Migration – Chance und Herausforderung
Migration ist eine der größten Chancen und Herausforderungen Österreichs. Derzeit scheinen die Systeme überfordert, wie sie das Potenzial nutzen und mit Schwierigkeiten umgehen können. Was sind die Herausforderungen? Und wo liegen die Chancen für Unternehmen, Markt und Staat?
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Dr. Ulrike GUEROT
Head of Department, European Policy and the Study of Democracy, Danube University Krems - University for Continuing Education; Director and Founder, European Democracy Lab, European School of Governance, Krems
Since 2016 Ulrike Guérot is Professor at Danube-University Krems and head of the department for European Policy and the Study of Democracy. Core activities of the department are both interdisciplinary research and network building. The main goal is to initiate a citizen-oriented and sustainable debate on key issues surrounding today’s Europe. Since September 2017 Ulrike Guérot is holder of Alfred-Grosser visiting professorship at the Goethe-University Frankfurt. Furthermore, she founded the Berlin based think tank "European Democracy Lab. The lab seeks to rethink and redesign European democracy. Currently, the lab is building a campaign platform advocating for both the principle of political equality beyond nation states and the empowerment of regional stakeholders within the EU-setup. | |
Prior to her work in Krems and Berlin, Ulrike Guérot built up the office and served as Director of the European Council on Foreign Relations and lectured at various internationally renowned universities, such as Bucerius Law School Hamburg, John Hopkins University, INSEAD Singapore and Europa University Viadrina in Frankfurt. In addition she conducted research at the Berlin Social Science Center (WZB) on the topics of democracy and democratization. In April 2016 her first book 'Why Europe needs to become a republic! A political utopia' was published by Dietz. The principal idea of the book is the creation of a ‘European Republic’ based on the concept of equality in front of the law in a union of citizens. Her latest work 'The new civil war - the open Europe and its enemies', published by Ullstein is a bestseller in Germany. In this cutting edge pamphlet she describes the great divide throughout the European societies. She has been publishing widely in Germany, English and French on European, transatlantic and global issues in various newspapers, journals and books. In times of turmoil and crisis, Ulrike Guérot aims at creating a sustainable blueprint for Europe in the 21st century, which puts the citizen first. |
President, Austrian Federal Chamber of Labour, Vienna
1970-1974 | Kochlehrling und Anschließend Koch, Hotel Vienna Intercontinental |
1974-1987 | Jugendsekretär der Gewerkschaft HGPD (Hotel, Gastgewerbe, Persönlicher Dienst) |
1977-1978 | Absolvent der Sozialakademie der Kammer für Arbeiter und Angestellte |
1987-1995 | Zentralsekretär der Gewerkschaft HGPD |
1995-2006 | Vorsitzender der Gewerkschaft HGPD |
2006-2012 | Vorsitzender der Verkehrs- und Dienstleistungsgewerkschaft vida |
seit 2013 | Präsident, Kammer für Arbeiter und Angestellte für Wien und Bundesarbeitskammer |
Dr. LL.M. Johannes KOPF
Chairman, Network of the European Public Employment Services, Vienna
Europarecht-Postgraduate-Lehrgang, Donau-Universität Krems | |
Studium der Rechtswissenschaften | |
1999-2003 | Referent, Industriellenvereinigung, Schwerpunkt Arbeitsmarkt- und Beschäftigungspolitik, Wien |
2001-2002 | Österreichs Arbeitgeber-Verhandler, sozialer Dialog der EU zu den Themen Leiharbeit und Telearbeit, Brüssel |
2003-2006 | Arbeitsmarktexperte, Kabinett, Wirtschafts- und Arbeitsminister Dr. Martin Bartenstein; Mitglied, Verwaltungsrat, AMS Österreich, Wien |
seit 2006 | Mitglied des Vorstands, AMS Österreich, Wien |
seit 2019 | Vorsitzender des Netzwerks der Europäischen Arbeitsmarktverwaltungen |
Dipl.-Oec. MBA Karoly PATAKI
Chief Executive Officer, GRAVITAS Business Networking Strategy & Consulting GmbH, Vienna
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1985-1990 | Diplomökonom /MA Econ, Univ. of Economics, Berlin |
1990-1991 | Guest Lecturer, Centro de Investigación y Docencia Economicas, Mexico City |
2000-2002 | MBA, Budapest University of Technology and Economics |
1993-1997 | Chief Financial Officer, Robert Bosch Kft, Budapest |
1998-2004 | Chief Financial Officer, Dunapack Rt, Budapest |
1998-2000 | Chief Executive Officer, Eurobox Polska, Ujazd |
2004-2008 | Chief Financial Officer, Prinzhorn Holding, Vienna |
2007-2008 | Chief Executive Officer, WH Finanzierung GmbH, Schaffhausen |
2008-2012 | Chief Executive Officer and Chief Financial Officer Dunapack Packaging Division, Vienna |
2012-2013 | Member of the Board, Trenkwalder International AG, Vienna |
2013-2016 | Chief Executive Officer, Trenkwalder International AG, Vienna |
since 2017 | Chief Executive Officer, GRAVITAS Business Networking Strategy and Consulting GmbH, Vienna |
Entrepreneur; Restaurateur; Hotelier; Member, Austrian Parliament, NEOS - Das Neue Österreich und Liberales Forum, Vienna
1989-2014 | Substitute Member, Municipal Council Goldegg |
since 1996 | Tourism Entrepreneur |
1997 | Graduation Entrepreneurs Academy |
2003-2013 | President, ÖHV - Austrian Hotel Association |
2004 | Founding Josef Schellhorn gmbh - Restaurant Mönchsberg 32, Salzburg |
since 2014 | Member, Austrian Parliament and Spokesperson for Energy, Agriculture, Forestry, Tourism, Business and Industry, NEOS - Das Neue Österreich und Liberales Forum |
Mag.a Rosa LYON
Presenter and Editor, ORF - Austrian Broadcasting Corporation, Vienna
1994-2005 | Different jobs, from doctor´s to tax consultant office, from parliament to marketing company |
2000-2005 | Economics, Vienna University of Economics and Business |
since 2005 | Journalist; Editor; Reporter, Radio Österreich 1, ORF Austrian Broadcasting Corporation, Vienna |
since 2010 | Journalist; Editor; Reporter, Zeit-im-Bild, ORF Austrian Broadcasting Corporation, Vienna |
since 2016 | Host ZiB, ORF Austrian Broadcasting Corporation, Vienna |