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in deutscher Sprache
Former Prime Minister of the Republic of Croatia, Zagreb
Former Chancellor, Republic of Austria, Vienna


Former Prime Minister of the Republic of Croatia, Zagreb

1982 Ph.D. in Comparative Literature and Romance Languages, Leopold-Franzens-Universität Innsbruck
1983-1988 Programme Editor and subsequently Editor in Chief, publishing House "Logos", Split
1987-1990 Member of the Editing Board, magazine "Mogunosti" ("Possibilities")
1988-1991 Manager of his own companies, Innsbruck
1991-1992 General Manager, Croatian National Theatre, Split
1992 Elected Member of Parliament in the House of Representatives of the Croatian Parliament
1992-1993 Minister of Science and Technology of the Republic of Croatia
1993-1995 Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic Croatia
1995-1996 Chief of Staff to the President of the Republic of Croatia and Secretary General of the Defence and National Security Council
1996-2000 Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Croatia
2000 MP and Deputy Chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the House of Representatives of the Croatian Parliament
President of the HDZ (Croatian Democratic Union), elected at 5th Convention of the Party in April 2000, re-elected at 7th Convention of the Party
2003-2009 Prime Minister of the Republic of Croatia

Dr. Wolfgang SCHÜSSEL

Former Chancellor, Republic of Austria, Vienna

 Studium der Rechtswissenschaften an der Universität Wien
1968-1975 Sekretär des Parlamentklubs der Österreichischen Volkspartei (ÖVP)
1975-1991 Generalsekretär des Österreichischen Wirtschaftsbundes
1979-1989 Mitglied des Nationalrates
1987-1989 Klubobmann-Stellvertreter der ÖVP
1989-1995 Bundesminister für wirtschaftliche Angelegenheiten
1995-2007 Bundesparteiobmann der ÖVP
1997-2000 Vizekanzler und Bundesminister für auswärtige Angelegenheiten
2000-2007 Bundeskanzler der Republik Österreich
2007 Klubobmann der ÖVP