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18: Nachhaltige Entwicklungsziele: Warum soll’s Europa kümmern?

Breakout /
in englischer Sprache

2015 werden die Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) verabschiedet – ein neues internationales Rahmenwerk, welches nationale und internationale Bemühungen im Kampf gegen Armut, für nachhaltige Entwicklung und Gleichheit in den nächsten 15 Jahren leiten wird. Im Gegensatz zu früheren globalen Zielrahmen wie den Millennium-Entwicklungszielen wird die Post-2015 Agenda – mit den SDGs als ihr Kernelement – auf dem Universalitätsprinzip aufbauen. Sowohl Industrie- als auch Entwicklungsländer sind aufgefordert, die Ziele umzusetzen. Was bedeutet die Post-2015 Agenda für Europa? Und wie können die Ziele implementiert werden?

Ambassador; Special Representative for Global Sustainable Development, Swiss Federal Department of Foreign Affairs, Bern Key Note
Special Advisor of the Secretary-General on Post-2015 Development Planning, United Nations, New York Key Note
Member of Parliament, SPÖ - Social Democratic Party of Austria, Vienna
Secretary General, ICC Belgium - International Chamber of Commerce in Belgium, Brussels
Vice President, Sustainability Partnerships, Firmenich; Chair of the Board, United Nations Global Compact Network Switzerland, Geneva
Member, foraus - Forum Aussenpolitik - Forum de politique étrangère, Zurich Chair

Michael GERBER

Ambassador; Special Representative for Global Sustainable Development, Swiss Federal Department of Foreign Affairs, Bern

 Studies, Political Philosophy, Ethics, History and Social Anthropology, University of Bern
2002-2006 Head of Communication Bilateral Development Cooperation, Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation, Bern
2004-2006 Programme Manager for Ecuador
2006-2009 Programme Manager for Swiss Development Programmes in Afghanistan and Sri Lanka
Post-Graduate Programme, "NADEL", Centre for Development and Cooperation, ETH Zürich - Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Zurich
2009-2012 Head, Policy Division, SDC - Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation
since 2012 Ambassador; Special Envoy for Global Sustainable Development, Swiss Federal Department of Foreign Affair


Special Advisor of the Secretary-General on Post-2015 Development Planning, United Nations, New York

 Amina J. Mohammed of Nigeria is the Secretary-General’s Special Adviser on Post-2015 Development Planning.
 Ms. Mohammed was previously Senior Special Assistant to the President of Nigeria on the Millennium Development Goals after serving three Presidents over a period of six years. In 2005 she was charged with the coordination of the debt relief funds ($1 billion per annum) towards the achievement of Millennium Development Goals in Nigeria. From 2002-2005, Ms. Mohammed served as coordinator of the Task Force on Gender and Education for the United Nations Millennium Project.

