting professorship at the Goethe-University Frankfurt. Furthermore, she founded the Berlin based think tank "European Democracy Lab. The lab seeks to rethink and redesign European democracy. Currently, the lab is building a campaign platform advocating for both the principle of political equality beyond nation states and the empowerment of regional stakeholders within the EU-setup.
 Prior to her work in Krems and Berlin, Ulrike Guérot built up the office and served as Director of the European Council on Foreign Relations and lectured at various internationally renowned universities, such as Bucerius Law School Hamburg, John Hopkins University, INSEAD Singapore and Europa University Viadrina in Frankfurt. In addition she conducted research at the Berlin Social Science Center (WZB) on the topics of democracy and democratization. In April 2016 her first book 'Why Europe needs to become a republic! A political utopia' was published by Dietz. The principal idea of the book is the creation of a ‘European Republic’ based on the concept of equality in front of the law in a union of citizens. Her latest work 'The new civil war - the open Europe and its enemies', published by Ullstein is a bestseller in Germany. In this cutting edge pamphlet she describes the great divide throughout the European societies. She has been publishing widely in Germany, English and French on European, transatlantic and global issues in various newspapers, journals and books. In times of turmoil and crisis, Ulrike Guérot aims at creating a sustainable blueprint for Europe in the 21st century, which puts the citizen first.

Mathias HUTER

Transparency Activist; Founder, Integrit.at, Vienna

2005-2007 Staff Writer, Datum, Vienna
2005-2010 Freelance Reporter, Vienna, Washington DC, Tbilisi
2006-2007 Press Office Trainee, Council of the European Union, Brussels
2009-2010 Analyst, Transparency International Georgia, Tbilisi
2010 Senior Election Assistant, OSCE/ODIHR, Vienna
2010-2011 Acting Director, Transparency International Georgia, Tbilisi
2011-2014 Senior Analyst/Program Manager, Transparency International Georgia, Tbilisi

Christopher KNOWLES

Head, Climate Change & Environment Division, European Investment Bank, Luxembourg

1976-1978 Lesotho National Development Corporation - Project Department
1979-1980 EU Commission Delegation in Malawi (Economic Advisor)
1981 Lazard Bros London
since 1982 European Investment Bank, Luxembourg
 Positions held at EIB:
1982-1985 Economist for the ACP - African, Caribbean and Pacific - countries
1986-1989 Loan Officer for the ACP countries
1990-1997 Head of Division for the CE Europe Operations
1998-1999 Head of Division for Greece and Finland Operations
2000-2004 Associate Director for Spain Infrastructure Lending Operations
since 2005 Associate Director for Energy, Environment and Funds

Mag. Dr. Michael MEYER

Head, Institute for Nonprofit-Management, WU - Vienna University of Economics and Business, Vienna

1989-1992 Research and Teaching Assistant, Institute for Marketing, Vienna University of Business and Economics
1992-1994 Research and Teaching Assistant, Institute for Cultural Management, Vienna University of Business and Economics
1994-1997 Research Assistant, Project "Language of Diplomacy", funded by Austrian Science Funds, Institute of Applied Linguistics, University of Vienna; Institute of Sociology, Vienna University of Business and Economics
1997-1998 Research Assistant, Project "Managers between Private and Work-Life", funded by Austrian Science Funds, Vienna University of Business and Economics
1998-2002 Assistant Professor, Institute for Organisational Behaviour, Vienna University of Business and Economics
2002-2005 Associate Professor, Institute for Organisational Behaviour, Vienna University of Business and Economics


Head of Creative Economics and Entrepreneurship, aws - Austria Wirtschaftsservice Gesellschaft mbH, Vienna

since 2007 Co-Founder and Board Member, emersense, Vienna
since 2008 Co-Founder and Managing Director, Impact Hub Vienna, Vienna
since 2011 Co-Founder and Board Member, Three Coins, Vienna
Co-Founder and Board Member, Inventures, Vienna
since 2014 Advisory Board Member, Austrian Startups Association
since 2018 Creative Economics and Entrepreneurship, aws - Austria Wirtschaftsservice Gesellschaft mbH, Vienna

Dr. Michael REITERER

Ambassador of the European Union to the Republic of Korea, Seoul

1978 Dr. jur., University of Innsbruck
1979 Diploma in International Relations, Johns Hopkins University, School of Advanced International Studies, Bologna Center
1981 Research Assistant, UNHCR - United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, Geneva; Certificate International Court of Justice, Research Session, The Hague
1982-1985 Austrian Deputy Trade Commissioner for Western Africa, Abidjan
1985-1989 Austrian Deputy Trade Commissioner for Japan, Tokyo
1985 Diplôme de Hautes Etudes Internationales, IHEID - The Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies, Geneva
1990-1992 Counsellor, Economic Affairs, Austrian Permanent Mission to the GATT - General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade, Geneva
1992-1997 Deputy Director General, Department for European Integration and Trade Policy, Austrian Federal Economic Chamber, Vienna
1995-1998 Co-Chair (trade) of the Joint Session of Trade and Environment Experts, OECD, Paris
1996 Panelist of a WTO Dispute Settlement Panel (US/Canada - Split Run Editions)
1997-1998 Minister-Counsellor, Head of the Industrial and Commercial Affairs Section, Permanent Representation of Austria to the EU, EESC Counsellor - European Economic and Social Committee of the EU, Brussels
1998-2002 Counsellor, ASEM - Asia-Europe Meeting, European Commission, Directorate-General for External Relations, Brussels
2002-2007 Minister, Deputy Head of the Delegation of the European Commission to Japan, Tokyo
2005 Adjunct Professor for International Politics, University of Innsbruck (Dozent f. internationale Politik)
2007-2011 Ambassador of the European Union to Switzerland and the Principality of Liechtenstein, Bern
2012-2016 Principal Advisor, Asia-Pacific Department, European External Action Service (EEAS), Brussels
since 2017 Ambassador of the European Union to the Republic of Korea, Seoul

