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Die internationale Finanzkrise und die Milleniums-Entwicklungsziele

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German and English language
Former Secretary-General, United Nations; Chairman, Ban Ki-moon Centre for Global Citizens, Vienna (tbc)
Former Federal President, Republic of Austria; Co-Chair, Ban Ki-moon Centre for Global Citizens, Vienna
Governor, Province of Tyrol, Innsbruck
Vice-Chancellor, Federal Minister of Finance of the Republic of Austria, Vienna
Vorsitzender, IDM - Institut für den Donauraum und Mitteleuropa, Wien Chair

BA MA Ki-moon BAN

Former Secretary-General, United Nations; Chairman, Ban Ki-moon Centre for Global Citizens, Vienna

 Ban Ki-moon has had an extensive career as a senior representative, policy maker and diplomat of the Republic of Korea. Following a stint as ambassador to Austria, Ban returned to Seoul as vice-minister of foreign affairs In 2003 he became foreign policy adviser to the new president, Roh Moo Hyun. As minister of foreign affairs and trade from 2004 to 2006, Ban played a key role in the six-party talks aimed at denuclearizing North Korea. The Harvard University Alumni was elected as United Nations Secretary General in 2006 and held this position form 2007 to 2016. He currently holds more than a dozen prestigious Chairmanships inter alia at the Ban Ki-moon Centre for Global Citizens and at the Boao Forum for Asia.


Former Federal President, Republic of Austria; Co-Chair, Ban Ki-moon Centre for Global Citizens, Vienna

 Dr. Heinz Fischer has had an extensive career as a senior representative and policy maker of the Republic of Austria. As Federal Minister of Science and Research and speaker of the Austrian National Assembly for more than 12 years, he was involved extensively in supporting and advancing the country´s scientific, social and cultural development. In 2004 he was elected Federal President of the Republic of Austria. After more than 40 Years in public office and two terms as Federal President he retired in 2016. He was proclaimed Chairman of the Council for the Commemorative Year 2018 by the Federal Government of Austria as well as Co-Chairman of the Ban Ki-moon Centre for Global Citizens.


Governor, Province of Tyrol, Innsbruck

1976-1994 Ausbildung zum Gendarmeriebeamten und zuletzt dienstführender Gendarmeriebeamter in Landeck und Imst mit den Schwerpunkten Alpinismus und Kriminaldienst
1986-1989 Mitglied des Gemeinderates von Zams
1989-2000 Bürgermeister von Zams
1994-2000 Abgeordneter zum Nationalrat, Mitglied im Innen- und Verteidigungsausschuss (Wehrsprecher der ÖVP, Exekutivsprecher der ÖVP, Delegierter der ÖVP für WEU und NATO, Mitglied des Landesverteidigungsrates)
1995-2003 Bezirksparteiobmann der ÖVP
2000-2003 Mitglied der Tiroler Landesregierung, Landesrat für Sport, Kultur, Schule, Arbeitnehmerförderung und Staatsbürgerschaftswesen
seit 2000 Landesparteiobmann-Stellvertreter
seit 2001 Landesobmann des AAB Tirol
2003-2007 Bundesminister für Landesverteidigung der Republik Österreich
2007-2008 Bundesminister für Inneres der Republik Österreich
seit 2008 Landeshauptmann von Tirol


Vice-Chancellor, Federal Minister of Finance of the Republic of Austria, Vienna

1978-1983 University of Vienna, Law Faculty; 1983 Graduation as Doktor iuris - Doctor of Law
1982-1983 Assistant Lecturer and Researcher, Institute of Criminal Law, University of Vienna
1983-1984 Judge's Assistant at several Courts of Law in Vienna
1984-1987 Civil Servant for the Federal State Lower Austria; employed in the Headquarter as well as in the Country Councils of Gmünd and Baden
1987-1990 Member in the Cabinet of the Minister of Defence
1989-1991 Speaker on European Relations, ÖAAB, the Employees' Association of the Austrian People's Party - ÖVP
1990-1993 Trainee Programme, Federation of Austrian Industrialists, including Work Experience at Alcatel Austria, Siemens and the Austrian Power Industry, as well as a four-months internship in Germany
1991 Deputy Head, ÖAAB
1992-1993 Member, Federal Chamber in the Austrian Parliament
1993-1994 GiroCredit (Austrian bank), employed within the Secretary of the Board; Strategic Management
1993-1995 MP - Member of the National Assembly
1995-1996 MEP - Member of the European Parliament (ÖVP-EVP), Brussels, Member in the Parliamentary Committee on Economics, Currency Issues and Industrial Policy, Deputy Member in the Committee for Social Issues and Employment
since 1996 MP - Member of the National Assembly in the Austrian Parliament
1996-2006 Party's Speaker on Foreign Affairs, Head of the Parliamentary Committee on Foreign Affairs
since 1998 Chairman, NÖAAB (ÖAAB of Lower Austria)
2000-2007 Member of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe
2000-2006 Deputy Parliamentary Group Leader, Austrian People´s Party
2002-2006 Head, Austrian Delegation to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe
2006-2008 2nd President, Austrian National Council
2008-2013 Federal Minister for European and International Affairs
since 2009 Head, ÖAAB
since 2011 Vice-Chancellor of the Republic of Austria and Head of ÖVP
since 2013 Federal Minister of Finance

Dr. Erhard BUSEK

Vorsitzender, IDM - Institut für den Donauraum und Mitteleuropa, Wien

1959-1963 Studium an der Universität Wien, Juridische Fakultät
1964-1968 Parlamentssekretär im Österreichischen Nationalrat
1966-1969 Vorsitzender des Österreichischen Bundesjugendringes
1972-1976 Generalsekretär des Österreichischen Wirtschaftsbundes
1975-1976 Generalsekretär der Österreichischen Volkspartei
1976-1978 Stadtrat in Wien
1976-1989 Landesparteiobmann der Wiener Volkspartei
1978-1987 Landeshauptmann-Stellvertreter und Vizebürgermeister von Wien
1989-1994 Bundesminister für Wissenschaft und Forschung
1994-1995 Bundesminister für Unterricht und kulturelle Angelegenheiten
1991-1995 Vizekanzler der Republik Österreich und Bundesparteiobmann der Österreichischen Volkspartei
2000-2001 Regierungsbeauftragter der österreichischen Bundesregierung für EU-Erweiterungsfragen
2002-2008 Sonderkoordinator des Stabilitätspaktes für Südosteuropa
2004-2005 Vizepräsident des Vienna Economic Forums (VEF)
2008-2009 Berater des Außenministers der Tschechischen Regierung in Fragen des westlichen Balkans während der EU-Präsidentschaft 1. Hälfte 2009
2000-2012 Präsident des Europäischen Forums Alpbach
2005-2014 Vorsitzender der ERSTE Stiftung
 Aktuelle Funktionen:
seit 1995 Vorsitzender des Instituts für den Donauraum und Mitteleuropa (IDM)
seit 1996 Koordinator der Southeast European Cooperative Initiative (SECI)
seit 2005 Präsident des Vienna Economic Forums (VEF)
seit 2008 Vorsitzender des Universitätsrates, Medizinische Universität Wien
Jean Monnet Chair ad personam
seit 2009 Präsident des Herbert-Batliner-Europainstituts
seit 2010 Präsident des EU-Russia Centre


Timetable einblenden