Ein „New Normal“: Deregulierung?
“Regulierung!“ hieß die Hauptlehre, die 2008 aus der Finanzkrise gezogen wurde. Seither ist der Umfang an Regulierung auf nationaler, europäischer und internationaler Ebene exponentiell gewachsen. Sind wir über das Ziel hinaus? Und wird die Ära Trump eine Umkehr zu Deregulierung einläuten?
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Member of Parliament, Former Minister of Finance, Pretoria
1973 | B.Sc. Pharmacy, University of Durban-Westville |
1974-1981 | Pharmacist, King Edward VII Hospital, Durban |
1977-1990 | Member, African National Congress |
1990-1994 | Chairperson, Convention for a Democratic South Africa |
1991-1994 | Co-chairperson, Transitional Executive Council, Pretoria |
1994-1998 | Member, African National Congress, Parliament of South Africa, Pretoria |
1995-1997 | Council Member, University Council, University of Durban-Westville |
1998-1999 | Deputy Commissioner, South African Revenue Services, Pretoria |
1999-2009 | Commissioner, South African Revenue Services, Pretoria |
2000-2006 | Chairperson, World Customs Organisation |
2007 | Doctorate, Commerce honoris, University of South Africa and Doctorate, Law honoris causa, University of Cape Town |
2009-2014 | Minister, South African Ministry of Finance, Pretoria |
2014-2015 | Minister for Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs, Pretoria |
2015-2017 | Minister, South African Ministry of Finance, Parliament of South Africa, Pretoria |
since 1994 | Minister of Parliament, African National Congress, National Assembly |
since 1996 | Chairperson, Constitutional Committee, Parliament of South Africa |
since 2008 | Chairperson, Forum on Tax Administration |
Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Andreas DOMBRET
Former Member, Executive Board, Deutsche Bundesbank, Frankfurt am Main
1987-1991 | Head Office, Deutsche Bank, Frankfurt am Main |
1992-2002 | Managing Director, JP Morgan, Frankfurt am Main and London |
2002-2005 | Co-Head, Rothschild Germany, Rothschild, Frankfurt am Main and London |
2005-2009 | Head, Germany, Austria and Switzerland; Vice Chairman, Europe Bank of America, Frankfurt am Main and London |
2010-2018 | Member, Executive Board, Banking and Financial Supervision Department, Frankfurt am Main |
Kristalina GEORGIEVA
Chief Executive Officer, The World Bank, Washington
Kristalina Georgieva has been CEO of the World Bank since January 2017. From February 1, 2019 to April 8, 2019, Georgieva was the Interim President for the World Bank Group. As Interim President, Georgieva was responsible for the World Bank Group’s efforts to end extreme poverty by 2030 and to boost shared prosperity around the world. | |
As CEO of the World Bank, which comprises of the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development and the International Development Association, Georgieva has built support across the international community to mobilize resources for poor and middle-income countries and to create better opportunities for the world’s most vulnerable people. | |
Previously Georgieva, a Bulgarian national, helped shape the agenda of the European Union starting in 2010, first as Commissioner for International Cooperation, Humanitarian Aid and Crisis Response, where she managed one of the world's largest humanitarian aid budgets and established herself as a global champion for resilience. As the European Commission Vice President for Budget and Human Resources, Georgieva oversaw the European Union's €161 billion (US $175bn) budget and 33,000 staff across its institutions around the world, and tripled funding available to the refugee crisis in Europe. | |
Before joining the European Commission, Georgieva had a successful tenure at the World Bank, starting in 1993 as an Environmental Economist. In 2004, Georgieva was made Director for the Russian Federation, based in Moscow. From 2007 to 2008, she was Director for Sustainable Development in charge of policy and lending operations in infrastructure, urban development, agriculture, environment and social development, including support to fragile and conflict-affected countries. From 2008-2010, she was Vice President and Corporate Secretary. | |
Kristalina Georgieva was born in Sofia, Bulgaria, in 1953. She holds a Ph.D in Economic Science and a M.A. in Political Economy and Sociology from the University of National and World Economy, Sofia, where she was an Associate Professor between 1977 and 1991. |
Austrian Federal Minister of Finance, Vienna
Promotion, Betriebswirtschaftslehre, Johannes Kepler Universität in Linz | |
1978-1981 | Universitätsassistent, Institut für Handel, Absatz und Marketing, Universität Linz |
1981-1990 | Leiner/Kika Unternehmensgruppe, ab 1988 als Geschäftsführer |
1990-2014 | Selbständiger Unternehmensberater, Schelling GesmbH, Sankt Pölten |
1992-2005 | Geschäftsführer, XXXLutz GmbH, Wels |
1999-2014 | Geschäftsführender Gesellschafter, Big Deal Marken und MarketingberatungsgesmbH, Wien |
2005-2008 | Geschäftsführer, XLA GmbH, Wels |
2005-2011 | Aufsichtsrat, XXXLutz GmbH, Wels |
2004-2014 | Vizepräsident, Wirtschaftskammer Österreich |
2007-2008 | Abgeordneter zum Nationalrat, ÖVP-Österreichische Volkspartei, Wien |
2009-2014 | Vorsitzender des Verbandvorstandes, Hauptverband der österreichischen Sozialversicherungsträger, Wien |
2012-2014 | Aufsichtsratsvorsitzender, Österreichische Volksbanken AG, Wien |
2013-2014 | Aufsichtsratsvorsitzender, Pensionskassen AG der Sozialversicherung, Wien |
seit 2014 | Finanzminister der Republik Österreich, Wien |
Rainer VOSS
Privateer, Former Investment Banker and Contributor to the award-winning documentary "Master of the Universe", Frankfurt
1980-1986 | Economics Degree, University of Cologne |
1986-2008 | Debt Capital Markets Specialist with various leading European Investment Banks |
2008-2010 | Bertelsmann Foundation, Gütersloh |
since 2010 | Privateer, Frankfurt |
Mag.a Rosa LYON
Presenter and Editor, ORF - Austrian Broadcasting Corporation, Vienna
1994-2005 | Different jobs, from doctor´s to tax consultant office, from parliament to marketing company |
2000-2005 | Economics, Vienna University of Economics and Business |
since 2005 | Journalist; Editor; Reporter, Radio Österreich 1, ORF Austrian Broadcasting Corporation, Vienna |
since 2010 | Journalist; Editor; Reporter, Zeit-im-Bild, ORF Austrian Broadcasting Corporation, Vienna |
since 2016 | Host ZiB, ORF Austrian Broadcasting Corporation, Vienna |