Der EU-Binnenmarkt – ein Beispiel für gute Regulierung?
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Prof. Dr. Mario MONTI
Former European Commissioner for Internal Market, Financial Services and Taxation and Former European Commissioner for Competition, European Commission, Brussels; President, Bocconi University, Milan
Mario Monti is president of Bocconi University, Milan. He is also European chairman of the Trilateral Commission and honorary president of Bruegel, the European think-tank he launched in 2005. As the EU-appointed coordinator for the electricity interconnection between France and Spain, he brokered an agreement between the two heads of governments in June 2008. He was a member of the Attali Committee on French economic growth, set up by President Sarkozy (2007-2008). He was for ten years a member of the European Commission, in charge of the Internal market, Financial services and Tax policy (1995-1999), then of Competition (1999-2004). In addition to a number of high-profile cases (e.g. GE/Honeywell, Microsoft, the German Landesbanken), he introduced radical modernization reforms of EU antitrust and merger control and led, with the US authorities, the creation of the International Competition Network (ICN). | |
Mr. Monti graduated from Bocconi and Yale University. Prior to joining the European Commission, he had been professor of economics and rector at Bocconi University. |
Mag. Bernhard ACHITZ
Executive Secretary, ÖGB - Austrian Trade Union Federation; Deputy Chairman of the Management Board, Main Association of Austrian Social Security Institutions, Vienna
Studium der Rechtswissenschaften | |
1991-1994 | Rechtsabteilung, Kammer für Arbeiter und Angestellte für Wien |
1994-1997 | Sozialpolitik, Kammer für Arbeiter und Angestellte für Wien |
1997-2007 | Leiter des Sozialpolitischen Referates, Österreichischer Gewerkschaftsbund |
seit 2006 | Stellvertretender Vorsitzender des Hauptverbandes der Österreichischen Sozialversicherungsträger |
2008-2012 | Leitender Sekretär, Österreichischer Gewerkschaftsbund |
seit 2012 | Leitender Sekretär, Bereich Grundsatz, ÖGB - Österreichischer Gewerkschaftsbund |
Dipl. Wi.-Ing. Robert CHVATAL
Vorsitzender der Geschäftsführung, T-Mobile Austria GmbH, Wien
1991-1992 | Assistant Brand Manager, Procter and Gamble, Germany and Czechoslovakia |
1993-1997 | Marketing Director, COTY/Margaret Astor (Cosmetics production and distribution company), Czech Republic and Slovakia |
1997-2002 | Director of Marketing, Member of the Board of Directors, RadioMobil (GSM Mobile operator in the Czech Republic) |
2002-2007 | Chief Executive Officer and Member of the Board of Directors, T-Mobile Slovensko |
since 2007 | Chief Executive Officer, T-Mobile Austria |
Professor Emerita, Department of Economics, University of Geneva
1982-2008 | Professor of Economics at the University of Geneva and at the European Institute of the University of Geneva |
1994-1998 | Director of the European Institute |
2003-2007 | Member of the Governing Council of the University of Geneva |
2004-2006 | President of the Mont Pelerin Society |
2006-2010 | Senior Vice-President, Parliament of Canton of Geneva |
2008-2009 | Deputy, Parliament of Canton of Geneva |
Stv. Vorsitzender, GEREK - Europäische Regulierungsstelle; Geschäftsführer, Fachbereich Telekommunikation und Post, RTR - Rundfunk und Telekom Regulierungs-GmbH, Wien
Studium der Physik und Mathematik, Universität Wien | |
Nuklearphysiker, Bereich der Grundlagenforschung | |
Mehrere Managementpositionen in verschiedenen Industriebereichen | |
Managing Director, verantwortlich für Österreich und Zentral-/Osteuropa (Arthur D. Little Austria) | |
seit 2002 | Geschäftsführer, Fachbereich Telekom und Post (RTR-GmbH) |
seit 2008 | auch für den Bereich Postangelegenheiten verantwortlich |
seit 2010 | Mitglied des Board der Europäischen Regulierungsstelle (GEREK) |
seit 2011 | Stv. Vorsitzender der Europäischen Regulierungsstelle (GEREK) |
Director, Agenda Austria, Vienna
1990-1991 | Bankausbildung, Creditanstalt Bankverein, Wien |
1992-1997 | Studium der Handelswissenschaften, WU - Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien |
1997-2013 | Wirtschaftsredaktion, "Die Presse", Wien |
2004-2013 | Leiter der Wirtschaftsredaktion, "Die Presse", Wien |
2011-2013 | Stellvertretender Chefredakteur, "Die Presse", Wien |
seit 2013 | Direktor, Agenda Austria, Wien |