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Grenzen der nationalen Souveränität – Recht auf Einmischung in innere Angelegenheiten

Plenary /
Korrespondent, Süddeutsche Zeitung, Wien
Direktor ad interim der Österreichischen Kommission Iustitia et Pax; ehem. Vizepräsident des Europäischen Forums Alpbach, Wien
Direktor, Diplomatische Akademie, Wien
Member, European Parliament, Group of the European People's Party (Christian Democrats), Brussels
Ambassador, Permanent Representative of Austria to the OECD, Paris
President of the Parliament of the Republic of Slovenia, Ljubljana

Michael FRANK

Korrespondent, Süddeutsche Zeitung, Wien

1969-1986 Redakteur, Reporter, Kritiker
seit 1986 Auslandskorrespondent, Süddeutsche Zeitung

Dr. Friedrich GLEISSNER

Direktor ad interim der Österreichischen Kommission Iustitia et Pax; ehem. Vizepräsident des Europäischen Forums Alpbach, Wien

 Studium der Rechtswissenschaften an den Universitäten von Innsbruck und Wien; Economics and Government an der Graduate School der Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass., USA
1952-1992 Bundeskammer der Gewerblichen Wirtschaft
1955-1957 Errichtung einer Außenhandelsstelle in Teheran, danach zuständig für Fragen der multilateralen Handelspolitik, vor allem GATT und Europäische Integration
1967-1992 Leitung der Abteilung für Handelspolitik und Außenhandel

Dr. Jiri GRUSA

Direktor, Diplomatische Akademie, Wien

 Studium der Philosophie und Geschichte an der Karlsuniversität in Prag
1962 Promotion in Philosophie
1964 Gründung der ersten nicht-kommunistischen Literaturzeitschrift 'Tvár'
1965 Redakteur der Verlagsannonce 'Nové knihy'
1966 Gründung von 'Sesity', eine weitere Zeitschrift für junge Literaten, die 1969 verboten wurde
1968 Mitwirkung am Prager Frühling
1969 Anklage auf Grund der Teilpublikation des Romans 'Mimner' in 'Sesity'
1970 Berufsverbot
1977 Unterzeichner der Charta 77
1978 Die tschechische und deutsche Herausgabe der 'Stunde namens Hoffnung' und strafrechtliche Verfolgung sowie Verhaftung
1980 Ausreise in die USA
seit 1981 Wohnhaft in Bonn
1983 Erwerb der deutschen Staatsbürgerschaft, freier Schriftsteller, publiziert eine Antologie verbotener tschechischer Autoren
1990-1993 Botschafter der CSFR in Bonn
1993-1997 Botschafter Tschechiens
1997-1998 Minister für Bildungswesen, Jugend und Sport


Member, European Parliament, Group of the European People's Party (Christian Democrats), Brussels

1971 MSc in Economics, Warsaw School of Economics (Central School of Planning and Statistics)
1974 Ph. D. in economics, Warsaw School of Economics
Visiting scholar at the Centre for European Studies at the University of Sussex
1980 Post-doctoral degree in international trade relations, Warsaw School of Economics
1992 Scientific title of Professor conferred by the President of the Republic of Poland
1970s Visiting scholar Universidad Autonoma in Madrid
1981-1987 Deputy Director of the Research Institute for Developing Countries, Warsaw School of Economics
1988-1990 Fulbright scholar, University of California, Berkeley, lecturer at the California State University in San José
1991-1994 Deputy Director, Institute for Development and Strategic Studies, Warsaw
1994-1996 Under-Secretary of State in the Ministry of Industry and Trade, Poland
1995-1996 Chief Negotiator for accession to OECD
1996-1997 Government Plenipotentiary for establishing the Committee for European Integration (KIE), Secretary of KIE with the rank of Secretary of State and Head of the Office of the Committee for European Integration (UKIE)
1997-1998 Minister Head of the Chancellery of the President of the Republic of Poland
1998-2000 Deputy Executive Secretary, United Nations Economic Commission for Europe, Geneva
2000-2001 United Nations Under Secretary General and Executive Secretary, United Nations Economic Commission for Europe, Geneva
2001-2003 Head of Office of the Committee for European Integration and Secretary of State, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Poland
2003-2004 Minister for European Affairs, Poland
2004-2009 Commissioner for Regional Policy, European Commission, Brussels
since 2009 Member, European Parliament, Group of the European People's Party (Christian Democrats); Chairwoman, Committee on Regional Development, Brussels

Dr. Wolfgang PETRITSCH

Ambassador, Permanent Representative of Austria to the OECD, Paris

1972 Ph.D. Southeastern European History, University of Vienna
1972-1973 Fulbright scholarship, University of Southern California, L.A., USA
1977-1983 Adviser, Press Secretary of the Austrian Federal Chancellor Bruno Kreisky
1983-1984 Austrian Mission to OECD, Paris
1984-1992 Head of Austrian Press and Information Service, New York
1992-1994 Head of the Department for Multilateral Economic Co-operation, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Vienna
1994 Head of Department for Information on European Affairs in the Federal Chancellery (supervised the Federal Government's information campaign on Austria's accession to the European Union)
1995-1997 Head of Department for International Relations of the City of Vienna
1997-1999 Austrian Ambassador to the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia
1998-1999 European Union Special Envoy for Kosovo
1999 EU Chief Negotiator at the Kosovo peace talks in Rambouillet and Paris
1999-2002 High Representative of the International Community for Bosnia and Herzegovina
2002-2008 Ambassador, Permanent Representative of Austria to the UN and other International Organizations, WTO and the Conference on Disarmament, Geneva
since 2008 Ambassador, Permanent Representative of Austria to the OECD, Paris


President of the Parliament of the Republic of Slovenia, Ljubljana

 Studies of Medicine, University of Ljubljana
1990 candidate of DEMOS, the coalition of democratic parties of Slovenia. He won with a very high election result and became the president of the local government in Idrija, a post he performed unprofessionally, since he continued to work as a physician until 1992
1992 Parliamentarian of Slovene People s Party.
1994 Mayor of Cerkno
1996 President of th Parliament of Slovenia