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Die wirtschaftliche Zukunft Mittel- und Osteuropas I

Plenary /
German and English language
Director, Institute for World Economics, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest Key Note
President of the Board, demosEuropa - Centre for European Strategy Foundation, Warsaw Key Note
Editor-in-Chief, Magazines ORF TV, ORF - Austrian Broadcasting Corporation, Vienna Chair

Dr. András INOTAI

Director, Institute for World Economics, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest

1977 PhD., International Economics, Hungarian Academy of Sciences
1991 Dr. Sc., International Economics, Hungarian Academy of Sciences
1967-1979 Research Fellow, Institute for World Economics Budapest
1971 Visiting Research Fellow, Kiel, Institute for World Economy
1972-1973 Visiting Professor, San Marcos University, Lima, Peru
1977 PhD on Andean Integration
1979-1980 Senior Research Fellow, Institute for World Economics, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest
1981-1989 Head of Department in the same institute
1987-1989 First Deputy Director, in the same institute
1989-1991 The World Bank, Trade Policy Division
since 1993 Visiting Professor, College of Europe, Bruges
since 1994 Visiting Professor, College of Europe, Warsaw
1996-1998 Head of the Strategic Task Force on Integration into the European Union
since 1991 General Director of the Institute for World Economics, Budapest
2002-2003 Visiting Professor, Columbia University, New York
since 2006 European Online Academy, Berlin
since 2007 ZEI, Master Course, Bonn
 Major fields of research activities:
 - major economic challenges in the era of globalisation (growth and job-creation, demography, migration, supply security),
 - the shifting balance of global economic power, with special reference to China,
 - global financial, economic and social crisis and its medium term consequences,
 - the post-crisis European integration: deepening, enlarging and global role,
 - economic transformation in Central and Eastern Europe: retrospection after twenty years in regional comparison.


President of the Board, demosEuropa - Centre for European Strategy Foundation, Warsaw

 Graduate of the London School of Economics and the University of London
1996-2000 EU Advisor to the President of Poland
  Head, Office for European Integration, Chancellery of the President
2001-2006 Director, Department of the European Union, Ministry of Foreign Affairs
  Responsible for: EU accession negotiations and subsequently institutional reform, negotiations on the Financial Perspective

Mag. Waltraud LANGER

Editor-in-Chief, Magazines ORF TV, ORF - Austrian Broadcasting Corporation, Vienna

 Volkswirtschaftsstudium, Wien
 Freie Mitarbeiterin, "Salzburger Nachrichten"
ab 1988 ORF-Hörfunk (Nachrichten, Innenpolitik, Wirtschaft)
1992-1994 ORF-Korrespondentin, Brüssel (während der öst. Beitrittsverhandlungen)
seit 1994 ORF-TV, Wirtschaftsredaktion
seit 2001 Leiterin, ZIB-Wirtschaftsredaktion
seit 2007 Infochefin, ORF1 und stellvertretende Chefredakteurin; Moderation, "Pressestunde"


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