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Alpbach Hike: Wandern mit Woody Tasch

Meeting Point: Otto-Molden-Foyer
Plenary /
in englischer Sprache

Das Europäische Forum Alpbach bietet Finanzmarktgespräche auf höchstem Niveau – im wahrsten Sinne des Wortes. Bei einer kurzen Wanderung haben TeilnehmerInnen die Möglichkeit, Woody Tasch ins Gespräch zu kommen. Woody Tasch ist Gründer des Slow Money Institutes und ehemaliger Vorstand des Investors´ Circle, einem amerikanischen, auf Nachhaltigkeit fokussiertem, Angel Netzwerk. Diskutieren Sie wie Kapital gesellschaftlichen Wandel vorantreiben und wie treuhänderische Verantwortung das „Geld zurück auf die Erde bringen“ kann.

Chairman, Slow Money Institute, Boulder


Chairman, Slow Money Institute, Boulder

 Woody Tasch, the Founder of the Slow Money Institute, is the author of 'Inquiries into the Nature of Slow Money: Investing as if Food, Farms and Fertility Mattered', which sparked a movement and led to the flow of more than $60 million to hundreds of local and organic food enterprises around the U.S., Canada, France, and Australia. In 2017, he published his second book, 'SOIL: Notes Towards the Theory and Practice of Nurture Capital', which one early reviewer calls "Walden for the 21st Century." Woody is former Chairman and CEO of Investors' Circle, one of the oldest angel networks in the U.S. and the only one dedicated to sustainability, steering more than $200 million into 300 early stage companies since 1992. He was previously Treasurer of the Jessie Smith Noyes Foundation, where he pioneered mission related investing. He was also founding chairman of the Community Development Venture Capital Alliance. Utne Reader named Woody one of "25 Visionaries Who Are Changing Your World."


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