Petra BAYR

Member of Parliament, SPÖ - Social Democratic Party of Austria, Vienna

1984-1985 Freelancer, different youth magazines and ORF - Austrian Broadcasting Corporation, Vienna
1984-1997 Youth Section, Trade Union for Private Employees
1985-2002 Activist, Women’s Section, Trade Union for Private Employees
since 1986 Activist, SPÖ - Social Democratic Party of Austria in Favoriten (10th district), Vienna
1986 Inscription, Studies of Sociology and Pedagogy, University of Vienna
1986-1996 Moderator and Coach, Extracurricular Youth Work
1990-1992 Chair, ÖBJR- Women’s Commission, Austrian Youth Council
1994-1996 Member, District Parliament of Favoriten (10th district), Vienna
1994-1997 Employee, ÖIAG - Austrian Industry Holding Corporation
1994-1996 Parliamentary Assistant
1996-2002 Member, Vienna City Council, Vienna
1997-2001 Coordinator, ega - Communications- and Culture-Centre for Women
1999-2001 Chair, Young Generation, SPÖ - Social Democratic Party of Austria in Favoriten (10th district), Vienna
1999-2003 Chair, Young Generation, SPÖ - Social Democratic Party of Austria, Vienna and Member of the Executive Board, SPÖ - Social Democratic Party of Austria, Vienna
since 2000 Chair, Women’s Organisation in Favoriten, and Deputy Chair, SPÖ - Social Democratic Party of Austria in Favoriten (10th district), Vienna
since 2001 Public Relations, SPÖ - Social Democratic Party of Austria, Vienna
since 2002 Member of the Austrian Parliament, Spokesperson for Global Development, SPÖ - Social Democratic Party of Austria
2003 Founder, Plattform stopFGM
2008-2010 Co-Chair, Leadership and Accountability Programme Committee and Member, Conference Coordination Committee, XVIII International Aids Conference, Vienna
since 2009 Deputy Chair, Women’s Organisation, SPÖ - Social Democratic Party of Austria, Vienna
Member, Executive Committee, EPF - European Parliamentary Forum on Population and Development
since 2010 Deputy Chair, Globe Europe (Global Legislators Organisation for a Balanced Environment)
since 2011 Head, Austrian Section, AWEPA - Association of European Parliamentarians with Africa
Member, Governing Council, AWEPA - Association of European Parliamentarians with Africa
2011-2013 Master of Arts in Human RightsDanube University Krems
since 2012 Member, Board of Trustees, Rechtskomitee Lambda
Vice-President, EPF - European Parliamentarian Forum on Population and Development
Member, Advisory Group on HIV/AIDS and Maternal and Child Health, IPU - Inter Parliamentarian Union
Senior Parliamentarian Advisor, FGM Programmes, AWEPA International - Association of European Parliamentarians with Africa
since 2013 Member, Steering Committee, Inter-Parliamentary Coalition for Combating Anti-Semitism
since 2015 Board Member and Co-Convenor Gender Equality and Population Programme, PGA - Parliamentarians for Global Action,
Member, Governing Council, AWEPA International - Association of European Parliamentarians with Africa

Mathieu MAES

Secretary General, ICC Belgium - International Chamber of Commerce in Belgium, Brussels

 Mathieu Maes is currently the Secretary General of the Belgian committee of the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC Belgium).
 Before engaging in international trade policy, he has been actively involved in international trade, acting, among other responsibilities, during eight years as the head of the Benelux distribution of one of the most important high-end design office furniture manufacturer in Italy, and he served a few years at the European Commission.
 Committed to multilateralism and a responsible globalization, he was actively engaged in the creation of the International Business Institute and the development of the foundation No to Counterfeiting and Piracy.
 Korean adoptee in Belgium, he is the proud father of two daughters.
 His educational background include Law studies at Facultés universitaires 'Saint-Louis' in Brussels, and Political, Economic and Social Sciences at Université catholique de Louvain


Vice President, Sustainability Partnerships, Firmenich; Chair of the Board, United Nations Global Compact Network Switzerland, Geneva

 Bérangère started her career as a consultant specialized in change management. She joined the United Nations System Staff College in 1998 where she led the Partners in Action Program working in more than 20 countries, from Africa to Asia. In 2004 she joined GAIN, the Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition, financed by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. At GAIN Berry was Director of Partnerships. In that position she created the GAIN Business Alliance, a global network of Food and Beverage companies interested in nutrition issues. Berry joined Firmenich in 2010 where she leads Sustainability Partnerships. Before that she was a member of the Firmenich sustainability board for 3 years. Berry has a PhD in International Relations from the Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs at Syracuse University, New York, as well as a postgraduate in Public Private Partnership Management from Cambridge University and a postgraduate in Social Innovation from Stanford. Berry is teaching twice a year at the Political Science Institute in Paris and has published books and articles on Public Management and partnerships. Berry is the chair of the United Nations Global Compact Network Switzerland, she seats on the Advisory Committee of the Zermatt Summit Foundation, the Investment Committee of the Livelihood Fund and the Steering Committee of the Toilet Board Coalition.

