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Europäische Partnerschaften – Europäische Entscheidungen

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Abgeordnete zum Nationalrat, Parlamentsklub der Österreichischen Volkspartei, Österreichischer Nationalrat, Wien Key Note
Political Secretary, Czech Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Prague
Ambassador of the Republic of Latvia to Spain, Madrid
Ambassador of the Slovak Republic to Austria, Vienna
Director for Strategy, Coordination and Analysis, DG External Relations, European Commission, Brussels
Correspondent, Israel and Palestine Territories, Süddeutsche Zeitung, Tel Aviv Chair


Abgeordnete zum Nationalrat, Parlamentsklub der Österreichischen Volkspartei, Österreichischer Nationalrat, Wien

 Jusstudium an der Universität Wien, Post-Graduate-Diplom des Collège d' Europe, Brügge
 Wissenschaftliche Hilfskraft (Institut für Römisches Recht und antike Rechtsgeschichte, Universität Wien)
 Bankpraktikum (Creditanstalt - Bankverein, Rechtsabteilung)
seit 1981 Bundesministerium für Auswärtige Angelegenheiten
 Verwendungen in der Zentrale im Völkerrechtsbüro und in der Abteilung für Sicherheitspolitik und KSZE
 Verwendungen im Ausland:
1984-1986 Österreichische Botschaft Bern
1981-1983 Österreichische KSZE-Delegationen zum Madrider Folgetreffen, dem Wiener Folgetreffen (1986-1987) und diversen Expertentreffen
1987-1990 Österreichische Vertretung beim Europarat
1990-1994 Karenzierung
1990-1993 EFTA-Sekretariat, Genf (Büro des Generalsekretärs, Zusammenarbeit der EFTA-
  Parlamentarierdelegation mit dem Europäischen Parlament)
1994 St. Galler Stiftung für Internationale Studien, St. Gallen, Geschäftsführung
  Bundesministerium für Auswärtige Angelegenheiten, Wirtschaftspolitische Sektion und EU-Koordination, zuletzt Leiterin der Abteilung Rat Allgemeine Angelegenheiten und Europäischer Rat
1997 Bundeskanzleramt, Kabinettschefin von Vizekanzler Dr. Wolfgang Schüssel
2000 Bundeskanzleramt, Kabinettschefin von Bundeskanzler Dr. Wolfgang Schüssel
2004 Österreichische Botschafterin in der Schweiz
seit 2004 Bundesministerin für auswärtige Angelegenheiten


Political Secretary, Czech Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Prague

1994-1997 Executive Director of the Czech Council on Foreign Relations
1996-2004 Teaching assistant at the University of Economics in Prague
1998-2000 Research fellow at the Institute of International Relations in Prague
1999-2004 Guest teacher at the Institute of International Studies, Charles University, Prague
2000-2001 Director of Studies at the Institute of International Relations
2001-2004 Deputy Director of the Institute of International Relations
since 2004 Director of the Institute of International Relations
since 2005 Guest professor at the University of Public Administration and International Relations, Prague
Associate Professor of Political Science, Charles University, Prague

Ph.D. Rolands LAPPUKE

Ambassador of the Republic of Latvia to Spain, Madrid

1982 Doctor's Degree in Neurosciences, University of Strasbourg
1993-1996 First Secretary, then Counsellor at the Latvian Embassy in Germany, Bonn
1996-1997 Head of State Protocol
1997 Counsellor Policy Planning Group
1998-1999 Charge d'Affaires in Portugal
1999-2002 Ambassador in Portugal
2003-2007 Ambassador in France, non-residing Ambassador to Morocco and to Andorra, Permanent Representative at the UNESCO
2007-2009 Ambassador at Large, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Latvia

Dr. Peter LIZAK

Ambassador of the Slovak Republic to Austria, Vienna

1987 Military Service
1988-1990 AVEX (electronics factory), Foreign Trade Department, Bratislava
1990 Government Office of the Slovak Republic, Department for International Relations, Bratislava
1991-1992 Ministry of International Relations of the Slovak Republic, Head of Diplomatic Protocol, Bratislava
1993-1996 Slovak Embassy in Bern, Switzerland, First Secretary of the Embassy
1997 Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Deputy Head of the Cabinet of State Secretary
1998 Ministry of Foreign Affaires, Head of the Cabinet of State Secretary
1998-2002 Slovak Embassy in Vienna, Austria, Minister Counsellor
2002-2003 Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Director of the Department for EU External Relations and Institutions
2003-2005 Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Head of the Cabinet of Minister
2005-2007 Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, Permanent Representative of Slovakia at the OSCE, Vienna
since 2008 Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Slovakia to Austria

Dr. Gerhard SABATHIL

Director for Strategy, Coordination and Analysis, DG External Relations, European Commission, Brussels

1973-1979 Study of economics and history at Munich University
1979-1982 Assistant Professor at the Institute for Infrastructure of Munich University
1981 PhD in Economics in Munich, Research Scholar at the Centre of Public Choice of Professor Buchanan, Virginia State University, USA
1982-1984 Head of Unit, Regional & Sectoral Economic Policy at the German Federation of Chambers of Commerce (DIHK), Bonn
1984-1987 European Commission, DG Competition - State Aids, Brussels
1987-1989 Member of the Cabinet of Vice-President Narjes
1989-1992 Assistant of the Director General for Budget
1992-1996 Counsellor for Politics, Economy & Press Affairs in the Delegation of the European Commission for the Czech Republic, Slovakia and OSCE in Prague
1996-1998 Deputy Head of Unit for Hungary, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Slovenia in Brussels
since 1996 Visiting professor at the Prague Economic University
1998-2000 Head of Unit for Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, FR Yugoslavia, FYROMacedonia
2000-2004 Ambassador of the European Commission to Norway and Iceland in Oslo
2004-2008 Head of the Representation of the European Commission to Germany in Berlin
since 2008 Director for Strategy, Coordination and Analysis in DG External Relations of the European Commission in Brussels


Correspondent, Israel and Palestine Territories, Süddeutsche Zeitung, Tel Aviv

 Alexandra Föderl-Schmid, born in 1971, has been with the Süddeutsche Zeitung since September 2017 and reports on Israel and the Palestinian territories. Before that, she was editor-in-chief for ten years and later co-editor of the Austrian daily newspaper Der Standard and the news portal derStandard.at. She has studied journalism, political science and history and earned her doctorate on the dual broadcasting system in Germany. Furthermore, she was 2005 Reuters/APA-Geiringer-Fellow in Oxford. She was awarded with the Austrian Kurt-Vorhofer-Prize for politcal journalism, the Constitutional Award and the Ari-Rath-Prize. In addition, she was instrumental in the reestablishment of the Press Council in Austria.

Politische Gespräche

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