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Workshop „Engagierte Hochschule“

Gasthof Rossmoos
Partner /
in englischer Sprache

Hochschulen und Universitäten engagieren sich heute in vielfältigen Formen für die Gesellschaft. Durch welche Formate der Kommunikation und Interaktion drückt sich dieses Engagement aus? Wie kann der Transfer zwischen Wissenschaft und Gesellschaft aktiv unterstützt und institutionell gefördert werden?
Die Teilnahme am Workshop ist kostenfrei, wir bitten jedoch um Anmeldung unter franziska.werkner@alpbach.org

Full Professor, Technology-Enhanced Learning and Head, Department for Interactive Media and Educational Technologies, Danube University Krems
Deputy Director, National Co-ordinating Centre for Public Engagement, Bristol Chair
Director, National Co-ordinating Centre for Public Engagement, Bristol Chair

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Peter BAUMGARTNER

Full Professor, Technology-Enhanced Learning and Head, Department for Interactive Media and Educational Technologies, Danube University Krems

1972-1980 Doctorate, University of Vienna
1981-1986 Freelance Scientist, Vienna
1986-1998 Assistant, Institute for Research and Further Education, Vienna
1998-2003 Professor, Business Education, Institute for Organisation and Learning, University of Innsbruck
2006 Head, Educational Technology, Institute for Educational Science and Media Research, FernUniversität Hagen
2010-2013 Head, Department for Continuing Education Research and Educational Management, Danube University Krems
since 2006 Head, Department for Interactive Media and Educational Technologies, Danube University Krems


Deputy Director, National Co-ordinating Centre for Public Engagement, Bristol

1994-2000 Content Co-ordinator; Exhibition Manager; Curator at National Museum Science and Industry, London
2000-2001 Programme Manager, Science Year, NESTA
2001-2008 Learning Executive, BBC, London


Director, National Co-ordinating Centre for Public Engagement, Bristol

1985-1989 Secondary School Teacher of English, London
1989-2001 TV and Multimedia Producer, BBC Open University, Milton Keynes, London
2001-2007 Campaign Executive, BBC, London