Total verbunden – total aufgeklärt oder total versklavt? – Peter Drucker Morgen Session
Über die endlosen Möglichkeiten der digitalen Zeit wird viel geredet – wie alles, von Oculus Rift über Künstliche Intelligenz und Industrie 4.0, bis zu Bitcoin die Gesellschaft positiv verändern wird. Was aber, wenn wir doch nicht am Scheitelpunkt einer neuen Aufklärung sind? Bringen die Freiheiten unserer Zeit auch Grenzen die uns zu ununterbrochenem Arbeiten zwingen, ohne produktiver zu sein?
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Dr. Richard STRAUB
Founder and President, Global Peter Drucker Forum, Vienna
1984-1987 | Director, PC Sales IBM Austria |
1987-1992 | Director, PC Unit, IBM Austria |
1993-1994 | Assistant General Manager, PC Marketing, IBM EMEA |
1994-1995 | Regional Director, PC IBM Central Europe and Russia |
1996-1997 | Director, IBM Global Marketing and Sales Institute, Belgium |
1997-2001 | Chief Learning Officer, IBM Global Sales and Distribution Group |
2001-2005 | Director, Learning Solutions, IBM EMEA |
since 2006 | Associate Director, Corporate Services EFMD |
Senior Adviser, IBM Global Education Industry | |
Senior Adviser to the Chairman, IBM EMEA | |
since 2008 | President, Peter Drucker Society Europe |
Prof. Julia HOBSBAWM
Author; Honorary Visiting Professor of Workplace Social Health, Cass Business School, London; Editor at Large, Thrive Global, London
Julia Hobsbawm is an acclaimed entrepreneur and writer who is at the forefront of the debates around modern connectedness and its discontents in society and for business. She coined the phrase "Social Health" in her groundbreaking book Fully Connected: Surviving and Thriving in an Age of Overload (Bloomsbury 2017) which was shortlisted for both Management Book of the Year and Business Book of the Year. A member of the European Workforce Institute for KRONOS she is editor-at-large of the new Social Health section of Arianna Huffington’s Wellbeing Portal Thrive Global. |
MA Andrew KEEN
Author; Executive Director, salonFutureCast, Santa Rosa, CA
1982 | BA, History, London University |
1984 | MA, Political Science, UC Berkeley |
1997-2001 | Founder & CEO, |