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Kooperation oder Konflikt zwischen europäischen internationalen Organisationen: Bestandsaufnahme, Darstellung und Beispiele

Plenary /
in deutscher Sprache
Advisor, Directorate General Communication, European Commission, Brussels
Professor of Political Science, Department of Government, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Vienna; Director, Institute for European Integration Research, Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna
Head, Information Office of the European Parliament, Vienna
Direktorin, Verbindungsbüro des Europarates zur Europäischen Union, Brüssel
Generalsekretär, Bundesministerium für europäische und internationale Angelegenheiten, Wien Chair

Dipl.-Ing. Karl Georg DOUTLIK

Advisor, Directorate General Communication, European Commission, Brussels

1964-1970 Universität für Bodenkultur, Vienna (University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences)
1970-1972 Lehigh University, Bethlehem, Pa. USA, Master of Science
1972 G. Edwin Pidcock Consulting Engineers, Allentown, Pa. USA, Environmental technology, water supply, waste water
  disposal, Project engineer
1973-1992 ETERNIT-Werke L. Hatschek AG, Wiener Neudorf, Pipe systems for Water supply and Wastewater Disposal,
  Manager for Technical Development, Sales Manager, Division Manager
1993-1997 ETERNIT Tiefbau GmbH, Wiener Neudorf, Pipe systems for water supply and waste water disposal,
  General Manager
1998-2000 European Commission, Brussels, DG Enterprise Head of Unit for "Environmental aspects of enterprise policy",
  Elaboration of enterprise aspects regarding sustainable development and environment policy
2000-2002 European Commission, Brussels, DG Enterprise Head of Unit for "Improving framework conditions for SMEs",
  Project management in the framework of perennial programs and entrepreneurial initiative, pertinent political
2002-2008 European Commission, Vienna, DG Communication, Head of the representation of the European Commission
  in Austria, Information brokering and commentatorship

Mag. Dr. Gerda FALKNER

Professor of Political Science, Department of Government, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Vienna; Director, Institute for European Integration Research, Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna

 Gerda Falkner studied political science at the University of Vienna; post-graduate degree in European integration at the College of Europe, Bruges/Belgium; post-doc research in England 1994/95; research group director at the Max Planck Institute for the Study of Societies in Cologne 1998-2003; dissertation (1992) on EU decision-making published by Europa Union Verlag, and professorial thesis (1998) on EU social policy and corporatism published by Routledge, UK; assistant professor (1992-98) and associate professor (since 1998) at the Institute of Government, University of Vienna. Gerda Falkner serves as a link between academia inside and outside the university: From 2002 to August 2008 she was Head of the Department of Political Science at the Institute for Advanced Studies. Since 2008 she has also been Director of the Institute for European Integration Research at the Austrian Academy of Sciences

Mag. Wolfgang HILLER

Head, Information Office of the European Parliament, Vienna

1979-1985 Studium der Handelswissenschaft, Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien
1985-1986 Voest-Alpine AG, Linz (Projektmanager)
1986-1990 Bundeskanzleramt, Wien (Wirtschaftliche Koordination)
1990-1991 Girocredit Bank AG, Wien (Auslandssekretariat und Auslandskreditbüro)
1992-2005 Ausübung verschiedener Funktionen in der Fraktion der SPE des Europäischen Parlaments und als Beamter der GD ADMIN der Europäischen Kommission in Brüssel
2005-2007 Stv. Leiter des Informationsbüros des Europäischen Parlaments für Österreich, Wien
seit 2007 Leiter des Informationsbüros des Europäischen Parlaments für Österreich, Wien

Dr. Verena TAYLOR

Direktorin, Verbindungsbüro des Europarates zur Europäischen Union, Brüssel

1984 - 1989 Programme Director bei Mobility International, London
seit 1989 beim Europarat, davon:
1999 - 2004 Kabinett des Generalsekretärs, davon 2002-2003 Sonderbeauftragte in Serbien-Montenegro
seit 2004 Leiterin des Europaratsverbindungsbüros mit der Europäischen Union in Brüssel

Dr. Johannes KYRLE

Generalsekretär, Bundesministerium für europäische und internationale Angelegenheiten, Wien

1966-1970 Legal studies at the University of Vienna
1970 Doctor of Law
1971-1973 Legal work at courts and banks
1973 Entry into the Austrian Diplomatic Service
1975 Diplomatic Exam, afterwards employed at the Multilateral Economic Department, the Secretariat General and Cabinet of the Minister (1976)
1985-1996 Deputy Head of the Cabinet of the Federal Minister for Foreign Affairs
1991-2002 Austrian Ambassador to the Principality of Liechtenstein with residence in Vienna
1997-2002 Chief of Protocol
since 2002 Secretary-General for Foreign Affairs

Europäische und regionale Organisationen aus der Sicht von AkteurInnen

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