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Die Donaustrategie der Europäischen Union

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German and English language
Vice-Chancellor, Federal Minister of Finance of the Republic of Austria, Vienna Key Note
National Coordinator for the EU Strategy for the Danube, Romanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Bucharest
Professor and Director, Center for EU Enlargement Studies, Central European University, Budapest
Federal Minister of State ret.; Chairman, Baltic Sea Forum; Board Member, Institute for European Affairs, Düsseldorf
Head, Department space&designstrategies, University of Art and Industrial Design Linz; Architect, Vienna
Generalsekretär, Bundesministerium für europäische und internationale Angelegenheiten, Wien Chair


Vice-Chancellor, Federal Minister of Finance of the Republic of Austria, Vienna

1978-1983 University of Vienna, Law Faculty; 1983 Graduation as Doktor iuris - Doctor of Law
1982-1983 Assistant Lecturer and Researcher, Institute of Criminal Law, University of Vienna
1983-1984 Judge's Assistant at several Courts of Law in Vienna
1984-1987 Civil Servant for the Federal State Lower Austria; employed in the Headquarter as well as in the Country Councils of Gmünd and Baden
1987-1990 Member in the Cabinet of the Minister of Defence
1989-1991 Speaker on European Relations, ÖAAB, the Employees' Association of the Austrian People's Party - ÖVP
1990-1993 Trainee Programme, Federation of Austrian Industrialists, including Work Experience at Alcatel Austria, Siemens and the Austrian Power Industry, as well as a four-months internship in Germany
1991 Deputy Head, ÖAAB
1992-1993 Member, Federal Chamber in the Austrian Parliament
1993-1994 GiroCredit (Austrian bank), employed within the Secretary of the Board; Strategic Management
1993-1995 MP - Member of the National Assembly
1995-1996 MEP - Member of the European Parliament (ÖVP-EVP), Brussels, Member in the Parliamentary Committee on Economics, Currency Issues and Industrial Policy, Deputy Member in the Committee for Social Issues and Employment
since 1996 MP - Member of the National Assembly in the Austrian Parliament
1996-2006 Party's Speaker on Foreign Affairs, Head of the Parliamentary Committee on Foreign Affairs
since 1998 Chairman, NÖAAB (ÖAAB of Lower Austria)
2000-2007 Member of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe
2000-2006 Deputy Parliamentary Group Leader, Austrian People´s Party
2002-2006 Head, Austrian Delegation to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe
2006-2008 2nd President, Austrian National Council
2008-2013 Federal Minister for European and International Affairs
since 2009 Head, ÖAAB
since 2011 Vice-Chancellor of the Republic of Austria and Head of ÖVP
since 2013 Federal Minister of Finance


National Coordinator for the EU Strategy for the Danube, Romanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Bucharest

1974-1979 Computer engineer, Bucharest Polytechnic Institute
1979-1982 Researcher, Central Institute for Informatics (ICI), Bucharest
1982-1990 Principal engineer, Computer Centre of the System of the International Trade, Bucharest
1990-1991 Third secretary, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Policy Analysis Department
1992-1993 Second Secretary, European Organizations Department, MFA, NATO desk
1993-1994 Director, NATO, WEU, Council of Europe and sub-regional organizations, MFA
1994-1997 First Secretary, Head of the liaison office of Romania to NATO, Romanian Mission to the EU, NATO and WEU, Brussels
1997-1999 Councillor, Director, NATO, WEU and Crisis Management Department, MFA
1999-2001 Head, political section and coordinator of the EU accession negotiations, Romanian Mission to the EU, Brussels
2001-2005 Minister Councillor, Deputy Head of Mission of Romania to the EU, Brussels
2005- Permanent Representative of Romania, COREPER I
- Minister Plenipotentiary, EU General Directorate, MFA
2005-2009 Representative of Romania to the Political and Security Committee
2009- National Coordinator for the EU Strategy for Danube Region
2010- Director, EU Policies Department, EU General Directorate, MFA

Dr. Peter BALAZS

Professor and Director, Center for EU Enlargement Studies, Central European University, Budapest

