18: Die Energiewende als Feuerprobe für das Wirtschaftssystem
Unterstützt von Bundesministerium für Land- und Forstwirtschaft, Umwelt und Wasserwirtschaft
Das Ergebnis der Klimaverhandlungen in Paris macht klar: Die globale Trendwende zu einem nachhaltigen und kohlenstoffarmen Energiesystem ist beschlossen. Wie kann das bestehende Wirtschaftssystem die notwendige Transformation zu erneuerbaren Energieträgern und weniger Energieverbrauch bewältigen?
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Minister, Austrian Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management, Vienna
1988-1989 | Assistant to the Director, Austrian Farmers' Union, Vienna |
1989-1997 | Member, Cabinet of Austrian Federal Ministers of Agriculture and Forestry Franz Fischler, Wilhelm Molterer, Vienna |
1993-1994 | Member, Negotiation team on expert level for the agriculture chapter of the Austrian accession negotiations to the European Union |
1995-2002 | Head, EU-Coordination Unit, Austrian Federal Ministry for Agriculture and Forestry, Vienna; Austrian Spokesman, SCA - Special Committee on Agriculture, Council of the European Union, Brussels |
1998 | President, SCA - Special Committee on Agriculture, Council of the European Union, Brussels |
1998-2002 | Deputy Director General, Austrian Federal Ministry for Agriculture and Forestry, Vienna |
2002-2007 | Director General, Department Agriculture and Nutrition, Austrian Federal Ministry for Agriculture and Forestry, Environment and Water Management, Vienna |
2006 | Head, National delegation, Council of Agriculture, Council of the European Union, Brussels |
2007-2013 | Director for Rural Development and Agriculture Finances, General Secretariat, Council of the European Union, Brussels |
since 2013 | Federal Minister for Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management of the Republic of Austria, Vienna |
since 2017 | President, Union of European Federalists Austria, Vienna |
Dr. Simon BUCKLE
Head of Climate, Biodiversity and Water Division, OECD - Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, Paris
1985-1986 | Postdoctoral Researcher, Quantum Optics, Department of Physics, Imperial College London |
1986-1988 | Desk Officer for Taiwan and Assistant for China, FCO |
1988-1989 | Resources and Programmes (Navy), Division of the Ministry of Defence |
1989-1991 | Private Secretary to the Second Permanent Under Secretary, Ministry of Defence |
1991-1992 | Head, Iraq Arms Control Unit, FCO |
1992-1994 | Head, Iran Section, FCO |
1994-1997 | First Secretary, British Embassy, Dublin EU/economy - majoring on the Euro debate |
1997-1998 | Political Counsellor and Consul General, British Embassy, Seoul |
1998-2001 | Head, Asia Team, International Finance Division, Bank of England |
2002-2004 | Head, Research Analysts, FCO |
2004-2005 | Political-Military Counsellor, British Embassy, Baghdad |
2005-2006 | Deputy Head, Mission, British Embassy, Kabul |
2006-2007 | Counsellor for Global Issues and Strategic Threats, Paris (UK Foreign and Commonwealth Office) |
2011-2013 | Pro Rector for International Affairs, Imperial (50% role) |
Ing. Johann PRAMMER
Head, Strategic Environmental Management, voestalpine AG, Linz
1977-1982 | Höhere Technische Bundeslehranstalt, Linz |
1984-1989 | VOESTALPINE Stahl Linz Gesellschaft m.b.H. |
1989-2004 | Gewerberechtlicher Geschäftsführer, SCS-TECHNOLOGY Verfahrenstechnik GmbH, Linz |
seit 2004 | Leitung Strategisches Umweltmanagement; Leitung Umwelt Steel Division und Abfallrechtlicher Geschäftsführer, voestalpine Stahl GmbH, Linz |
Mag.a MSc Sabine WATZLIK
Manager, Energy- and Technologycentre, KEM - Klima- und Energie-Modellregion Vöckla-Ager, Attnang
1979-1983 | Studium der Betriebswirtschaftslehre, Johannes Kepler Universität Linz |
1984-1985 | Produktmanagerin, Blendax/Hallein |
1986-1988 | Assistentin, Institut für Handel, Absatz und Marketing, Universität Innsbruck |
1986-1995 | Bereiche Marketing, Controlling, Organisation und Personal, Trainerin und Unternehmensberaterin, Selbstständige Tätigkeit |
Vortragende, Universitätslehrgang, Universität Innsbruck in Vorarlberg und Salzburg College | |
1987 | Ausbildung und Prüfung zum Betriebsberater, WK Tirol |
1988-1995 | Freie Mitarbeiterin und Lektorin, Institut für Handel, Absatz und Marketing, Universität Innsbruck |
seit 1995 | Geschäftsführerin, REVA GmbH - Regionale Planungs- und Entwicklungsgesellschaft m.b.H. Vöckla-Ager |
seit 1999 | Geschäftsführerin, Technologiezentrum Salzkammergut Bezirk Vöcklabruck GmbH (Tochterfirma der REVA GmbH) |
2007-2015 | Geschäftsführerin, Leaderverein Vöckla-Ager, Attnang |
2012-2013 | EUREM Ausbildung zum Europäischen Energiemanager, WK Österreich |
2013 | Führungskräftetraining, OÖ Innovationsholding |
2013-2014 | Energie Autarkie Coach und Managerin für nachhaltige Mobilität im Verkehrswesen, Donau Uni Krems und WKO/Fachgruppe Ingenieurbüros |
2013-2016 | Masterstudium Energie Autarkie Management und Engineering, Donau Uni Krems |
seit 2013 | Energiemanagerin, Leaderverein Vöckla-Ager, Attnang |
Chief Operating Officer, Sustainable Energy for All Initiative, Vienna
MSc, Economics | |
Studies, International Relations | |
PhD, Business Economics | |
Member, Energy Practice, BCG - Boston Consulting Group | |
Housing and Municipal Development Division for Eastern Europe, World Bank Group | |
2000 | Team Leader, Development Marketplace, World Bank Group |
Global Development Learning Network, WBI - World Bank Institute | |
Sr. Economist, Global Mining Department, IFC - International Finance Corporation | |
Business Line, Sustainable Business Advisory, IFC - International Finance Corporation | |
Director for Knowledge, Learning and Results for Sustainable Development, World Bank Group | |
Chief Knowledge Officer and Senior Manager for the Independent Evaluation Group, World Bank Group | |
Chief Operating Officer, Sustainable Energy for All Initiative, Vienna |
BA Manuela RAIDL
Reporter, News Anchor, Commentator, Political Affairs, PULS 4, Vienna
1998 | Volunteer, STANDARD Verlagsgesellschaft m.b.H |
1998-2000 | Reporter and On Air-Personality, Radio PL1 |
2000-2005 | Morning Show Host, Energy, N&C Privatradio Betriebs GmbH |
2004-2012 | Reporter and Debate Moderator, PULS 4, Vienna |
2012-2014 | Educational leave and Researcher / Editor for film projects |
since 2014 | PULS 4, Vienna |