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Europa und seine Gesundheitssysteme II

Plenary /
German and English language
Executive Director, Europa Donna - The European Breast Cancer Coalition, Milan
General Director, Institute of Infectious Diseases, Bucharest
President and CEO of the Trimbos Institute, The Netherlands Institute of Mental Health and Addiction, Utrecht
Rektor, Medizinische Universität Graz Chair

B.A., M.A. Susan KNOX

Executive Director, Europa Donna - The European Breast Cancer Coalition, Milan

1968-1978 Menorah Home and Hospital for the Aged, Brooklyn, N.Y.; Director of Therapeutic Activities and five years as Assistant Executive Director
1979-1991 Citybank NA, Vice President in the Consumer Division; five years in N.Y. as Manager of Park 46 St. Ann headquarters branches of the bank; five years in Italy as Director of the Personal Banking Group and V.P for Strategic Planning
1991-1998 Independent Financial Consulting, Milan, Italy
since 1998 Executive Director, Europa Donna - The European Breast Cancer Coalition
 In addition she is involved in the following projects and programmes:
 Project Director for Europa Donna for EBCN - European Breast Cancer Network Project
 Project Director for Europa Donna on Network of Excellence TransBIG Project
 Project Director for Europa Donna for ECN - European Cancer Network Project


General Director, Institute of Infectious Diseases, Bucharest

since 1990 Assistant Professor at Colentima Infectious Diseases, Hospital for Advanced Training for Drs. and Specialists
1990-1994 Medical Director of Former Colentima Infectious Diseases Hospital
since 1998 Health Minister Councelor


President and CEO of the Trimbos Institute, The Netherlands Institute of Mental Health and Addiction, Utrecht

1986-2003 president and CEO of the Jellinek Clinic in Amsterdam
1997-1998 president and CEO ad interim for the Dutch Institute for Quality Improvement in Health Care (C.B.O.)
since 2003 president and CEO of the Trimbos Institute, the Netherlands Institute of Mental Health and Addiction
 part time professor in "Quality in Health Care" at the Institute of Health Policy and Management, Erasmus University Rotterdam

DDr. Gerhard Franz WALTER

Rektor, Medizinische Universität Graz

1975 Dr.med.univ.
1976 Dr.phil
1975-1977 Universität Graz
1977-1978 Freie Universität Berlin
1978-1980 Université Catholique de Louvain
1980-1985 Universität Graz
1985-2003 Professor für Neuropathologie - Med. Hochschule Hannover
2003 Rektor der Medizinischen Universität Graz