1963 Graduated in Economics at the Budapest School of Economics
1963-1968 "Elektroimpex" Economist, Hungarian Foreign Trading Co.
1969-1982 Desk Officer, Director, Ministry of Foreign Trade
1982-1987 Counselor in charge of the EC, Hungarian Embassy
1987-1988 Prime Minister Office: responsible for international economic organisations
1988-1992 Director General for multilateral relations, Ministry of International Economics Relations
1992-1993 Permanent State Secretary supervising the sectors of industry, energy, building industry, trade and tourism, Ministry of Industry and Trade
1994-1996 Ambassador, Hungarian Embassy, Copenhagen
1997-2000 Ambassador, Hungarian Embassy, Bonn-Berlin
2000 Dr. habil of the Budapest School of Economics
2000-2002 Budapest University of Economics and Public Administration: Professor
2001-2003 Ministry of Foreign Affairs: State Secretary for Integration and External Economic Relations
2003 Doctor of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences
2003-2004 Permanent Representation of Hungary to the European Union: Ambassador (Corepter II.)
2004 Member of the European Commission
2005-2009 Professor at the faculty of International and European Studies at the Central European University
2009-2010 Foreign Minister of the Republic of Hungary
since 2010 Professor, Central European University (CEU)
  Director, Center for EU Enlargement Studies (CENS), CEU


Federal Minister of State ret.; Chairman, Baltic Sea Forum; Board Member, Institute for European Affairs, Düsseldorf

 Management assistant in real estate and housing industry
 Secondary School of business administration
 Vocational baccalaureate diploma
1976-1981 Real estate developer for the Stadtsparkasse Düsseldorf and Housing Projects
1981-1986 Chief administrator of the Verwaltungsstelle Zivildienst Niederrhein
1986-1998 Department Head of the Deutschen Gewerkschaftsbund Nordrhein-Westfalen (Federation of German Trade Unions - Northrhine-Westphalian division)
1998-2000 CEO of the Landesversicherungsanstalt Rheinprovinz
1998-2009 Member of the German Bundestag
2000-2002 Secretary for transport, infrastructure and housing
2001-2008 Chairman of the Forum "Sustainability, Energy and Mobility" of the National Committee of the German Social Democrats
2002-2009 Deputy Chairman of the Committee on European Affiars of the German Bundestag
since 2006 Maritime Ambassador of the European Union
2003-2009 NATO Parliamentary Assembly, Council of Europe, Baltic Sea Parliamentary Conference, Western European Union and frequent Chairmanship of the German COSAC-Delegation during the Presidency of the European Council

Mag. arch. Elsa PROCHAZKA

Head, Department space&designstrategies, University of Art and Industrial Design Linz; Architect, Vienna

 Architekturstudium, Technische Universität Wien und Akademie der Bildenden Künste, Wien
 Architekturbüro, architectureality_space&designstrategies, Wien
1992-1996 Univ. Professorin für Entwerfen im Städtebaulichen Kontext, Gesamthochschule Universität Kassel
seit 2001 Univ.Prof. für raum&designstrategien, Kunstuniversität Linz
1991, 1996 Architekturbiennale Venedig
1996 Personale Galerie AEDES, Berlin
2003 housing in Vienna, New York
2004 The Visionary Power of Austrian Architecture, Washington D.C.
2008-2010 Wiener Wohnbau, Venedig, Mailand, Wien, Belgrad, Berlin

Dr. Johannes KYRLE

Generalsekretär, Bundesministerium für europäische und internationale Angelegenheiten, Wien

1966-1970 Legal studies at the University of Vienna
1970 Doctor of Law
1971-1973 Legal work at courts and banks
1973 Entry into the Austrian Diplomatic Service
1975 Diplomatic Exam, afterwards employed at the Multilateral Economic Department, the Secretariat General and Cabinet of the Minister (1976)
1985-1996 Deputy Head of the Cabinet of the Federal Minister for Foreign Affairs
1991-2002 Austrian Ambassador to the Principality of Liechtenstein with residence in Vienna
1997-2002 Chief of Protocol
since 2002 Secretary-General for Foreign Affairs

Politische Gespräche

Timetable einblenden