Grenzen der Vorhersagbarkeit
A discussion on the limits of science: Are there events that cannot be predicted in principle? Does the flop of a butterfly`s wing influence the weather? Is it justified to apply science for discussing human behavior?
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Dr. John DUPRE
Director, ESRC Centre for Genomics in Society, University of Exeter
1982 | -96 Assistant Professor to Professor of Philosophy, Stanford University, CA |
1996-2000 | Professor of Philosophy, University of London |
2000 | -03 Professor of Philosophy of Science, University of Exeter |
Assistant Professor, Dept. Of Mathematics, University of Chicago
1996 | -98 Research Associate, James Franck Institute, University of Chicago |
1997 | -99 L.E.Dickson Instructor, Dept. Of Mathematics, University of Chicago |
1998 | - Senior participant, Materials Research Center, University of Chicago |
- Assistant Professor, Dept. Of Mathematics, University of Chicago |
Dr. DDr.h.c. Anton ZEILINGER
Professor, Institut für Quantenoptik, Quantennanophysik und Quanteninformation sowie Vizedekan, Fakultät für Physik, Universität Wien; Wissenschaftlicher Direktor, Institut für Quantenoptik und Quanteninformation, ÖAW - Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Wien
1963 | -71 Study of Physics and Mathematics, Universität Wien |
1971 | Ph.D., Universität Wien, thesis on "Neutron Depolarization in Dysprosium Single Crystals" under Prof. H. Rauch |
1979 | Habilitation in Neutron and Solid State Physics, Techn. Univ. Wien |
1972 | -81 'Universitätsassistent', Atominstitut Wien, under Prof. H. Rauch |
1974 | -89 Guest Researcher (part-time), Institut Laue-Langevin in Grenoble, France |
1977 | -78 Fulbright Fellow in the U.S.A., Research Associate at M.I.T. in the Neutron Diffraction Laboratory under Prof. C.G. Shull (Nobel Laureate 1994) |
1981 | -83 Associate Professor of Physics, M.I.T. |
1983 | -90 'Außerordentlicher Universitätsprofessor', Technische Universität Wien |
1984 | Visiting Professor, University of Melbourne, Australia |
1986 | -89 Adjunct Full Professor, part-time, Hampshire College, Amherst, U.S.A. |
1988 | -89 'Universitätsprofessor' (C4, sabbatical), Techn. Univ. München |
1990-1999 | 'Ordentlicher Universitätsprofessor' (Full Professor) of Experimental Physics, Universität Innsbruck |
1995 | Visiting Professor, Collège de France, Paris |
1996-1998 | President, Austrian Physical Society |
1998 | Visiting Research Fellow, Merton College, Oxford University |
1999 | -present "Ordentlicher Universitätsprofessor" of Experimental Physics, University of Vienna |
Professor of Theoretical Physics, University of Vienna; Chairman of the Advisory Board, European Forum Alpbach, Vienna
Studium der Physik und Mathematik, Universität Wien | |
1974 | Habilitation in Theoretischer Physik |
1980 | a.o. Professor |
1981-1986 | Lehrbeauftragter an der Scuola Internazionale Superiore di Studi Avanzati, Triest |
1984-1986 | , 1990-1992, sowie 2006 Vorstand des Instituts für Theoretische Physik |
1987 | Gastprofessor an der Universität von Texas, Austin |
seit 2000 | Professor für theoretische Physik, Universität Wien |
Lehr- und Forschungsaufenthalte u. a.: | |
International Center for Theoretical Physics, Trieste; Universidad Simon Bolivar, Caracas, Venezuela; Universidad de los Andes, Bogotá, Kolumbien; Universidad Autonoma Metropolitana, Mexico; Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Cambridge, England; Albert-Einstein-Institut für Gravitationsforschung, Potsdam; Institute for Theoretical Physics, University of California, Santa Barbara |