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Cyberwar – Standpunkte und Handlungsansätze zentraler Akteure

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German and English language

Europäisches Forum Alpbach in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Bundesministerium für Landesverteidigung und Sport der Republik Österreich
Wie verändern Cyberspace und Cyberwar unsere Definitionen von Krieg und Sicherheit? Wie definieren zentrale globale Akteure Cyberwar? Worum handelt es sich dabei eigentlich – um ein neues militärisches Phänomen oder nur um einzelne Angriffe?

Senior Advisor, Project on Technology, Security, and Conflict in the Cyber Age, Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs, Harvard University; Former Acting Senior Director for Cyberspace, National Security Council, Washington, D.C. Key Note
Austrian Federal Minister for Transport, Innovation and Technology, Vienna
Chairman, ESRT - European Security Roundtable sprl, Brussels
Adviser to the Secretary, Security Council of the Russian Federation, Moscow; Director, Information Security Institute, Moscow State University, Moscow
Cyber-Coordinator and Head, Military Strategy Division, Federal Ministry of Defence and Sports of the Republic of Austria, Vienna Chair


Senior Advisor, Project on Technology, Security, and Conflict in the Cyber Age, Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs, Harvard University; Former Acting Senior Director for Cyberspace, National Security Council, Washington, D.C.

 B.A. Degree, The American University, Washington, D.C.
 Graduate Studies in International Economics and Technology Transfer Policy, Washington, D.C.
 Graduate of the US Armed Forces Staff College (special certificate in Information Operations), Norfolk, Virginia
1989-1990 The American Foreign Service Association, Washington, D.C.
1990-1993 Associate, Evidence Based Research, Inc., McLean, Virginia
1993-2007 Principal, Booz Allen & Hamilton, Inc., McLean, Virginia
2007-2009 Cyber Coordination Executive and Director, Joint Interagency Cyber Task Force, Office of the Director of National Intelligence, Washington, D.C.
2009 Acting Senior Director for Cyberspace, National Security Council, Washington, D.C.
since 2009 President, Hathaway Global Strategies, LLC and Senior Advisor at Harvard Kennedy School’s Belfer Center

Mag. Gerald KLUG

Austrian Federal Minister for Transport, Innovation and Technology, Vienna

1983-1984 Technical College at Graz-Gösting
since 1984 Member of Trade Union proge
1984-1987 Vocational School (lathe operator)
1987-1990 Skilled worker (lathe operator) Company Siemens Mobility
1987-1988 National Service
1989 Otto-Möbes-Academy, Graz
1989-1990 Academy for Social Studies of the Chamber of Labour at Mödling
since 1990 Secretary of the Trade Union proge
1992-2001 Mag. Iur., Karl-Franzens-University, Graz
since 2000 Lay Judge, Court of Appeal, Graz
2000-2005 Member of the Supervisory Board, Chamber of Labour for Styria; Substitute Member of the General Assembly, Federal Chamber of Labour
2003-2005 Member of the Provincial Directorate, Styrian Employment Office
2004-2005 Substitute Member of the General Assembly, Provincial Health Insurance Fund for Styria
since 2005 Member of the Executive Committee, Chamber of Labour for Styria
2001-2011 Member of the Independent Financial Tribunal, Graz Regional Financial Directorate
2010-2013 Chief Whip of the Social Democratic Party in the Federal Council; Member of the Federal Party Executive Committee and the Federal Party Presidium of the Social Democratic Party
2008-2013 Deputy Head of the Social Democratic Parliamentary Party - Parliamentary Party of the Social Democratic Members of the National Council, Federal Council and the European Parliament
2013-2016 Federal Minister of Defence and Sports
since 2016 Federal Minister for Transport, Innovation and Technology

Dr. Christoph RAAB

Chairman, ESRT - European Security Roundtable sprl, Brussels

1999 Diploma in Economics, University of Trier, Germany
2001 Master's Degree in European Economic Studies. Master's Thesis about 'Poland's preparations for the European Monetary Union', The College of Europe Natolin, Warsaw, Poland
1999-2000 Journalist, IfA - Institute for Foriegn Cultural Relations, Stuttgart, Germany
2002-2005 Personal Assistant, Karl von Wogau MEP - European Parliament, Brussels, Belgium
since 2005 Managing Director Copura GmbH, Event Management, Consulting and Communication, Brussels, Belgium
since 2009 Chairman European Security Round Table, European Security and Defence Policy Forum, Brussels, Belgium

Dr. Vladislav P. SHERSTYUK

Adviser to the Secretary, Security Council of the Russian Federation, Moscow; Director, Information Security Institute, Moscow State University, Moscow

1966 Study of Physics, Moscow State University, Moscow
1972 Post-Graduate Course, KGB Higher College
since 1966 Serves in the State Security Agencies of the Russian Federation
1995-1998 Chief of the Radio-Electronic Communications Intelligence Department, FAPSI - Federal Agency for Government Communications
since 1998 Vice-Director of the FAPSI - Federal Agency for Government Communications and Chief of the Radio-Electronic Communications Intelligence Department
1998-1999 General Director, FAPSI - Federal Agency for Government Communications; Member of the Russian Federation Security Council
1999-2004 Senior Vice-Secretary, Russian Federation Security Council
since 2004 Undersecretary, Russian Federation Security Council

Mag. M.Sc. Helmut HABERMAYER

Cyber-Coordinator and Head, Military Strategy Division, Federal Ministry of Defence and Sports of the Republic of Austria, Vienna

1978-1982 Theresian Military Academy
1981-1988 Several Postings as Platoon and Company Commander in the AAF Reconnaissance Battalion, incl. an UN-tour with UNDOF - United Nations Disengagement Observer Force
1988-1991 General Staff Officers Course
1991-1993 G3 of the Military Command Lower Austria
1993-1998 J2 of the Operations Division MOD
1998-1999 Cdt. of a Mechanized Infantry Battalion
1999-2000 National Defence University, Washington, D.C.
2000-2001 National Contingent Commander of the AAF in Kosovo
2001-2006 Deputy Head of the Strategic Planning Division and Expert for Threat-Analysis, Network Centric Warfare and Transformation to the Political-Military Austrian Armed Forces Reform Commission; Head of the C2-Workinggroup. In this competency he decisively designed the new Joint Forces Command and generally the new command structure at all levels.
2006-2013 Head of the Military Strategy Division in the Ministry of Defence and Responsible for Strategic Documents, CD&E, LI/LL and Cyber-Use in Military Operations.
since 2013 Director Force Structures and Organisation and Chief Information Officer of the Austrian Armed Forces. In this capacity he is also responsible for the Cyber Policy of the Ministry of Defence and the participation of the Austrian Armed Forces in the comprehensive Cyber Security effort of Austria.

Politische Gespräche

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kategorie: Alle Breakout Plenary
Genre : Alle