Talk auf der Alm – Diversität: Moralische Selbstverpflichtung oder Mittel zur Gewinnmaximierung
Veranstaltet von Die Presse. Anmeldung erbeten
Die Presse lädt im Rahmen des Europäischen Forums Alpbach zur Veranstaltung „Talk auf der Alm“ ein. Den Auftakt bildet eine gemeinsame Wanderung auf die Zirmalm mit anschließender Diskussion und gemeinsamem Brunch. Um Anmeldung wird gebeten (Email an da die Plätze begrenzt sind.
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Martin ESSL
Chairman of the Board, Essl Foundation MGE - Zero Project, Klosterneuburg
1982 | Graduation from Handelsakademie (Higher Secondary Business School) |
1983-1984 | Retail traineeship in the USA |
1984-1989 | Entry into the Schömer bauMax group |
Management Assistant at Schömer bauMax group | |
Builds controlling and cost accounting system | |
Develops enterprise resource planning system | |
Granted power of attorney | |
Shareholder of Schömer bauMax group | |
1989-1999 | Vice Chairman of the Management Board, Managing Director oft the Schömer bauMax group |
since 1999 | Chariman of the Management Board of bauMax group |
2007 | Founding of the Essl Social Prize |
Mag. Michael HILBERT
Partner, Roland Berger GmbH, Vienna
Mag. Claudia KERNSTOCK
Head of Human Resources, Thales Austria GmbH, Vienna
Assistant Professor, Institute for Gender and Diversity in Organizations, WU (Vienna University of Economics and Business), Vienna
1998-2002 | Accountancy |
2004-2006 | Consultant and Trainer |
2006-2011 | Research Assistant, Research Institute for Gender and Diversity in Organizations, WU (Vienna University of Economics and Business), Vienna |
2011-2015 | Assistant Professor, Department Management, Gender and Diversity in Organisations, WU (Vienna University of Economics and Business), Vienna |
2015 | Visiting Researcher, Department for Intercultural Communication and Management, Copenhagen Business School, Copenhagen |
2015-2017 | Guest Professor for Gender and Diversity, Leibniz University Hanover |
Since 2017 Post Doc, WU (Vienna University of Economics and Business), Vienna |