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Der UN-Sicherheitsrat und die Herrschaft des Rechts

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German and English language
Ambassador of The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan to the United States, Washington DC
President of the Peacebuilding Commission of the United Nations; Permanent Representative of the Republic of Angola to the United Nations, New York
Executive Director, Security Council Report, New York; Former Minister for Foreign Affairs and Worship of the Republic of Costa Rica
Director, Diplomatic Academy, Vienna Chair

Prince Zeid Ra'ad AL HUSSEIN

Ambassador of The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan to the United States, Washington DC

 B.A. from The Johns Hopkins University, Ph.D. from Cambridge University, served as an officer in the Jordanian military
1994-1996 Political affairs officer in UNPROFOR in the former Yugoslavia
  coordinator of the Non-Aligned Movement for several years
1996-2000 Jordan s Deputy Permanent Representative at the UN
  Central role in the establishment of the International Criminal Court (ICC)
2002-2005 Elected the first president of the governing body of the ICC
  chair of the Ad Hoc Committee on the Scope of Legal Protection under the
  Convention on the Safety of United Nations and Associated Personnel
2004 Chairman of the "Panel of Experts for the UN Secretary-General s Trust Fund to
  assist States in the Settlement of Disputes through the International Court of
  Justice", boundary dispute between Benin and Niger
Jordan s representative and head of delegation before the International Court of
  Justice, relating to the wall built by Israel in the Occupied Palestinian Territories
2004-2005 "Advisor to the Secretary-General on Sexual Exploitation and Abuse"
  chairs the Consultative Committee for the United Nations Development Fund for
  Women (UNIFEM)
since 2000 Jordan s Ambassador and Permanent Representative to the United Nations


President of the Peacebuilding Commission of the United Nations; Permanent Representative of the Republic of Angola to the United Nations, New York

 Bachelor's degree in economics from Lycoming College in Pennsylvania, United States, post-graduate studies in economics at the University of Mannheim, Germany
1969-1971 Diploma in economic development, Oxford University
1971-1972 Research officer on agricultural development policies in Africa for the UNRISD
  in Geneva
1972-1975 Economic affairs officer, United Nations Conference on Trade and Development
1975 External and economic affairs adviser to the President of Angola
1976-1977 Governor of the Central Bank of Angola
1977-1982 Minister of Finance
1982-1987 Angola's Minister of External Trade
1989-1995 Executive Director of the African Development Bank in Abidjan, Cote d'Ivoire
1996-2000 Southern African Development Community Task Force at the World Economic
  Forum Summit
from 1996 Founding member and Co-President of the Angola - South Africa Chamber of
  Commerce and Industry, concurrently Managing Director of Gaspar Martins and
  Associates International Business Consultants
2001-Present Ambassador/Permanent Representative of Angola to the United Nations
2003-2004 Appointed as the Representative of Angola to the UN Security Council
2003 President of the Security Council
2004 Chairman, Forum of Mine Affected Countries (FOMAC)
2006-2007 Chairman, Peacebuilding Commission


Executive Director, Security Council Report, New York; Former Minister for Foreign Affairs and Worship of the Republic of Costa Rica

1988-1992 Universität Georgetown; Bachelor in Politikwissenschaften (Internationale Beziehungen)
1992-1994 Universität Sorbonne; Master in Politikwissenschaften (Politische Soziologie)
1994-1998 Generalkonsul und Stellvertreter, Botschaft von Costa Rica in Frankreich
1995-1997 CRI-Vertreter, OECD Emerging Market Economy Forum, Frankreich
1995-1998 CRI-Vertreter, OECD Multilateral Agreement on Investments, Frankreich
CRI-Vertreter, Bureau International des Expositions, Frankreich
1998-2002 Leiter Ministerbüro, Außenministerium
1999-2000 Mitglied, Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistence, Schweden
2000-2001 Master in Öffentlicher Politik, Universität Princeton, Woodrow Wilson School
2001-2002 Professor, Universidad de Costa Rica, Schule der Politikwissenschaften
2002 stv. Stadtratsmitglied, Escazú
2002-2006 Botschafter und Ständiger Vertreter bei der UNO
2003 Vizepräsident, Komitee für Kinderrechte, VN
Vizepräsident, Konferenz über kleine Waffen und leichte Waffen, VN
2003-2004 Vizepräsident, XI und XII Kommission für nachhaltige Entwicklung, VN
2005-2006 Mitglied, Berater, Parlamentarians for Global Action, USA
2007-2009 Co-President of the Article 14 Conference of the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty, Vienna and New York
2005-2008 Präsident, Versammlung der Vertragsstaaten, Internationaler Strafgerichtshof
2006-2010 Amtsantritt als Außenminister


Director, Diplomatic Academy, Vienna

1963-1968 Universität Wien, Rechtsfakultät
1968 Promotion zum Dr. iur.
1968-1970 Diplomatische Akademie in Wien
1970 Eintritt in das Bundesministerium für auswärtige Angelegenheiten
1970-1972 Völkerrechtsbüro
1972-1973 Legationssekretär an der österreichischen Delegation in Berlin (West)
1973-1978 Botschaftssekretär an der österreichischen Botschaft in Washington
1978-1981 Völkerrechtsbüro
1981-1984 Gesandter-Botschaftsrat an der österreichischen Botschaft in Belgrad
1984-1987 Gesandter-Botschaftsrat an der österreichischen Botschaft in Kairo
1987-1992 Gesandter, stellvertretender Leiter des Völkerrechtsbüros, Leiter der Abteilung "Allgemeines Völkerrecht"
1992-1996 Botschafter, Ständiger Vertreter Österreichs beim Europarat (1993 Vorsitzender des Ministerdelegiertenkomitees)
1996-1999 Leiter der Abteilung für Amerika im Bundesministerium für auswärtige Angelegenheiten (1998 Leiter der Task Force für transatlantische Beziehungen während des österreichischen EU-Vorsitzes)
1999-2005 Leiter des Völkerrechtsbüros
2002-2005 Stellvertretender Generalsekretär
2005-2008 Staatssekretär im Bundesministerium für europäische und internationale Angelegenheiten
 Seit 2009 Direktor, Diplomatische Akademie, Wien

Politische Gespräche

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