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German and English language
Professor of the Practice of Diplomacy and International Politics, John F. Kennedy School of Government, Cambridge, MA
European Commissioner for External Relations and European Neighbourhood Policy, Brussels
Assistant Minister, Head of the Sector for Media, Information and Culture, Federal Ministry for Foreign Affairs of the Federal Republic of Serbia and Montenegro

M.A. Nicholas BURNS

Professor of the Practice of Diplomacy and International Politics, John F. Kennedy School of Government, Cambridge, MA

1977 He earned the Certificat Pratique de Langue Francaise from the University of Paris (Sorbonne).
1978 He subsequently earned a B.S. in European History from Boston College, graduated Summa Cum Laude and was elected Phi Beta Kappa.
1980 He received an M.A. with distinction from John Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies in International Economics and American Foreign Policy.
1983-1985 Mr. Burns began his Foreign Service career in Africa and the Middle East. He was an intern at the U.S. Embassy in Nouakchott, Mauritania, Vice Consul and Staff Assistant to the Ambassador in Cairo, Egypt.
1985-1987 He was Political Officer at the American Consulate General in Jerusalem. In this position, he coordinated U.S. economic assistance to the Palestinian population in the West Bank and East Jerusalem.
1987-1988 He served as Staff Officer in the Department's Operations Center and Secretariat.
1990-1995 Mr. Burns, a career Senior Foreign Service Officer, served for five years on the National Security Council staff at the White House. He was Special Assistant to President Clinton and Senior Director for Russia, Ukraine, and Eurasia Affairs. He had lead responsibility in the White House for advising the President, the Vice President and the National Security Advisor on all aspects of U.S. relations with the fifteen countries of the former Soviet Union.
1995-1997 Ambassador Burns was Spokesman of the Department of State and Acting Assistant Secretary for Public Affairs for Secretary of State Warren Christopher and Secretary Madeleine Albright. In this position, he gave daily press conferences on U.S. foreign policy issues, accompanied both Secretaries of State on all their foreign trips and coordinated all of the Department s public outreach programs.
1998 He was a member of the Department s Transition Team.
1997-2001 Ambassador to Greece, he oversaw all U.S. government programs at the U.S. Embassy in Athens, the Consulate General in Thessaloniki, and at other locations in Greece.
2005-2008 Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs, U.S. Department of State


European Commissioner for External Relations and European Neighbourhood Policy, Brussels

1966-1970 University of Salzburg, study of law (Dr. Iuris)
1971-1978 Paul Kiefel, Freilassing/Germany (1971-72), Export Department; Gerns and Gahler, Freilassing/Germany, Director for Export Promotion
1978-1981 P. Kaufmann Inc., New York, Sales Director for Europe
1981-1983 Gerns and Gahler, Freilassing/Germany, Chief Management Assistant
1984 Austrian Embassy, Madrid, Spain
1984-1986 Federal Ministry for Foreign Affairs Department of Economic Affairs, Department of Political Affairs, Department of Consular Affairs
1986 Austrian Embassy, Dakar, Senegal, First Secretary
1986-1987 Federal Ministry for Foreign Affairs, Department for Development Co-operation
1987-1990 Austrian Embassy, Paris, Counsellor for Economic Affairs
1990-1993 Austrian Embassy, Paris, First Counsellor and Deputy Chief of Mission, Chargé d'Affairs a.i.
1993 Federal Ministry for Foreign Affairs, Deputy Chief of Protocol
1994-1995 UN Chief of Protocol
1995-2000 State Secretary for Foreign Affairs
2000-2004 Federal Minister for Foreign Affairs of Austria
since 2004 European Commissioner for External Relations and European Neighbourhood Policy, Brussels

Dr. Aleksandra JOKSIMOVIC

Assistant Minister, Head of the Sector for Media, Information and Culture, Federal Ministry for Foreign Affairs of the Federal Republic of Serbia and Montenegro

 Graduated at the University for Music Art, postgraduate studies at the Faculty of Political Sciences in Belgrade
 International Secretary of Democratic Party
 Member of the Republican Parliament, Assistant Minister of Foreign Affairs