Politische Gespräche

Timetable einblenden
Genre : Alle


16:00 - 17:30Der „Grand Bargain“ der humanitären Hilfe: Wie bringt man mehr Hilfsmittel auf und macht diese wirksamer?Partner


09:00 - 10:00Genozid: Terminologie, Dimension, PräventionPartner
12:00 - 14:00EröffnungPlenary
14:30 - 16:00Durchwursteln oder neu starten?Plenary
16:30 - 18:00Frieden und Sicherheit in instabilen Zeiten bewahrenPlenary
17:30 - 19:00Sicherheitspolitik im FokusPartner
18:00 - 20:00EmpfangSocial
20:00 - 21:30Junge Talente – Los ColoradosCulture


06:00 - 07:00HöhenfrühstückBreakout
07:30 - 10:00Breakout Session 01: Erfolg! Wie wir Europa verändern könnenBreakout
07:30 - 10:00Breakout Session 02: Journalismus in Kriegszeiten: Der Fall UkraineBreakout
07:30 - 10:00Breakout Session 03: Verpasste Chancen: Wege zum Radikalismus?Breakout
07:30 - 10:00Breakout Session 04: Österreich in der EU: 20 Jahre Erfahrungen und ErwartungenBreakout
07:30 - 10:00Breakout Session 05: Energiearmut beseitigen: Ungleichheit reduzierenBreakout
07:30 - 10:00Breakout Session 06: Neue Paradigmen für die europäische SicherheitBreakout
07:30 - 10:00Breakout Session 07: Gleiche Chancen für alle in der EU?Breakout
07:30 - 10:00Breakout Session 08: Ungleichheit der Ergebnisse und Ungleichheit der Möglichkeiten: Inkompatible Kehrseiten derselben Münze?Breakout
07:30 - 10:00Breakout Session 09: Interoperabilität in der Humanitären Hilfe: Von Koexistenz zur KooperationBreakout
07:30 - 10:00Breakout Session 10: Junge Flüchtlinge in Europa: Verpasste Möglichkeiten – Chancen für die Zukunft?Breakout
10:00 - 11:30MittagsempfangSocial
11:30 - 14:00Breakout Session 11: Inklusivität: Der Schlüssel zum nachhaltigen WohlstandBreakout
11:30 - 14:00Breakout Session 12: Autoritarismus auf dem Vormarsch: Ein neuer globaler Konkurrent für DemokratieBreakout
11:30 - 14:00Breakout Session 13: Der ungleiche Staat: Wie Ungleichheit die Kreativität der Gesellschaft einschränkt und wie wir Wandel herbeiführenBreakout
11:30 - 14:00Breakout Session 14: Integration von Menschen | Wissen | Potential: Die Anerkennung der Fähigkeiten von MigrantInnenBreakout
11:30 - 14:00Breakout Session 15: Die EU Mitgliedstaaten: Riesen, Zwerge und die dazwischen?Breakout
11:30 - 14:00Breakout Session 16: Mehr Gemeinschaft in der Europäischen VerteidigungBreakout
11:30 - 14:00Breakout Session 17: Wie kann man TTIP zum Vorteil aller gestalten? Der Weg zu einer gerechten WelthandelsordnungBreakout
11:30 - 14:00Breakout Session 18: Nachhaltige Entwicklungsziele: Warum soll’s Europa kümmern?Breakout
11:30 - 14:00Breakout Session 19: Die Ungleichheit des KlimawandelsBreakout
11:30 - 14:00Breakout Session 20: Politik spielend entscheidenBreakout
15:00 - 16:30Sackgasse Europa? Asyl- und Flüchtlingspolitik auf dem PrüfstandPlenary
17:00 - 18:30Die EU und Russland: Rivalen, Gegner, Partner?Plenary
19:00 - 20:30ABGESAGT – Late Night Talk: Islam, „Islamischer Staat“ und GewaltPlenary


07:00 - 07:30UnWürdePlenary
07:30 - 08:15Existentielle RisikenPlenary
08:45 - 10:15Nachhaltige Entwicklungsziele: Vom Plan zur UmsetzungPlenary
10:15 - 10:30SchlusswortePlenary