Europäische Öffentlichkeit
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Dr. Toni EBNER
Chefredakteur, Athesia Gruppe/ Redaktion "Dolomiten"
Studium der österr. und italienischen Rechtswissenschaften an der Landesuniversität Innsbruck | |
Redaktionspraktikant bei der katholischen Wochenzeitung "präsent" (Verlangsanstalt Tyrolia) in Innsbruck | |
Praktikum bei den "Salzburger Nachrichten" | |
Ausbildung zum Agenturjournalisten in der Hauptredaktion der österreichischen Nachrichtenagentur APA in Wien | |
Leiter der APA Redaktion für Tirol in Innsbruck | |
1985 | Lokalredaktion - Bozen "Dolomiten" |
1989 | Gründungs-Chefredakteur der Südtiroler Sonntagszeitung "Zett" |
1990 | Chef vom Dienst in der Redaktion "Dolomiten" |
Ab 1992 Chefredakteur-Stellvertreter der "Dolomiten" | |
Seit 1995 Chefredakteur der "Dolomiten" | |
Seit 1998 Lehrbeauftragter am Institut für Zeitgeschichte der Universität Innsbruck | |
Seit April 1999 Aufsichtsrat der Landeshypothekenbank Tirol |
Mag. Harald HARTUNG
European Commission, Directorate General for Education and Culture (DG EAC)
1980 | -85 studied History at the University of Vienna |
1985 | -87 Post graduate studies at the Institute of international Relations (University of Vienna, Law faculty) |
1986 | -88 Federation of Austrian Industrialists (VÖI) department for trade and int. monetary policy |
1988 | -91 Head of the Brussels office of the Federation of Austrian Industrialists, Austrian Delegate to the European Industrial Confederation UNICE |
1992 | -96 EFTA Secretariat, Policy co-ordinator for EU-EFTA negotiations on the free movement of goods in the EEA |
1996 | -99 Counsellor for Industrial Affairs at the Permanent Representation of Austria to the EU and head of Delegation of the Federation of Austrian Industry (VÖI) at the Permanent Representation |
1999 | European Commission (DG X), Head of Unit responsible for new technologies in the audiovisual sector |
since 1999 | Head of Unit of the Centre for the Citizen (Visits, Traineeships, Partnerships with Civil Society) |
until 2000 European public opinion polls ("Eurobarometer") |
Consultant, g+ Europe, Brussels
University degree economic sciences in Vienna and Madrid | |
Option trader in London | |
Freelance journalist | |
Member of Cabinet of EU Commissioner Franz Fischler | |
Spokesperson of EU Commissioner Franz Fischler | |
Spokesperson of EU Commission Vice President Günter Verheugen | |
Senior Partner at g+ europe, Brussels | |
With his in-depth knowledge of the EU's media and decision-making process, Gregor provides strategic advice for the EU consultancy GPlus Europe to a number of blue-chip companies from the IT, energy and chemicals sector. | |
Prior to joining GPlus as a partner in 2006 Gregor spent over ten years in the European Commission as a spokesperson and political adviser to two different Commissioners. His last post was with Commission Vice-President in charge of Enterprise and Industry Günter Verheugen. Prior to this he was the Commission's Spokesman for Agriculture, Rural Development and Fisheries with Commissioner Franz Fischler. He was at the forefront of communicating the Commission's handling of the BSE crisis and was part of the EU's negotiating team at the WTO Summits in Seattle, Doha, Cancun and Geneva. | |
During his stint with the European Commission he communicated their position on many of the headline-grabbing pieces of EU legislation, including the EU's new chemicals registration system (REACH), the new legislative framework for the European car industry, the Better Regulation initiative, the reform of farm and fisheries policies, the foot-and-mouth crisis and the Doha Development Round. | |
This experience has given him a unique understanding and insight into how high-level policy making works in the EU. His specific areas of expertise are crisis communication and the fields of biotechnology, trade, agriculture, information technology and industry policy. |
Journalist and Editor, Warsaw
seit 1967 | Journalist |
1882 | - 85 Dozent am Germanistischen Institut in Torun |
Co-Chefredakteur des Magazins "Dialog" | |
Vorsitzender der Polnisch-Deutschen Gesellschaft in Warschau |
Senior Writer, financial policy issues, Financial Times
1968 | -75 Reuters Economic Services, London, Brussels, Frankfurt, Bonn |
1975 | -82 European Business Correspondent, The Times, Bonn and Brussels |
1982 | -88 International Economic Correspondent, Wall Street Journal Europe in Brussels and London |
1988-2002 | Economics Editor, Financial Times, Chief Correspondent Germany; Bureau Chief and Chief Correspondent, Brussels |
2002 | - Senior Writer, Financial Policy Issues, Financial Times |
Direktor für Internationale Beziehungen, Le Monde, Paris
Graduated from Institut d'Etudes Politiques of Paris | |
1969-1973 | Journalist for La Montagne and Compagnie Francaise d'Edition |
since 1973 | Journalist for Le Monde |
1973 | Correspondent in Bonn |
1977 | Correspondent in Moscow |
1981 | Correspondent in London |
1983 | Chief of foreign desk |
1985-1990 | Editor and chief editor |
since 1991 | Director of international relations |
Generaldirektor, SRG SSR - Schweizerische Radio- und Fernsehgesellschaft, Zürich
1976 | Abschluss, Wirtschaftsstudium, St. Gallen |
1992-1997 | Chefredakteur des Zürcher "Tages-Anzeigers" und Mitglied der Tamedia-Unternehmensleitung |
1997-2000 | Chefredakteur, Die Zeit, Hamburg |
seit 2000 | Publizist in Zürich und Berlin |
seit 2001 | Gastprofessor am Europa-Kolleg, Brügge und Warschau |
seit 2002 | Moderator der TV-Sendung "Sternstunden" (SF1 und 3SAT) |
seit 2004 | Chairman of the Board, Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies HEID, Genf |
seit 2010 | Generaldirektor SRG SSR, Schweizerische Radio- und Fernsehgesellschaft, Bern |
Mandate: | |
Dozent, College of Europe, Brügge und Warschau/Natolin | |
Stiftungsrat Internationaler Karlspreis Aachen | |
Groupe de veille France-Allemagne, Institut Montaigne Paris | |
Wissenschaftlicher Beirat der Zeitschrift "Critique internationale", Paris | |
Herausgeber der außenpolitischen Buchreihe "Standpunkte" (Edition Körber-Stiftung Hamburg) | |
Kuratorium Theodor-Heuss-Stiftung Stuttgart |