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Eröffnung der Fotoausstellung „Albanien – anders gesehen“

Culture /
German and English language

Die Ausstellung „Albanien – anders gesehen“ sollte ein Beitrag dazu sein, die emotionale und intellektuelle Distanz zwischen dem Westen und Albanien zu überbrücken. Die Ausstellung könnte eine gute Möglichkeit darstellen, die Herausforderungen, die Hoffnungen und die neue Bedeutung Albaniens zu zeigen. Sie bietet auch Gelegenheit, über die kulturellen Fortschritte des heutigen Albanien zu informieren und gibt Anlass zur Bereicherung und Vertiefung der kulturellen, wirtschaftlichen und politischen Beziehungen zwischen Albanien und der EU.

Fotograf, Pogradec/Korca
President, Parliament of Albania, Tirana
Maler und Kurator, Wien Coordination

Dr. Jozefina TOPALLI

President, Parliament of Albania, Tirana

 The first woman Speaker of the Albanian Parliament in all its parliamentary history and the sixth Speaker of the Albanian Parliament in its multiparty parliamentary system since 1991. She became Speaker in September 2005 while having served as Deputy Speaker of the Albanian Parliament in the two previous legislatures (1997-2001, 2001-2005)
 She holds two Bachelor Degrees from the Faculties of Mathematics and of Law of "Lulgj Gurakuqi" University in Shkodra, Albania. She studied and did post graduate work in the field of International Relations at Padova University in Italy. She also holds a Master Degree in Public Administration from University of Tirana and is currently a Master's candidate in European Studies.
 During 1992-1995 she worked at the Chamber of Commerce in the city of Shkodra to be followed by a career as Chancellor and Lecturer at "Lulgj Gurakuqi" University in Shkodra from 1995-1996.
 In her position as Speaker of the Parliament, one of the highest officials in the Democratic Party as well as a member of the European Council since 2002, she is actively engaged in the reform process in Albania in its efforts for Albania's EU membership.

Fatmir VELAJ

Maler und Kurator, Wien

2006 Diploma for "art and cultural management" at the University of Applied Arts, Vienna
 Initiator and organizer of different international symposiums with the participation of higher personalities from art, culture and politics. Initiator and curator of international exhibitions and cultural initiatives with the participation of international acclaimed artists.

Kunst- und Kulturprogramm

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