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Group discussion on social determinants, integrated care and change

in englischer Sprache
Professor of Epidemiology, Department of Health Sciences, The University of York
Senior Fellow and Head, Integrated Care Academy, IFIC - International Foundation for Integrated Care, Oxford
Professor and Head, Research Unit of Nursing, University of Southern Denmark, Odense


Professor of Epidemiology, Department of Health Sciences, The University of York

 Trained in biological anthropology at Cambridge, nutritional sciences at Cornell and epidemiology at UC-Berkeley. Kate Pickett is Professor of Epidemiology in the Department of Health Sciences at the University of York. Her research focuses on the social determinants of health, particularly the influences of such factors as income inequality, social class, neighborhood context and ethnic density on such varied outcomes as mortality and morbidity, teenage birth, violent crime, obesity, social mobility and health-related behaviours.
 She is co-author, with Richard Wilkinson, of The Spirit Level, chosen as one of the Top Ten Books of the Decade by the New Statesman and winner of the 2010 Bristol Festival of Ideas Book Prize. The Spirit Level has sold more than 100,000 copies in the UK and is available in 18 foreign editions. Kate is also a founder and non-executive director of The Equality Trust.

Dr. rer. soc. oec. Viktoria STEIN

Senior Fellow and Head, Integrated Care Academy, IFIC - International Foundation for Integrated Care, Oxford

1992-1998 Workshops, Discussions, Educational Measures and Organisation of Various Events in the Field of Children's and Youth Participation and Children's Rights
1998-2005 Master in International Business, Vienna University for Economics and Business Administration, Vienna
2000-2002 Head of International Affairs, Austrian Students Union, Vienna University for Economics and Business Administration, Vienna
Lectures during the Orientation Week of the Vienna University for Economics and Business Administration, Vienna
2002-2004 Head of International Relations Management and Chief Financial Officer, Uniforce Junior Enterprise, Vienna
2005-2006 Project Consultant, Organizational Development, Medical University Hanover
2006 Trainee Market-Oriented Agricultural Program, FTZ - German Technical Cooperation, Ghana
2006-2010 Doctoral Programme in Economics, Vienna University for Economics and Business Administration, Vienna
2006-2007 Consultant, Focus Management (Business Consulting)
2007-2010 PhD Project and Thesis, Title: 'The Cause for Action? Decision Making and Priority Setting in Integrated Care. A Multidisciplinary Approach'
Research Assistant, Institute of Social Medicine, Center for Public Health, Medical University Vienna
since 2008 Lecturer and Programme Developer for the 'Health Care and Social Services' Summer School of the Vienna School for Clinical Research at the European Forum Alpbach
2008-2013 Lecturer for the Master Programme "Medical Informatics", in the Major "Public Health", Medical University Vienna
Regular participation in research projects of the London School for Economics on behalf of the Main Association of Austrian Social Security Institutions
Lecturer at the Children's University Vienna, organized by the City of Vienna
2010-2015 Research Assistant, PostDoc, Institute of Social Medicine, Center for Public Health, Medical University Vienna
since 2010 Course Director of the 'Health Care and Social Services' Summer School of the Vienna School for Clinical Research at the European Forum Alpbach
since 2013 Coordinator for the Regional Action Framework for Coordinated/Integrated Health Service Delivery Systems, WHO Europe
since 2017 Senior Fellow and Head, Integrated Care Academy, IFIC - International Foundation for Integrated Care, Oxford


Professor and Head, Research Unit of Nursing, University of Southern Denmark, Odense

1996 Dr.PH (Doctor of Public Health), NHV (Nordic School of Health Sciences), Gothenburg, SV
2004-2006 Regional Advisor for Nursing and Midwifery, World Health Organization (WHO), European Region
since 2005 Professor and Research leader, Research Unit of Nursing, Institute of Clinical Research, Faculty of Health Sciences, SDU
since 2008 Leader of the Danish part of EU 7th RF Programme, Interlinks: Health systems and long-term care