Mag. Thomas SEIFERT

Deputy Editor-in-Chief, Wiener Zeitung, Vienna

1987-1991 Bachelor degree course, Biology, University of Salzburg
1991-1998 Master degree course, Botany, University of Vienna
Staff writer, Falter, Vienna
1999-2005 Member of the Editorial Staff, Foreign Affairs Section, News, Vienna
1999 International Media Fellowship, Duke University, Durham, NC
2001 International Visitors Program, The State Department
Lecturer, Danube University, Krems
2006-2012 Member of the Editorial Staff, Foreign Affairs Section, Die Presse, Vienna
2009 Lecturer, University of Vienna
since 2012 Deputy Editor in Chief, Wiener Zeitung, Vienna


Writer and Freelance Artist, Kyiv

 Oksana Zabuzhko is one of the most renowned contemporary Ukrainian poets, writers and essayists, known both for her literary works and social activism. She studied philosophy at the Kiev University, where she also obtained her doctorate. During the 1990s she taught at Penn State University, Harvard and University of Pittsburgh as a visiting writer. She has published four volumes of poetry and three novels, including the Ukrainian national bestseller Field Research in Ukrainian Sex, as well as numerous literary and scholarly essays. Her works are available in a dozen of languages, including English translations of her internationally acclaimed collection of poems and essays A Kingdom of Fallen Statues. Her essays and numerous translations of her poetry are also being published in various international literary journals.

Mag.a MA Verena RINGLER

Head of International Department, Stiftung Mercator, Essen

2002-2006 Associate Editor, Foreign Policy Magazine
2006-2009 Media and Communications Advisor, ICO/EUSR - The International Civilian Office - European Union Special Representative, Pristina
since 2005 EU Strategy Entrepreneur, Vienna, www.europeancommons.eu

Politische Gespräche

Timetable einblenden
Genre : Alle


09:00 - 10:30Keine InselCulture
12:00 - 13:30EröffnungPlenary
14:00 - 15:30Die EU und ihre Nachbarn: Möglichkeiten und Herausforderungen der Östlichen PartnerschaftPlenary
16:00 - 17:30Die Europäische Union auf der Suche nach einem neuen NarrativPlenary
17:30 - 18:00Kuratorengespräch: Kunst am Rande des Krieges – Krieg am Rande der KunstCulture
19:00 - 20:30„Kakanien – Neue Heimaten“ zu Gast in Alpbach: Und keiner ist da, der versteht in welcher Sprache du schreist…Culture


07:30 - 10:00Breakout Session 01: Das Vertrauen und Misstrauen der BürgerInnen: Szenarien für die Zukunft der DemokratieBreakout
07:30 - 10:00Breakout Session 02: Sozialer Zusammenhalt im erweiterten EuropaBreakout
07:30 - 10:00Breakout Session 03: EU und Türkei: Die Zusammenarbeit antreibenBreakout
07:30 - 10:00Breakout Session 04: Die Europäische Union und ihre NachbarstaatenBreakout
07:30 - 10:00Breakout Session 05: Never Mind the Gap – Die OSZE zwischen Ost und WestBreakout
07:30 - 10:00Breakout Session 06: Internationale Notfallvorsorge und GefahrenabwehrBreakout
07:30 - 10:00Breakout Session 16: Ein junger Blick auf EuropaBreakout
07:30 - 10:00Breakout Session 17: Erfolg! Wie wir politische Ideen erfolgreich verwirklichen könnenBreakout
10:00 - 11:00MittagsempfangSocial
11:00 - 13:30Breakout Session 07: Europas nächste Generation bei den Wahlen und danachBreakout
11:00 - 13:30Breakout Session 08: Brain Drain – Brain Gain: Wirtschaftliche Potenziale von Migration in Europa gestern und heuteBreakout
11:00 - 13:30Breakout Session 09: Mehr als europäische KommunikationBreakout
11:00 - 13:30Breakout Session 10: Digitales Europa – Zwischen Sicherheit und KooperationBreakout
11:00 - 13:30Breakout Session 11: Europas Peripherie im Umbruch – Folgen für die Gemeinsame Sicherheits- und VerteidigungspolitikBreakout
11:00 - 13:30Breakout Session 12: EU-Erweiterung zwischen Elan und ErschöpfungBreakout
11:00 - 13:30Breakout Session 13: Klima und Energie – Schlüsselfragen der ZukunftBreakout
11:00 - 13:30Breakout Session 14: Energiebedarf der Zukunft versus NonproliferationspolitikBreakout
11:00 - 13:30Breakout Session 15: Die EU und Entwicklungsziele nach 2015: Zwischen Wachstum, Inklusion und Nachhaltigkeit?Breakout
14:30 - 16:00Von Versöhnung zur Integration: Der Beitrag der Jugend zu einer gemeinsamen ZukunftPlenary
16:30 - 18:00Postkonfliktstaaten im Umbruch: Reformen des SicherheitssektorsPlenary
18:30 - 20:00Politische Ideen und Macht: Der demokratische Konsens der Zukunft?Plenary
20:00 - 21:30Integriert in Österreich, erfolgreich in der Welt – Wie österreichische Erfolgsgeschichten geschrieben werdenPartner


07:00 - 07:10Ungleichheit und nachhaltige Weltordnung: EinleitungPlenary
07:10 - 08:30GenerationengerechtigkeitPlenary
09:00 - 10:15Ungleichheit in den Bereichen Klima und EnergiePlenary
10:15 - 10:30SchlusswortePlenary